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Top 10 Most Evil Women in History

as girls they may have been made of
sugar and spice and everything nice but
as women they were pure evil welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten evil
women in history number 10
Karla Homolka in 1990 canadiens Karla
Homolka and her future husband Paul
Bernardo raped Homolka z’ own sister
then let her choke to death on her own
vomit not satisfied the pair raped and
killed two other teenagers over the next
couple of years claiming she was forced
to kill by Bernardo Homolka copped a
manslaughter plea by the time videotaped
evidence proved she was no victim it was
too late and she got away with a 12-year
sentence Kyle had misled the authorities
about her involvement in the crimes on
the videos she was seen fully
participating in the attacks at the tape
surfaced earlier they could have
affected her infamous plea deal number
Beverly allit over a two-month period in
1991 British nurse Beverly Alek murdered
four children in her care
by various means she also tried to
murder three more and seriously injured
six others labelled the angel of death
allit was found guilty and sentenced to
13 terms of life imprisonment hopefully
they don’t let her help out at the
prison infirmary number eight
Leonarda Cianciulli the love of a mother
is a great thing except when taken to
extremes case in point
Leonardo Chan Chile in Italy in the late
1930s Chan shulie son was drafted
believing only human sacrifices could
keep her Sonny boys safe she brutally
killed three of her neighbours she then
boiled them and turned them into tea
cakes and soap spawning her nicknamed
the soap maker of qiraji Oh number seven
Myra Hindley derided by the press as the
most evil woman in Britain Myra Hindley
and her partner Ian Cross carried out
the Moors Murders in the early 1960s
their victims whom they also tortured
and sexually assaulted were five
children and teenagers
coldness and indifference to her deeds
made her one of the most reviled women
in the country until her death in 2002
number 6 Mary and cotton some people
just can’t hold their arsenic just ask
Mary Anne cotton a notorious 19th
century British serial killer who even
inspired a child’s nursery rhyme cotton
is estimated to have poisoned as many as
21 people including 12 of her own
children three husbands her mother and a
lover but the hangman got back at her
legend has it he intentionally used the
wrong length of rope so her death would
be longer and more painful number five
Lizzie Borden Lizzie Borden of
Massachusetts also inspired a macabre
Surry rhyme but hers is inaccurate
Lizzie Borden took an axe and gave her
mother 40 whacks and when she saw what
she had done she gave her father 41 mrs.
Borden only got 18 or 19 whacks her
father 10 or 11 also there’s a lot of
debate as to whether Lizzie really did
this dirty deed at all the jury at her
1892 trial acquitted her of the crime to
be honest we can’t be sure either way
not because of the evidence but because
the nursery rhyme is so damn catchy
number four Belle Gunness gun is his
thought to have killed at least 25
people but the real number might
actually be closer to 40 she killed her
own children as well as a long string of
gullible husbands and suitors called a
female Bluebeard Gunness may have been
done in by her partner in crime but
that’s never actually been confirmed
after all how do you explain the fact
that the supposed corpse of the
murderess was several inches shorter
than the 6 foot tall Gunness
number three Elsa Koch it’s tough to
choose between Elsa Koch the bitch of
Buchenwald and Irma Grese II the beast
of belsen both were vile Nazis but we
give the edge to Koch the wife of the
commander of two notorious concentration
camps Koch tortured and defiled
prisoners and enjoyed selecting those
destined for the gas chambers supposedly
she also cut tattoos from dead prisoners
to keep as souvenirs convicted of crimes
against humanity after World War two
she later hung herself in prison no
tears were shed Ilsa was charged with
personally selecting prisoners for
murder a gruesome selection of skins and
shrunken heads were shown to the court
number two
Mary the first of England kings and
queens have been known to kill at the
drop of a hat Mary the first of England
also known as Bloody Mary was more
systematic wanting to restore
Catholicism to England she simply burned
a bunch of Protestants 283 to be exact
her most heartless murder may have been
that of the Archbishop of Canterbury he
renounced Protestantism and rejoined the
Catholic faith but she went ahead and
burned him anyway not bloody sporting
before we unveil our number one pick
here are a few honorable or in this case
dishonorable mentions I want to come
clean tell the world that killed those
men first degree robbed and killed him
to keep from any witnesses at the
abattoir worker
turned her skills on her husband and
served her mum for the kids she wasn’t
she was just evil sitting was convicted
back in 1987 of killing her 4 month old
daughter Tammy Lynn smothering her with
a pillow
tinning had nine children all of them
died in infancy or just beyond his wife
Roche was convicted of 10 counts of
murder including that of her own child
Heather number 1 Elizabeth báthory and
the most evil woman in all of history
Elizabeth báthory a Hungarian countess
of the 16th and 17th centuries she
enjoyed luring young women to her castle
to torture mutilate and kill them just
for kicks the estimated number of her
victims goes as high as 650 legend has
it that Bathory bathed in the blood of
her victims it’s probably not true but
we wouldn’t put anything past the blood
countess do you agree with our list who
do you think of the most evil women in
history for more diabolical top 10s
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