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Top 10 Movie Genres That Died Out

film genres are like fashion trends big
one day and then Gone with the Wind
expected it welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top 10 movie genres that died out
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’re
looking at those popular genres that
have lost momentum and popularity over
the years or that are just not made
number 10 musicals although some of our
most beloved and classic films are
musicals like West Side Story The Sound
of Music and grease these are just not
able to turn a profit anymore early
Hollywood released original musicals all
the time while the later Hollywood
format would take popular Broadway
musicals and give them the big-screen
treatment although that still happens on
occasion with mixed results
Broadway’s booming business is now
stealing from Hollywood instead
while there’s still the occasional odd
hit like lala land or Libby’s Arab Allah
we’re lucky if we get one of these
big-budget gems a year
number nine good films either they don’t
know don’t show i don’t care about
what’s going on in the hood with the
rise of hip hop rap and urban fashion
taking over pop culture in the late 80s
it wasn’t long before young talented
african american film directors like the
Hughes brothers john singleton and Spike
Lee started sharing their experiences on
the big screen major hits like boys in
the hood and Dangerous Minds brought the
racially charged tension of the inner
city to the forefront and opened the
eyes of millions of moviegoers these
films both thrived and then quickly died
in the mid 90s pretty much the moment
the Wayans brothers decided to parody
them shattering design $3,000,000 number
eight torch report live or die on the
success of saw was something that the
horror community didn’t expect although
it was an original and engaging thriller
the studio’s decided that audiences
didn’t care much about story or
character but would keep coming back for
the gore well sadly they were right as
audiences flocked back for the endless
sequels and copycat films
movies like hostel and the collector
took a cue from the splatter films to
the 60s and aimed solely to gross fans
out the sudden rise of the torture porn
sub-genre changed the face of horror for
a few years during the 2000s but like
most horror subgenres quickly faded from
the spotlight number 7 romantic comedies
I guess I don’t remember me probably
because we’ve never met romance films
have been and always will be a popular
commodity and big hits with audiences as
the years have gone by romance has
changed with the times while we no
longer see the screwball hijinks of the
30s and 40s or the musical love stories
of the 50s and 60s the romantic comedy
had a long steady run since its Billy
Crystal and Tom Hanks days of the 1980s
when you realize you want to spend the
rest of your life with somebody you want
the rest of your life to start as soon
as possible
the quirky love affairs of films like
the proposal and failure to launch
brought rom-coms to the new millennium
but have since been dethroned by sappy
Nicholas Sparks adaptations all ROM no
com should be kissed number six y8
doesn’t my world the success of
franchises like Twilight and The Hunger
Games was so huge that you can’t blame
the studios for raiding the young adult
sections of their bookstores overnight
for ideas do you however
lightning would not strike again as
Hollywood quickly learned with
adaptations like The Mortal Instruments
the divergent series and beautiful
creatures becoming critical and some
even financial duds we don’t have power
all attempts to create the next big
franchise died quick deaths at the box
while quieter y8 adaptations did fairly
well but are rarely heard from during
the early 2010’s number five slasher
films Michael
thanks to a little film called Halloween
film studios tuned into the morbid
attraction of slasher films all kinds of
masked killers reigned supreme
throughout the 80s and revitalized the
home video market with cheap
entertaining over-the-top horror manias
although oversaturation killed the genre
dead by the 90s Wes Craven’s scream both
brought the genre back from the dead and
showed us how ridiculous slasher films
are come mid decade however thanks in
part to scream as well as the rise of
torture porn the slasher Renaissance was
butchered to death before it even had a
chance number four sound footage the
found-footage gimmick has been used
frequently in horror throughout the
years usually with mixed results the
notorious Cannibal Holocaust and the
Blair Witch Project were smart
manipulations and subversive thrill
rides however the moment Paranormal
Activity exploded into cinemas and
studio saw how much they could
accomplish with such a minut budget all
hell broke loose for a while it seemed
all horror films were using
found-footage techniques and reserved
worse and worse reviews but thankfully
they’re also now practically extinct
from our theaters the straight-to-dvd
bin though is another story
number three parody films my name it’s
pronounced frank enstein parody films
may not have always been major hits but
they were always around to send you into
a fit of giggles the blockbuster gold of
the 80s and 90s with hits like the
airplane hotshots and Naked Gun series
created comedy classics and made comedy
superstars out of serious actors like
Charlie Sheen as a Neilsen well when I
see five weirdos dressed in togas
stabbing a guy in the middle of the park
and full view of a hundred people I
shoot the best if that’s my policy
however things slowly went downhill from
there as the quality of these films
progressively declined from the Wayans
brothers and their scary movie franchise
to the abysmal attempts by Jason
Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer
my white cast
number two film walk maybe is dead more
of a product of the time
film noir was more of a stylistic choice
that grew to immense popularity in the
1940s and 50s the genres dangerous and
violent stories and mysteriously shadow
aesthetics gave the pristine Hollywood
machine some gritty realism where shrunk
and would have to pay through the nose
and you know it while the days of
Humphrey Bogart and Edward G Robinson
may be long gone we occasionally get
some grit neo noir films towards the end
of the 20th century like Blade Runner
and Basic Instinct but they’re no longer
a staple of cinemas today even so some
of the aesthetics are nevertheless used
in the early 21st century such as in
films like John wick you are working
again now I just sorted some stuff out
before we reveal our top pick here are a
few honorable mentions
she denied what music baby number one
westerns hell are some things a man just
can’t run away from sadly considered by
many modern moviegoers to be boring and
out of style
westerns saw an immediate drop in
popularity after the 1960s the star
power of John Wayne and Glenn Ford
piqued the interest of audiences and
they flocked to see daring cowboys and
Indians adventures the genre was so
popular it even took over televisions in
the 1950s while spaghetti westerns out
of Italy brought a bit of new life to
the genre and summary makes today do
fairly well like True Grit and
magnificent seven you all mostly have a
hard time finding an original and good
Western adventure to watch these days do
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