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Top 10 Laser Gun Battles in Movies

anything else phased plasma rifle in the
forty watt range hey just what you see
where would we be without these staples
of science fiction warfare ready phasers
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
laser gun movie battles baby that man is
playing Galaga for this list we’re
looking at the best or most memorable
big screen battle scenes involving laser
guns Frank and rocky for it to count as
a battle there must be at least two
people fighting each other and this
should go without saying but both sides
need to be using laser guns at some
point we’re also excluding spaceships
forces strong and lightsaber battles and
limiting it to one battle per film what
I was going into tosche station to pick
up some power converters though you may
see more than one battle per franchise
you got it number 10 the Battle of New
York the Avengers
in the Battle of New York loki opens a
portal in the sky unleashing the alien
ship tari on the population of the city
and Earth’s Mightiest Heroes bike back
the attackers carry devastating blasters
of their own but they’re no match for
Iron Man’s repulsors I know just where
to put it not to mention his wrist
mounted lasers then there’s black widows
uncanny ability to commandeer enemy
weapons 1 million against six
the aliens never really stood a chance
number nine Rock’em Sock’em lasers robot
jocks ready for waldo took years before
pacific rim’ took giant fighting robots
to a whole new level
robot jocks deployed some epic Rock’em
Sock’em style action green lasers
installed in the shoulder turrets check
can I go out now dad in a
post-apocalyptic future countries settle
their disputes the old-fashioned way by
sending two warriors into a one-on-one
battle only this time inside of giant
mechanical robots
when the film’s protagonist Achilles
takes on one of his greatest foes the to
heat up the battle by firing laser
cannons at each other sweet thought the
green laser was a secret weapon hard to
keep secret to this business too many
damn spies number 8 Hawkman attack Flash
Gordon stop barber oh look Hawkman with
laser guns are attacking a giant manned
rocket set to the music of Queen
comments wrong no you’re not having an
acid flashback that’s actually the plot
from Flash Gordon
when the war rocket Ajax is dispatched
against flash the forces of Maine get
more than they bargained for
the winged laser gun wielding soldiers
attack the rocket and when ensues can
only be described as pure epicness and
that soundtrack awesome
number six arctic blast GI Joe the movie
bigger what’s the name of the game for
this feature-length GI Joe movie cover
the BET’s are only shot although the
intro battle is the perfect blend of
hyper machoism and 80s cartoon corniness
fighting for freedom wherever there’s
trouble over land
GI Joes we had to go with the film’s
first real battle
when Cobra forces try to take the
broadcast energy transmitter or eet in
this icy setting and the Joes defend it
with all the vigor they can muster
the sound effects are a marvel in and of
seriously just look at this god I miss
the 80s
number six Xan doze and duel The Last
come on Alex don’t be such a wimp it’s
not every day that earning a high score
on a video game gets you selected to
become a chosen warrior to defend the
galaxy from an incoming invasion reading
you have been recruited by the star
league to defend the frontier against
xur and the ko-dan armada yeah yeah so
needless to say when this happens to the
teenaged Alex Rogan he is more than a
little reluctant to accept and returns
to earth only to be followed by an alien
assassin when Alex and his duplicate are
attacked his mentor comes to his rescue
in an all-out laser firefight although
not ending on the brightest moment the
battle is a reminder to Alex that danger
is closer to home than he thought
number five Marines in the stratosphere
Moonraker James Bond movies have taken
some weird sci-fi turns for better for
worse but only one has provided such a
great setting for a laser battle
an evil genius Drax wants to wipe out
the Earth’s population from a space
station in order to breed a perfect race
of humans conquest of space represents
an investment in the future of the
entire human race Mr Bond
and as bond works to destroy that
station from within Marines attacked
from the outside it’s all-out space
warfare with the fate of the world in
the balance
number four showdown on Chronos star
trek into darkness 2009 Star Trek made
phasers cool again but not as cool as
this in pursuit of a murderous criminal
Kirk Spock and Ahura find themselves
surrounded on the Klingon homeworld
as Klingons aren’t big talkers
negotiations obviously fail right when
the space shit hits the fan though the
mysterious killer intervenes on behalf
of the heroes the battle is intense
brutal and awesome but answers fewer
questions than it creates and makes only
one thing clear to the Enterprise crew
this man is dangerous
understatement of the year am i right
my name is car number three rise of the
Star Wars Episode two Attack of the
Clones this Star Wars entry gave
audiences two very important things an
origin story for the anonymous white
soldiers and one of the series’s largest
battles commanded by Master Yoda himself
the Clone Army swoops in to rescue the
Jedi from the massive droid army around
the survivors in perimeter
battling across the course landscape of
Geonosis the Clones flex their strengths
and audiences get a glimpse of the might
that will become the Empire
number two a dark future Terminator 2
Judgment Day
when the first Terminator film was
released in 1984 James Cameron showed us
what he could do with special effects
with his first effort how can that man
just get up after you did not a
man-machine Terminator Cyberman systems
model one-zero-one but years later when
he made a follow-up he didn’t hesitate
to really show off the opening sequence
of the Terminator sequel is a
flash-forward to post nuclear war in
which the machines do battle with
surviving humans the battle showcases
not only the terrifying nature of the
terminators but also the strength of the
humans that fight against them
before we blast away with our top pick
we have just won honorable mention
number one battle of the blockade runner
Star Wars Episode four a new hope we are
doomed topping our list is the first
battle from the first film in the
franchise as rebels defend Princess
Leia’s ship from Imperial forces
the scenes set the tone for the epic
space opera which in turn became a
pop-culture icon
in spite of its age new fans and
diehards alike still get excited about
this battle
from the creek metal as the spaceship is
captured to the sparkling door to the
first ever glimpses of stormtroopers and
Darth Vader this scene is pretty perfect
do you agree with our list I find your
lack of faith disturbing
what laser gun battle is your favorite
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