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Top 10 Most Disappointing Anime of All Time

these anime makers as proud as yangjia’s
parents welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top ten disappointing anime of all
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’ll
be looking at the shows that aren’t
necessarily bad but they most certainly
didn’t live up to their full potential
and as a result left a lot of fans
feeling deflated music SiC number 10 the
lost village okay forget about that not
being awful thing for this entry in
order to find a new haven away from
modern society a bunch of misfits or
board a bus and then head out to the
mysterious Annunaki village sounds like
the premise for a decent psychological
thriller right well that quickly falls
apart as the show tries to balance out a
weak plot with 30 different characters
the majority of which might as well be
cardboard cutouts in just 12 episodes
throwing a lack of scares and you can
easily label this one a fail cool
looking it Kiril cuter number 9 robotics
notes was unbelievable do you think you
could show me again not right now thanks
we can’t say enough good things about
steins gate it is one of if not the
perfect example of how to take a visual
novel and adapt it into an intriguing
heartfelt and well paced series what
with being a spiritual successor this
series had a lot to live up to it then
proceeded to stumble and eventually
break apart of the seams too bad
even if you look past the massive shadow
that steins gate cast the way this show
is unable to tie its loose ends and
fails to make robot fighting tournaments
as awesome as they could be it’s a huge
letdown okay I guess number 8 Tokyo
ghoul route a
while not exactly living up to the
potential of it’s masterful manga
counterpart the original Tokyo ghoul
anime certainly managed to hit a lot of
the right notes and interesting world
elements of true horror some truly
uncomfortable moments it made fans eager
to see what came next and what did come
next a series that decided to tell a
story that made absolutely no sense why
did connect II decided to join the
people who tortured him while all the
major plot points glossed over and why
in god’s name did you skip the final
battle number seven kids neither we
loved studio trigger they’ve given us
some of the most enjoyable and crazy
anime in recent history however that’s
not to say they aren’t immune to failure
after the awesomeness that was killer
kill we all had high hopes for their
next project which unfortunately ended
up being kids neither I guess they’re
not much like ninja Slayer the animation
this see recently looked the part but it
had so little substance that it’s sci-fi
narrative about several strangers
sharing pain with each other just made
for an unremarkable viewing experience
number six Alden oa0 camino de Peau
amoebas and even iran i notice
intergalactic conflict giant mecha love
triangles or any of these things
sounding familiar in a genre as
saturated as this one unless you have
the name Gundam in the title you’d
better have something up your sleeve in
order to separate yourself from the rest
of the crowd so what does Alden oa0 have
well with the premise put together by
anime God gun or a Bochy and a pretty
stacked say who cast quite a lot for the
most part Alden oa0 was pretty damn good
but CSUN ting totally copped out after
the jaw-dropping season 1 finale we
won’t spoil it but it killed any
emotional investment we heard number 5
Ace Attorney we’re not sure how you mess
something like this up people have been
begging for an anime adaptation of this
video game series for years well when it
finally happened it failed to live up to
the source material by condensing the
iconic cases and as a result the
whodunit aspect doesn’t come across as
engaging as it should mmm oh the
production quality is pretty subpar
simply put we object to this anime total
madness the high number for psychopaths
– moody last United
Neil coitus we really should have seen
this coming as soon as kogami gotten
that boat while we’re all for a kanay
taking up the reins of the series and
showing us just how far she’s come
unfortunately for her everything around
her is pretty much a complete rehash
when is the intrigue and grit of course
yoshino-kun amaz youkai toto
how can these new relationships pale in
comparison to watching out with a
previous team the villain isn’t really
anything to sing home about after the
previous clash with makishima it really
does feel that they were recycling what
made the fear series great and as a
result it just ends up being a cheap
copy of itself you would touch on the
corner number three Devil May Cry oh
yeah no olives be sure to make it a
large don’t forget he kills demons he
saves the world and eats pizza that’s
Dante give us Capcom’s banish devil
Slayer in all his glory and will be able
to forgive any and all floors alas this
is not the Dante we know and love both
here in this series are absurdly
underwhelming the battles have no bite
to them and it’s seriously lacking the
son of Sparta’s cheesy chance with each
episode dedicated to a different case
you would have thought that the anime
would have packed each of them with
exciting foes for dante to slice into
pieces spoiler alert he doesn’t and
you’re better off playing the games
number two cabin airy of the Aisne
an original anime by Studio wits
character designs by the fella who did
macros a ridiculous budget this anime
had all the makings of a masterpiece but
it wasn’t instead we got characters with
nonsensical ambitions and paper-thin
plot mine on your copper nitty concern
is changed our customizable it’s just a
shame because the show started out so
promising but with the introduction of
the Shogun’s son Bieber it all kinda
went to it’s visually stunning but
oh so disappointing number 1 berserk
why why would you do this to bazooka the
1997 series certainly had to cut some
corners but it managed to use it to its
and as a result created one of the most
haunting violent and beloved animated
dates and what do you do you ruin the
chance of continuing the story by
drenching the show in the worst
animation imaginable Kosaku go to there
if that wasn’t bad enough they take so
many liberties with the narrative and
crank up the pacing that it barely gives
the show any time to breathe griffith
may have done nothing wrong but this
series sure did do you agree with our
picks check out these other great clips
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