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Top 10 Movies That Aren’t On Your Radar For 2018

solo an infinity war aren’t the only
movies hitting theaters this year
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
movies that aren’t on your radar for
2018 spots if he’s alive may very well
be living even at this moment as a
captive prisoner before we begin we
publish new videos every day so be sure
to subscribe for more great content for
this list we’re taking a look at movies
coming out in 2018 that you probably
haven’t heard of but should start
anticipating now number 10 o philia god
madden hidden in only a few years Daisy
Ridley has become one of Hollywood’s
fastest rising stars with her
performance and Murder on the Orient
Express and of course her iconic turnes
ray in the Star Wars films she takes
center stage in Ophelia which tackles
William Shakespeare’s Hamlet from a
fresh perspective based on Lisa Kline’s
novel this film shifts focus from Hamlet
himself to the Queen’s lady-in-waiting
many acclaimed actresses have portrayed
aphelion on the silver screen including
Kate Winslet Helena Bonham Carter and
gene Simmons since the character is
upgraded from a supporting player to the
leading lady here Ridley’s portrayal has
the potential to be the most complex
depiction of Ophelia yet you will remove
these restraints and leave this cell
with the door open
number 9 I love dogs I don’t think I can
stomach any more of this garbage in
films like The Royal Tenenbaums and
moonrise kingdom
Wes Anderson demonstrated an unusual
tendency to kill off canine companions
in brutal fashion so we can only imagine
what he has in store for us in Isle of
Dogs nobody’s giving up around here and
don’t you forget it
ever Anderson’s first stop-motion
animated feature since fantastic mr. Fox
this tale Paul is a pack of dogs that is
exiled to an island of garbage in search
of his four-legged friend a boy named
Atari Kobayashi ventures to the dump and
teams up with five locals with Japanese
authorities hot on their tails we’d say
that’s not B premise but from a
one-of-a-kind visionary like mr.
Anderson we wouldn’t expect anything
or somebody spoke his language number
eight Tully
Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody the minds
behind everyone’s favorite teen
pregnancy movie Juno team-up once again
to give us this dramedy that’s sure to
have us laughing and crying in equal
measure the film stars Charlize Theron
who previously worked with Cody and
reitman on the surprisingly poignant
young adult as a mother who discovers
her brother has hired a nanny to look
after her three children well that’s
pretty much the only information that’s
been revealed so far with the talent
involved you can definitely expect some
witty quotable lines quirky characters
and sudden emotional gut punches what
more could you want from a movie
sometimes in order to heal a few people
have to get hurt number seven mortal
engines I wish the ring had never come
to me with the Lord of the Rings Peter
Jackson took seemingly unfilmable source
material and turned in a celebrated film
franchise he could very well do the same
for mortal engines an adaptation of
Philip Reeves hit novel Jackson both
produces and corrects the steampunk
adventure although he hands over
directing duties to his longtime
collaborator Kristian rivers with
familiar names like Hugo Weaving and
Stephen Lang attached the story takes
place in a post-apocalyptic world where
cities on wheels go to battle over
resources does the idea of Mad Max fury
road meets Howl’s Moving Castle entice
you at all if so mortal engines should
be right up your alley
number six under the Silver Lake he
passed it on to me something was gonna
follow me writer director David Robert
Mitchell delivered an instant classic
width it follows which satirized several
horror tropes while still telling a
legitimately spine-chilling story and
under the Silver Lake Mitchell will take
an ambitious approach to the neo-noir
crime thriller genre the cast includes
high-profile performers Riley Keough
Topher Grace an Oscar nominee Andrew
Garfield who described the film as the
weirdest wildest most unique thing he’s
been a part of comparing Mitchell to
David Lynch Garfield noted just how
unpredictable the film’s production
could be with an endorsement like that
we can expect one of the strangest and
most invigorating movie-going
experiences of the year
number five back seat between The
The Fighter and American hustle
Christian Bale has gone through some
unbelievable on-screen transformations
over the years his Dick Cheney makeover
just might take the cake however
please former vice president of the
United States in backseat which
additionally features Sam Rockwell is
George W Bush
Steve Carell is Donald Rumsfeld and Amy
Adams is Lynne Cheney just to name a few
Adam McKay who previously won an Oscar
for the big short writes and directs
this in-depth look at the veep’s impact
on the political climate to think less
than ten years ago
Cheney was arguably the most
controversial man in Washington and
Donald Trump was hosting The Apprentice
David I’m gonna ask you to take the down
elevator you’re fired
I’m sorry to hear that number for the
man who killed Don Quixote
oh my son’s been about reality fantasy
madness sanity and Quixote encompasses
all of those while his films haven’t
always been financially successful Terry
Gilliam has given us one creative feat
after another including Time Bandits
Brazil and The Adventures of Baron
Munchausen on eight separate occasions
Gilliam’s tried to get the man who
killed Don Quixote off the ground after
almost 20 years of hitting dead ends his
passion project is finally making its
way to the silver screen since many of
Gilliam’s movies involve time travel it
sure did come as a surprise that the
story revolves around a man who leaps
between 21st century London and 17th
century La Mancha given the film’s
complicated history it’ll be fascinating
to see Gilliam’s vision brought to life
at long last
number three mute with 2009’s moon
duncan jones established himself as a
filmmaker to watch the english director
has described mute as a spiritual sequel
to his debut feature so does that mean
the film could be to moon what split was
to unbreakable well in any case the
story centers on a mute bartender played
by Alexander Skarsgard who sets out to
find his missing girlfriend in a
crime-ridden Berlin the film is already
drawing comparisons to sci-fi mysteries
like Blade Runner with Netflix acting a
distributor this is one you’ll
definitely want to add to your queue
number two first man there are no two
words in the English line
or harmful than good job
Damien Chazelle rose to prominence with
2014’s whiplash which won three Academy
Awards with his follow-up picture
la-la-land he became the youngest
individual to take home the Best
Director Oscar considering how far
Giselle has come before even hitting his
you wouldn’t think he’d be able to top
himself at this point however first man
maybe his boldest project yet
Giselle reteamed with Ryan Gosling who
plays Neil Armstrong in this true story
that builds up to the Apollo 11s
historic voyage to the moon Claire Foy
Corey Stoll and Kyle Chandler round out
an all-star cast in a film that’s sure
to be one small step further in chels
career number one god particle where’s
the original Cloverfield was one of the
most hyped movies of 2008 the ads for 10
Cloverfield Lane
seemed to pop up out of the blue at the
last minute god particle which is the
third entry in the Cloverfield franchise
appears to be following a similar
marketing pattern the film sets itself
in a space station where of course an
experiment goes totally wrong and the
astronauts aboard must fight for their
lives like its predecessors god particle
has us intrigued because so much is
clouded in mystery we are not sure how
the film will connect to the Cloverfield
universe all we know is that we’re
buying tickets for opening night crazy
is building your arc after the flood has
already come do you agree with our picks
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