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Top 10 Marlon Brando Performances

he’s one of the most talented and
temperamental actors in history it’s
much heavier than I imagined
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down our picks for marlon
brando’s top ten performances number ten
the score kicking off our list is
Brando’s last role before his death the
two Vito Corleone’s unite for method
acting at its finest
and bring Ed Norton along for the ride
now you gotta tell me the the magic word
all right I’m gonna do it good good
Jesus sweetheart para sweet huh the
temperamental Brando puts on a show as
an extravagant and often funny criminal
and makes us wish he hadn’t retired
though the film food probably disagrees
also Brando was winging it in half of
his scenes with De Niro
but that’s fine with us number nine
carmine Sabatini the freshman Brando may
have retired from acting in 1980 but
that didn’t really keep him from taking
movie roles here he reprises his
Godfather Part sorta two great comedic
success go figure
that’s how I know you little bit oily
I’m dealt down like a real son
oh I don’t know what so I never
oh did you know Brando was funny
eccentric yes
talented obviously but funny not really
Brando makes the film plain and simple
without him it would just be average
number eight major Lloyd ace groover
sayonara the already established Brando
lends gravitas to this story of
interracial love and his supporting cast
helps it even more the internal struggle
against his own intolerance swiftly
turns to certainty when he makes his
final decision but Knightley must do the
right thing what he’s talking about the
right thing we’ve been wasting two good
lives trying to do the right thing the
right thing for might surprise you the
right thing for my father resting for
the military the right thing for
Japanese tradition right thing for the
great white race and showcases the best
of Brando against objections by the
higher-ups he put on a southern accent
for this role but the director later
withdrew his protests and dubbed
Brando’s performance perfection
number seven Johnny straggler the wild
one Brando inspires fans to Don Vicks
sideburns slanty caps and leather
jackets for a ride on their motorcycles
this is a seminal Brando role not only
for his superb acting in charisma but
also for the iconic cool quotient of his
character I wouldn’t waste my time on
the square like you but I want to knock
myself out for I’m gonna take you back
and dump you come on where you going
it’s almost been ruined by copycats but
ignore them and you’ll remember why this
movie is such an enduring piece of pop
culture number six
Mark Antony Julius Caesar Brando was
nominated for for Best Actor Oscars in a
row including one for Julius Caesar his
part in this Shakespeare classic is one
of the roles that helped establish him
as the most unique and talented actor of
our time critics worried he wasn’t up to
the part but were proven wrong by
Brando’s authoritative performance I
come to bury Caesar not to praise Him
the evil that men do lives after them
the good is oft interred with their
bones so let it be with Caesar the noble
Brutus hath told you Caesar was
ambitious if it was so it was a griever
spoke all of Rome was helpless but to
listen number five
Paul Last Tango in Paris though this
movie is notorious for its brutal sexual
content Last Tango also features some of
Brando’s most impressive acting if you
can get past the rape and other
scandalous scenes you see our star as a
lonely widower who acts desperately to
avoid his problems
tell me something sweet smile at me and
say it was I just misunderstood go on
tell me this movie was released the same
year as The Godfather and helped
momentarily boost his sagging career
with yet another Oscar nod number 4
Colonel Walter Kurtz Apocalypse Now all
it took to get Brando in this film was
millions of dollars in exchange for a
month’s work Brando showed up on set
larger than life literally his weight
gain necessitated black clothes creative
camera shots and a rewrite of the ending
horror horror has a face and you must
make a friend of horror horror and moral
terror no matter Brando still makes an
almost mythical appearance that lives up
to the hype both in the movie and in
life number three Terry Malloy on the
waterfront this movie finally won Brando
Oscar gold and for good reason
not only does he shine as a wannabe
boxer he also largely ad-libbed the
film’s most famous scene you don’t
understand I could have had class I
could have been a contender I could have
been somebody
instead of a bum which is what I am
let’s face it director Elia Kazan deemed
Brando’s performance as a dockworker who
rats on his union to be the best film
performance ever no other actor could
pull off the duality of this part on the
one hand a tough guy on the other a
tender soul number 2 Don Vito Corleone
The Godfather
by this point Brando was a diva he
lengthened shoots cost a fortune
and usually came to work with an
attitude that’s why he was almost not
cast as Don Vito someday they might
never come out call upon you to do a
service but until that day except this
justice as a gift on my daughter’s
wedding day
fortunately Francis Ford Coppola fought
for him and it’s a good thing he did or
we wouldn’t have such an unforgettable
role to put on lists like this believe
it or not randos Oscar speech almost
manages to eclipse this memorable role
I’m representing Marlon Brando this
evening and he has asked me to tell you
that he very regretfully cannot accept
this very generous award almost number
one Stanley Kowalski a streetcar named
desire taking the top spot on our list
is the role that made Brando a star
after building his name in the Broadway
version of this Tennessee Williams play
he brings the same intensity and
melancholy to the film with this part he
single-handedly revolutionizes method
acting and gives one of the most
significant performances in cinema
history the fact he lost the Oscar is
still considered highway robbery Marlon
Brando is considered one of the most
influential actors of all time so he
must have lots of great roles subscribe
to tell us which of your favorites we’ve
left out and I refuse to be a fool
dancing answering hell Biola’s make
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