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Top 10 Most Controversial Video Game Reviews

how dare you have an opinion welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 most
controversial video game reviews before
we begin we publish new videos every day
so be sure to subscribe for more great
content for this list we’re looking at a
video game reviews that caused outrage
and hysteria amongst the gaming
IGN gave kills on to a nine point four
gears – which is not even the
first-person shooter got a 9.5 it’s one
tenth better number 10 Assassin’s Creed
Destructoid of course deep breath ah Jim
sterling is definitely a controversial
figure in the world of gaming and his
review for the universally acclaimed
Assassin’s Creed 2 was definitely no
sterling gave this sequel head-shaking
4.5 on 10 which was lower than the score
for the first title claiming it to be
mind-numbing lis repetitive with
puzzlingly bad graphics and piss-poor
animation users immediately called
sterling a troll who is intentionally
stirring up controversy for attention
and cliques while others simply called
him quote an utter dumbass and that was
probably the last time that gamers
defended Ubisoft from sterling
apparently they do exist
I imagine they’ve yet to be discovered
number 9 Grand Theft Auto 5 GameSpot or
perhaps you start by digging deep into
the game’s story problems or it’s
serious issues with women this
controversy was a response to GameSpot’s
review of Grand Theft Auto 5 in which
critic Carolyn fatigue brought up issues
regarding the game’s treatment of women
claiming that it quote celebrates sexism
this went about as well as you’d expect
in the gaming community as Carolyn was
quickly labeled feminists scum among
many other colorful things and a
petition was created calling for her
immediate termination from GameSpot
suffice to say the petition was
ultimately unsuccessful it’s deeply
frustrating that its world has little
room for women except to portray them as
strippers prostitutes long-suffering
wives humorless girlfriends and goofy
New Age feminists were meant to laugh at
number 8 pray i GN my experience with
prey on pc started out promising but
after 40 hours in this atmospheric
first-person RPG is to send it into a
literally unplayable technical nightmare
if you were a professional video game
ran into a gamebreaking bug what would
you do score the game based on what
you’d already experienced delay the
review subtract major points for its
major technical issue this is the
situation that I gns dan Stapleton found
himself in when his review copy of prey
ran into a game breaking bugs that
corrupted his save file not once not
twice but thrice with the third case
being a save file that the developer
provided Stapleton enjoyed the game
aside from that but his wall hitting
experience led him to score game 4 on 10
this severely tarnished prey score on
metacritic and led many others to
declare that quote gaming journalism was
the score has since been remedied but
the review already left its mark when
after 34 hours my recent saves all
became corrupted and going back hours to
one that worked soon ran into a wall of
constant crashes while loading new zones
number 7 kills out 2x play come on Sam
let’s go who knew that a perfect review
could cause so many people to lose their
friggin minds after GeForce X play gave
Killzone 2 a perfect five-on-five score
both Microsoft and Saudi fans went
collectively haywire forcing Adam
Sessler to go on air and defend himself
and the company from the abhorrent
comments directed towards them Wow III
have to say I saw it coming I saw it
binoculars looking out there ooh there’s
a flame war that’s been brewing I never
thought it would delve into the level of
stupidity that actually manifested his
help on our website Sony fans took
offense to the lack of enthusiasm over
the game despite the perfect score while
Microsoft fans complained about X plays
supposed bias against their console then
did all cons Esler to have a bit of a
breakdown that they were almost upset
that the game is as good as it is bet
their attitude in the review would be
more upbeat if we’re a 360 exclusive Joe
Joe you delusional number 6 uncharted
for a thief’s and IGN uncharted for a
thief’s end is a remarkable achievement
and blockbuster storytelling and
graphical beauty feast your eyes
gentlemen if you scored 90 on a test we
you go insane and personally attack your
teacher no really well that’s what
happened to IGN
Lucy O’Brien who found herself on the
receiving end of some seriously
pissed-off fanboys after giving
uncharted 4 a 9 on 10 she called the
game a quote remarkable achievement and
praised nearly every aspect – a bloated
third act this con uncharred fans to
lose their friggin minds showing
complete discussed that IGN scored a
recent called Duty title hire and
showering personal abuse on O’Brien over
her rating even though O’Brien never
personally reviewed a Call of Duty game
for IGN keep in mind this is over though
it’s let down by a lack of imagination
and some self-indulgence especially in a
third act that drags on far too long
uncharted 4 carries on the series proud
tradition of peerless polish and style
with a great multiplayer component to
boot number 5
Pokemon Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire
IGN back in 2002 pokemon ruby and
sapphire became the 3rd installments in
the pokemon RPG series and the most
popular gameboy advance games of all
IGN’s review of this title will
undoubtedly go down in infamy and will
probably live on in Pokemon culture for
years the review was practically glowing
with praise throughout but the score
ended up being a curiously low seven
point eight on ten in the review
summation points were dunked for the
game having too many eight gems and for
having too much water
despite being set on numerous islands
this cost bans hours of laughs as they
tore into the review criticizing the
summary and making jokes out of it in
the process and thus the too much water
IGN beam was born you also have to
navigate many bodies of water which
makes much of the late game incredibly
tedious number four Alien Resurrection
using the left and right analog sticks
for first-person movement and aiming now
seems like second nature however back in
the year 2000 this was a foreign concept
and we have this review to prove it
alien resurrection is considered to be
one of the pioneers behind this control
scheme but at the time this layout
completely baffled GameSpot Steven
Garret who criticized the game for this
setup claiming quote the games control
setup is its most terrifying element the
left analog stick moves you forward back
and strafe right to left while the right
analog stick turns you and can be used
to look up and down but if that
hilarious flaw wasn’t facepalm worthy
enough the ending of the review
suggested quote fans will probably be
better off waiting for Fox’s recently
announced aliens colonial Marines
for the PlayStation 2 good advice guys
good advice
number three The Legend of Zelda breath
of the wild the gym quiz ition the
weapon durability systems should fuck
off out of video games forever
and never come back because they’re not
fun they’re a pain in the ass and I
personally hate them which is grounds
for me presenting this belief as an
objective factor rather than a
subjective opinion remember when we said
that Jim sterling was a controversial
after leaving Destructoid and venturing
out on his own sterling still enjoys
mixing it up as evidenced by his review
of the new Zelda title this game
received near unanimous perfect scores
but sterling gave it a 7 out of 10
citing a number of flaws and
imperfections in another wise solid
Zelda game not only was this complete
heresy in the eyes of Zelda fans but his
review also dropped the Metacritic score
from 98 to 97 which meant it was no
longer time for the site’s second
highest rated game this was the last
straw and his sight was ddos’d
by rabid crazy friggin fans number two
Drift 3r aka driver 3 PSM 2 and Xbox
for those of you who don’t remember the
mess that was driver three gate here’s
the four one one most outlets gave this
game threes and sevens out of ten but
two magazines TSM 2 and Xbox world had
given the title spit-take worthy nine on
pens months earlier forcing many to
launch an investigation both outlets
were owned by future PLC and many
believed that they keep glowing reviews
in exchange for exclusivity along with
that critical post on games radar also
owned by future were suspiciously
deleted and some positive posts were
traced to a marketing company who had
previously admitted to using shills and
forums not a good look guys of one Kane
and Lynch
dead men GameSpot necessarily like this
average at best game was given an
appropriate 6 on 10 review from Jeff
Gerstmann of GameSpot and no one was
particularly surprised that is of course
until it was announced that Gershman had
been fired from GameSpot suspicions
quickly grew when many noticed that the
game was heavily advertised on said site
while Gershman was forced to stay quiet
on the matter to Dwayne non-disclosure
agreement he has since admitted that the
poor review was a big reason for his
termination as AI dos threatened to pull
advertising from GameSpot in retribution
things worked out for Grossman in the
end however as he went on to co-found
giant bomb which was later bought by CBS
Interactive the same company that owns
games by from my perspective we did what
an editorial team does we did we were
supposed to be doing we reviewed games
we instructed people about the quality
of games and and were completely honest
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