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Top 10 Jon Hamm Moments

there’s much more to Don Draper than
meets the eye
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down the 10 things we love
about Jon Hamm this is really happening
yes it is number 10 he’s up for anything
pun intended I want to see you again
alright limo Don Draper loves the ladies
and as far as we can tell he does fairly
well with them well hello Don Draper
let’s get me out of this skirt Jon Hamm
has practically made a career of
seducing ladies and we’re the better for
it but then there’s this guy you know
what to do kind of ruins the fantasy
doughnut don’t worry we’ll always have
statue number nine he can wear a suit
with jon Hamm’s birthday suit a tuxedo
or like wear suits originally designed
to make jon hamm look amazing
the only explanation we can come up with
for how unfairly good he looks in suits
even fireman suits or army fatigues or
shirtless on the beach thanks to him and
his doppelganger Don Draper
we know how men are supposed to dress
Donald Draper well that hardly seems
fair number eight he’s got one of those
voices hey chubby you do realize what a
menu is right it’s a list of choices you
don’t have to eat the whole thing
duty in hand that was crap we could
listen to Don Draper talk all day and
sometimes we have two hams voice is
everywhere he’s in Mercedes ads a
cleaner safer future is what drives us
he’s on cartoons you will be known as
Nicky blue pants alto saxophone II like
a lot of cartoons we fight for freedom
we do mean a lot of cartoons oh great
another ambush interview hey bring the
Speedwagon around he’ll his voice even
shows up in random movies there has been
a car accident
we can’t even concentrate on the gravity
of the scene because it’s Don Draper on
the phone
also his dulcet tones even make insults
and interrogations sound fun you and
your boys didn’t just roll a star market
over in Malden for a box of quarters but
most important Jon Hamm is the boss
you can sing too okay that’s really not
fair number seven you can sell anything
everybody else’s tobacco is poisonous
Lucky Strikes is toasted with a pitch
like that it’s no wonder Don Draper can
sell cigarettes to the masses hell he
could probably sell them to kids what do
you think you’re doing nothing well
that’s not all he can sell jon Hamm’s
John ham you can eat in the bathroom
never has eating while on the toilet
looked so damn classy hmm that’s good
number six he’s got the moves we know
he’s kind of abusive but who wouldn’t
want to slow dance with Don Draper you
know what’s even better you’re worried
about a filibuster because I’m about to
fill a bust out of these jean shorts
this is distracting but not as
distracting as Don Draper’s shaking his
group thing with a golden girl all right
now back that mother up oh I like that I
like that I like that number five he’s
sorta racist or as the French say
Raja ColdFusion 14 okay not really but
he does some pretty interesting and
borderline offensive accents you know
she gonna come back in here crime which
you can’t kill a water bug or women fall
like overcook sockets he only plies but
accents are nothing when you do
blackface I’ve done stone this catfish
or black hand
oh no wait there’s more I believe you
can catch a rainbow in your hat oh don’t
worry we get it we love you Jon Hamm
number four
he’s got rage issues don’t do something
Don Draper’s quiet grace isn’t the only
thing that gives him his power he’s also
a madman literally we’ve come to think
that maybe jon Hamm’s got some pent-up
rage he’s not dealing with that’s game
yes sir that’s it I quit racket is a
fart and you you cheat you’re a cheese
bitch actually he may just be taking
things out on Michael Buble and just
between you and us that’s fine
so please call the police before it’s
too late
I’m feeling he’s standing right behind
me number three he loves sports oh we
get it Jon Hamm you’re good at
everything making sales loving ladies
wearing suits etc you also have to be
good at sports
of course you do get it you’re good at
most things not only is him a great
athlete and not only does he look great
with a backwards cap he’s also a huge
sports fan we’re talking huge even
I’ve also considered naming my first kid
TJ oh she ham for her girl number two
he supports his lady running in very
sharp contrast to his Mad Men character
Hamm has been in a serious relationship
since 1997 with actress jennifer
Westfeldt sorry to disappoint you ladies
and guys not only that he’s a supportive
boyfriend who allows her to have her own
career which again is very different
than done to that end Hamm has appeared
with Westfeldt in two movies she wrote
and starred in in kissing Jessica Stein
he plays mr. too good to be true and he
is and in friends with kids he is one
mean son of a bitch you think that you
and Jule are gonna be BFFs for life and
that tin emic tit and Homer greatest in
your life and oh my god she snowboards
is not gonna make you
Cornish shit one day and you are wrong
number one he’s up for anything pun not
intended between getting his crotch
sneezed at by Zach Galifianakis
well tissue solutions bathing with Harry
Potter portraying one half of the
ambiguously gay duo offering adult
advice to Internet teens I was under the
impression that girls never farted
making cameo appearances and otherwise
terrible movies doing a questionable
Robin Williams’s Doc Brown impersonation
yeah Marty we got a harness the
lightning praise Jesus going on a road
trip with some blue dude paradeen pussy
in an episode of Children’s Hospital
making bizarre tech sound effects
remaking the Simon and Simon opening
credits or donning a creepy mustache for
another part in a random music video I
mean we were just talking back and forth
it was so collaborative we’ve come to
wonder if there’s anything John Hamm
won’t do and we hope there isn’t I will
show the backs of my legs my pushed
together but the front of my we’re these
are our favorite ham tastic scenes but
we’re sure we’ve missed a few haven’t
you had enough of my magic for one day
which were your favorite Jon Hamm
moments for more toptenz about your
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a man like you I’d follow into combat
blindfolded and I wouldn’t be the first
I’m all right buddy let’s take it a
little slower I don’t want to wake up
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