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Top 10 Most Toxic Video Game Communities

something about our favorite video games
just brings out the worst in people
that’s wonderful is what I feel welcome
to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
most toxic video game communities for
this list we’re looking at those
communities revolving around a single
game or series of games that are
generally considered to be rude and
unwelcoming or a combination thereof
we’ll only be focusing on the video
games themselves so communities
revolving around console fanboys or the
a.m. PC master-race
will not be included as annoying as they
are and hey if you love these games and
you’re not too toxic cool story bro we
love you keep playing nice number 10
Dark Soul series
there’s no denying that these games are
spectacular featuring some of the most
impressive worlds and challenging
gameplay we’ve ever seen unfortunately
but the series is infamous difficulty
comes in the latest hardcore community
who feel as if they are superior to the
filthy casuals of gaming due to their
mastering of the complex series those
who seek help or guidance in these
notoriously opaque games are often told
to just get good which is always helpful
finally the online community isn’t so
great as it’s filled with constant
showboaters hackers and lag stabbers
adding a layer of frustration that even
the developers didn’t fully intend
number nine FIFA series soccer excuse me
football is one of the most popular
sports in the world so it’s natural that
the FIFA series would draw in millions
of players every year unfortunately a
lot of these players are cheaters and
crybabies is a school Gago getting
propably angry Oh the series has a
history with hackers ruining the
infrastructure of the games but it’s the
general attitude in the matches
themselves that annoy people the most
you’ll be lucky to even finish a game in
the first place as many players are
known to simply disconnect after letting
in a goal or two for those of us who are
lucky enough to finish we are often
treated to challenger screaming spamming
and obnoxious celebrations that’s some
great sportsmanship there boys
number eight Daisy you’re surrounded
don’t move okay it’s okay we’re not
gonna kill you
Daisy’s concept revolves around a sense
of community ironically it has since
developed into the lawless wasteland
that is known as today simply based on
the notion that people are dicks whoa
due to the nature of the game Daisy is
essentially an asshole simulator
seemingly bringing out the most sadistic
trolls in the gaming community intent on
one thing and one thing only killing you
taking your stuff and erasing hours of
progress it seems that no matter your
intentions whether you want to scavenge
in silence or approach someone with
friendly intentions you’ll end up
getting a bullet or Kos regardless we
understand that this is supposed to add
an element of danger and realism but in
the end it can get really really
annoying I don’t think we didn’t notice
you wiggle out of those handcuffs
number seven Mass Effect series how does
it look like hell take a look for
yourself it’s no secret that fans get
very involved in a good story and they
voice their displeasure when the
conclusion doesn’t satisfy their
imaginations that’s what happened with
Mass Effect 3 add to this the fact that
the game included multiplayer that
nobody really asked for and you have a
recipe for an angry mob on your hands I
would create it to bring balance to be
the catalyst for peace between organics
and synthetics voicing your opinion
against something you don’t like is
totally fine we played it and yeah the
ending kind of blows but the worst part
of this was when the retake Mass Effect
crowd trying to leverage the child’s
play charity in order to help their
cause a children’s charity guys come on
the real shame here was a there was
legitimate criticism to be made and be
Mass Effect was pretty damn good up
until that point but asked community
about it and you’re gonna hear otherwise
I don’t believe that
if we can control it why shouldn’t we be
on number six Team Fortress 2 you look
go move in move move pop 1000 faster
than that
while many players of Team Fortress 2
are perfectly fine there is a small
vocal minority that makes the game
unbearable for everyone especially for
new players the game seems to draw a lot
of elitist gamers who believe that they
are kind of better than everyone and
being boat kicked for playing poorly or
playing as the wrong character is not
uncommon in this one all you guys do is
kids play like good little gears what up
King century in the middle and it won’t
happen this is on top of the constant
whining about minis on high tower
despite it being a perfectly legal and
legit form of playing and the incessant
complaining about bad or inexperienced
teammates if you’ve never played this
game but I’ve always wanted to check it
out we recommend you mute the chat at
least for the first few months pals up
game garbage display of heavy Jesus King
Christ number 5 counter-strike series
come on me prep your mom’s probably dead
while the counter-strike games may be a
blast to play the community and global
offenses community in particular can be
so darn toxic than it might negate any
sense of fun you might have the games
always devolve into a massive children
screaming into the microphone vocal
abuse towards other players higher
ranked players getting unnecessarily
upset teen killers dear anchors and of
course griefers I’ve been pulling so
many noobs on it if that wasn’t all the
servers are all so poorly managed
encouraging shady tactics send in some
cases hacking to truly experience this
series it’s best to find some buddies to
play with because the people you’ll be
randomly matched with are a mixed bag to
say the least
number four minecraft how long do you
think that thing’s the mouse up oh no
one will take to demolish this house
don’t you worry about that it’s well
well on its way right now to being
completely flat oh yeah
while many people in the Minecraft
community will work together and create
magnificent things there are others who
do the exact opposite particularly on
public servers unfortunately with
popular games come immature gamers and
minecraft is filled to the brim with
I have a little surprise for you oh
you’ll see not only will they spam the
chat function with garbage but others
will actually troll and destroy other
player’s creations at will the malicious
behavior even led to the popularization
of the term griefing as minecraft became
well known for its troublesome players
this has become a serious problem for
server admins and neutral gamers alike
number three halo series what’s that are
you doing who do you think you are back
in the day halo was the pinnacle of the
online multiplayer experience as halo 2
perfected the art of Xbox Live and
became immensely popular however due to
its popularity it has drawn both
children childish adults and new fans
who do nothing but clash with the old o
most games devolve around childish
screaming matches and immature
teabagging while the forums are filled
with arguments regarding the quality of
each game compared to the next old fans
want the classic halo gameplay returned
and whine about every new gameplay
element that 343 implements new fans
enjoy the experience and progress both
sets do nothing but argue with each
other can’t we just play the game and
have fun No
okay oh this is war number 2 Call of
Duty series I don’t care what you have
now I’m gonna get six free kills on you
cuz you’re cheating your ass off you’re
the one trying to cheat I’m just trying
to play fair perhaps one of the most
infamous team
Unity’s in video gaming are the Call of
Duty fans well we say fans extremely
lightly because it seems that no one
actually enjoys playing these games they
just complain about certain aspects well
this is boyfriend I thought into the
microphone every two seconds or
something not many online discussions a
lot of which feature people who don’t
actually play revolve around how these
games are literally the worst of all
time and players declaring that they’ll
never buy another Call of Duty game
again because they’re all the same man
yet they still continue to buy every
iteration the online portion is also no
picnic as it is well known for the whiny
children all of which are either
spamming accusing good players of
hacking or just being really loud and
annoying in general you know how nerdy
that is you up in real life no you
wouldn’t I gotta hear you’re a little
bit to kill your ass you sound like you
weigh 120 pounds pleased number1 League
of Legends and dota 2 because you’re
you can’t soloqueue because your penis
is so small you can’t even play this
game correctly where to begin with these
two gamers typically reference League
and dota when speaking about how toxic
MOBA communities can be and for good
reason something about these games just
seems to bring out the worst in people
as you will hear some of the most
profane racist an inappropriate language
you will ever hear while playing again
your thought it kills me though yet can
get a don’t they oh god dammit rethought
players can sabotage teammates with
intentional feeding and verbally abuse
other gamers for performing poorly many
remain unapologetic in light of their
behavior and gotten so bad that major
gaming websites have actively written
about the problem but perhaps the worst
part of all is how the two communities
are incredibly hostile to each other why
can’t they just get along and be nice to
each other that’s a very good question
let’s you’re not committing off you got
offline bar oh you kidding me can help
I’m reporting this I’ll play smash multo
reports do you agree with our list know
what fan bases have made you mute your
chat for good or more user friendly top
10s published every day be sure to
subscribe to now if you’ll
excuse me I’m off to water plants in
Animal Crossing no toxicity there
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