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Top 10 Movie Depictions of Hell

one sip and they’ll be trapped inside
once you’ve got both of them
you bring the flash back through the
gates let me see gladly
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
movie depictions of Hell Hey coming your
most lugubrious men for this list
whether you call it Hell Inferno Hades
of the underworld we’re collecting the
coolest and/or most entertaining
versions of the land of the dead
on the big screen number 10 you been to
Horizon the last place you expect to
find hell is in outer space
traditionally flying up towards the sky
should lead to a heavenly paradise
however for the poor crew that answers a
distress signal from the event horizon
starships things are less than heavenly
beyond the clouds there is no escape
the Gateway is open and you are all
coming with me
the crew of the event horizon an
experimental ship meant to use a gravity
drive to open a black hole has been
found massacred and the reason may be
the hem doorway to hell they
accidentally ripped open seeing in
glimpses of pure horror and torture hell
is represented more as a power than just
a mirror location here a power disabled
to trick these poor souls into eternal
number nine hell it back guys check it
what’s that that is the book of
Beelzebub the key to saving the park
taking a huge leap now to a more comical
version of the underworld the hell
represented in hell and back is just a
hell of a fun ride literally I was just
wondering where you got this book a
spirit bequeathed it and an offering
from the Dark Lord Dark Lord qui stood
on you and what does that mean when a
bunch of friends who are trying to
revive a dying carnival discover a book
with a crying devil on it they decide to
use it as their main attraction their
meddling drags them into hell through
the carnival ride appropriately called
VM gates of hell what the hell are you
doing here we’re just trying to save our
friends hurt yeah yeah yeah I’m just in
and out however this is a bizarre vision
that includes giant robots t-shirt
bazookas and sex-offender trees and of
course can only come from the minds of
people who worked on Robot Chicken from
the socket cross Japan a cannibal the
true reason for sitting Spanish meant by
God is also revealed which is a love
triangle with an angel of course lo a
good this week I’ll here’s your crisis
to handle
you really look good number eight Bill &
Ted’s bogus journey how’s it hanging
death you will charm rich me with its
original working title being Bill and
Ted go to health and a theme song titled
go to hell performed by Megadeth this
classic nineties comedy seems like an
ideal entry
translator fluent and after Bill and Ted
are killed by their evil robot
doppelganger traveled from the future in
a phone booth to stop them from becoming
famous rock stars they’re challenged by
the grim reaper otherwise known as death
you may challenge me to a context but if
you lose you will remain here in the
afterlife forever though they escaped
his clutches their souls are
subsequently sent to hell following
Missy’s earthly seance
at first the hard rockers are thrilled
to meet the Prince of Darkness that is
until their thrust into a series of
terrifying episodes where they’re forced
to relive their most traumatizing
childhood memories for all eternity
bogus shit
no way this was 10 years ago
number 7 G Goku the sinners of Hell one
of the most outrageous films of the
1960s and one of the pioneers of
Japanese horror director Navarro
Nakagawa gave the world probably the
most literal version of Hell they’d ever
seen in Eastern cinema Nadia G Morgan
London Avenue original – you didn’t
follow the novel Cheney for me my own
following storylines that feature
hit-and-runs affairs murder and rancid
fish dinners the large and varied cast
of characters in this flick all have a
couple of things in common they’re all
terrible people and they all end up dead
the final act of the film is dedicated
to the details torment and torture that
befalls all of these sinners in an orgy
of gore and visually stunning but
shocking set pieces
have hospitals and everyone did I have
unique place at this unit you know
cannot make rule number six little Nikki
hi pal welcome welcome to what what am i
Adam Sandler may not be the most beloved
actor of his generation but use
admittedly made some funny as hell
movies this isn’t really one of them but
whatever little Mickey is an original
comedy that features an incredibly
bizarre performance by Sandler as one of
Satan’s free children me what oh yeah I
read that yeah the centerpiece of the
film is not Sandler’s weird vocal choice
but the way he’ll is represented when
Nicky’s brothers decide to get revenge
on their father played with devilish
delight by Harvey Keitel Nicky is sent
to earth to stop them from creating a
new hell on earth I never been to earth
die I never expect over some other dojos
mix is the worst thing that can happen
on earth is you get killed in which case
boom you end up back here
don’t miss the special guest cameo from
Adolf Hitler in a French nurse’s outfit
it’s quite unique as punishment goes
yes Nereus
number five Constantine car based on the
DC and vertigo comics Hellblazer series
it’s no surprise that a story about John
Constantine who’s made a career out of
exorcising demons and dealing with
supernatural beings will include a visit
to eternal damnation this happens after
Constantine is asked by a detective to
investigate her twin sisters apparent
suicide since souls are damned to hell
if they commit suicide
Constantine decides to travel to the
burning underworld using a cat no left
and confirm if the twin sister is in
fact in hell
there he finds a world similar to art
but one that had been also completely
scorched and rusted over as if in the
midst of a perpetual atomic blast and
from which he narrowly escaped towards
the mindless demon number four what
dreams may come what could he do
alien no in hell that’s real dangerous
I’m losing your mind based on the
Richard mapped to novel miss 1998
fantasy film surprised audiences but
it’s brilliant set design and visual
effects earning in an Oscar and turning
it into a cult classic of visual
storytelling Robin Williams plays a man
who has suffered an immense amount of
pain in his life but his troubles aren’t
even over when he winds up in heaven
after he learns that his widowed wife
committed suicide he’s determined to
save her from Hell think about what you
said you want to bring her back although
the story takes inspiration from the
myth of Orpheus trying to Savior it is
from Hades the hell of Vincent Ward’s
film is modeled after Dante’s version of
Inferno and also features a sea of
swarming bodies and fields of buried
head where’s Tong Tong number three
South Park
bigger Longer uncut surprisingly the
only entry on our list that includes a
musical number by Satan himself
South Park bigger Longer & uncut was
expected to push some buttons there’s so
much room with babies Birdman for hours
bro everyone dreams our dreams
having only been on the air for two
years prior this big screen adaptation
has the town of South Park and the rest
of the US declare war on Canada for
their vulgar and blasphemous comedy
which is apparently infecting American
children yes the irony is intended and
absolutely hilarious when Kenny’s death
lands him in hell he crosses paths with
the likes of both Hitler and Gandhi but
finds himself at Satan’s mercy our of
your guard dog extra points to his
homosexual lover Saddam Hussein who was
actually alive as well as real president
of Iraq at the time dawn would you let
me do my job please I get this little
piggys number cute
didn’t shed no
being one of the most influential texts
of Western civilization as well as one
of the earliest modern depictions of how
in popular culture
Dante’s epic poem – Divine Comedy which
features the inferno was bound to pop up
a couple of times on this list that the
first full-length Italian film would be
based on one of the earliest texts ever
written in modern Italian vernacular
this silence elves shocked finances as
we follow Dante’s descent into various
sections of the inferno
each one reserved for different crimes
showing inventive and shocking ways in
which the various torture methods are
used on sinners this epic is worth the
watch just for the special effect alone
before we reveal our top pick here if
you want to mention
holy soul and I brought you
number one deconstructing Harry flora
five subway mothers aggressive
panhandlers and both credit losses
right-wing extremists serial killers
lawyer to appear on television when your
arrival to hell is punctuated by a long
boring elevator ride you know that
you’re definitely in for Woody Allen’s
version of the underworld many people
have wondered if they themselves are in
fact worse than the Prince of Darkness
himself what did you do I invented
aluminum siding
well Yelland Harry is a prime contender
as he’s a novelist who’s destroyed many
relationships and people with his sex
addiction narcissism and published work
dad get me out of this terrible all
right another sign of hot weather what
is this man doing here when describing
one of his many ideas for a
semi-autobiographical piece he places
himself in hell in a pissing contest
with the devil saying a kidnap hey huh
yes I did yeah
but some women are turned on by
aggressive assertive behavior yeah and
so if I suddenly kidnap their back
you kidnapped not as much of style
you’re not a fun guy too serious
I knew that too angry at life although
filled with demons and tortured soul
this hell seems all too familiar and
kind of comfortable for Harry it takes
our top spot just for its pure
ideological depiction of our own
deconstruction of our sins to evil keep
coming you agree with our list
so fag but then give my regards do
clause which underworld depictions gave
you the willies
I really gotta grow a mustache for more
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