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Top 10 Most Disappointing Games of the 2010s

let this be a lesson kids never buy the

hype welcome to and today

we’ll be counting down our picks for the

top 10 most disappointing games of the

before we begin we publish new content

every day so be sure to subscribe to our

channel and ring the bell to get

notified about our latest videos budgets

are swelling and games are getting more

expensive to produce however that

doesn’t necessarily mean you’re gonna

get more for your money we’re counting

down games that while not necessarily

bad fell short of public expectation

number 10 watchdogs you leave me

standing here for 45 minutes in this

demarco art bullshit charity Ubisoft’s

new IP wowed everyone when it was first

revealed it boasted fantastic effects

textures and character models that

really showed off what their next-gen

hardware was capable of right wrong it

turned out that the final product

couldn’t hold a candle to what we were

promised in fact it didn’t really look

all that much better than any of the

other games on the market the open world

and hacking focused gameplay was a cool

concept Brisingr player game but in

multiplayer modes gamers spent long

stretches of time sitting around and

hoping to not get noticed

that’s not exactly what we’d call

with blockbuster games like Halo and the

other Halo games under their belt

bungees experience creating sci-fi first

person shooters was pretty much on

challenge producing destiny should have

been a pretty safe bet while the core

mechanics and gunplay were solid many of

the strikes and raids felt like they

required the worst possible grind to

obtain rare loot standing at the

entrance of a cave and shooting blindly

through waves of enemies doesn’t sound

fun although they definitely patched

that out future expansions fixed a lot

of the issues gamers were expecting at

launch but those few months were

daunting to say the least and it doesn’t

seem like they’ve really learned their

lesson with destiny two enemy captured

number eight Resident Evil 6 the sixth

installment in Capcom’s critically

acclaimed survival horror franchise

wasn’t really bad on its own but there

was a noticeable drop in quality

compared to other games in the series

with three separate campaigns featuring

beloved characters both old and new fans

were expecting a return to form with

this latest title instead there was a

shift to action-oriented gameplay but

basically no one really wanted rather

than isolation tension and sheer horror

gamers were given explosions and bullets

sponge zombies that took forever to kill

with the excellence of the Prime series

left behind veins were drooling over

what samus’s next great 3d adventure

would bring and it was a bit of a

letdown when it came out throwing away

basically everything we loved about the

great series Nintendo focused on giving

us a story heavy game that was very

badly voice-acted even worse was how

they reduced the no-nonsense toughest

male Samus into an emotional weak willed

foot soldier wow she’s such a great

bounty hunter right I knew I had to talk

to the person in charge the game was a

weird 2d 3d hybrid which also made

environments shockingly linear and

combat very boring these shifting

perspectives each time he accidentally

turned the Wiimote just made the

gameplay a nightmare – number 6 Star

Wars Battlefront 2015 we’re not sure why

it’s so hard to make a good Star Wars

game these days there’s gotta be a

reason what could it be a sorry what

anyway not even this cutting-edge title

in the series met fans expectations

while blasting through enemies feels

great multiplayer matches don’t do a

whole lot to differentiate themselves

from other online shooters aside from

the Star Wars license there just wasn’t

enough content both offline or online to

encourage players to give the rest of

the game a playthrough gameplay is

fast-paced and exciting sure but the

lack of maps and unimaginative weapons

demonstrate the developers lack of

referencing the source material adding

insult to injury the second one was a

bit of a controversial release – number

the most important thing basic aspect of

any game is being able to actually play

it and right off the bat

ei couldn’t even manage that with Sim

City forcing players to connect to

online cloud servers absolutely hammered

EA at launch making it so that gamers

couldn’t even log on after purchasing

the damn thing as if that wasn’t bad

enough the maximum City sizes were

laughably small which limited both

player creativity and replay value

ultimately this watered-down DLC riddled

game in the series was such a letdown

that thousands of gamers still refuse to


number four Final Fantasy 13 series if

we can stop this by doing nothing


well do nothing since its inception

Final Fantasy was considered the pretty

much gold standard in JRPGs held in high

regard amongst iconic franchises like

The Legend of Zelda it was hard to

imagine that any entry in this acclaimed

series could be anything less than

stellar denial was really strong despite

reviews but gamers eventually had to

accept that this game really just wasn’t

that good the plot was confusing and


and while the environments and

characters look great they were

incredibly annoying and lacked the charm

of those found in earlier titles the

loyal following a dot prompted two

sequels but each released did little to

fix fan complaints this pushed the

notion that these games were just being

milked for all they were worth bad form

was it matter if wet ninja number three

a lot of us are probably guilty for

buying into this multimillion-dollar

hype over a procedurally generated indie

game but we’re not responsible for all

the misinformation that surrounded this

title during development no you can’t

really run into other players yes you

can actually make a beeline to see

what’s at the center of the universe

within a few hours and yes the

infinitely expansive game world has very

little to offer gamers who are tired of

aimlessly exploring and mining desolate

planets patches helped to steer the game

back in the right direction sure but it

just wasn’t enough to bring back the

legions of gamers who dropped it as soon

as it was released number 2 aliens

colonial marines originally announced in

2001 as having a plot that would be

canon to the film series oh this one

built up an incredible amount of hype as

you can imagine like mini game tie-in

movies though it crashed and burned in

so many spectacular ways the game is a

glitchy mess of poorly programmed and

exploitable AI which is basically

inexcusable in any game let alone one

with a 12-year development cycle

oh and the story makes literally no

sense like none how can a plot tie into

the film’s when it brings back dead

characters with no explanation and then

contradicts itself endlessly in the end

it’s just not that fun to play and it’s

unworthy of your time and the license

before we unveil our top pick here are a

few dishonorable mentions the tracks

make it look like an ambush fix the rock

art profile it’s a start

number one Duke Nukem Forever a parody

of action stars that spelt one-liners

while punchin aliens in the face Duke

Nukem was the coolest guy around in the

90s this ill-fated follow-up was

announced in 1996 yeah you heard that

right and the disappointment is every

bit a product of that 15-year wait when

it was finally released it seemed okay

at first glance the very average

gameplay coupled with very acceptable

graphics didn’t ruin it however the

iconic humor wall still present too

often shifted into cringe-worthy moments

eventually removing any sense of

nostalgia for the original which is kind

of hard it’s a shame cuz this title

really tarnished Duke Nukem legacy I’ve

got a bad feeling about this

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