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Top 10 Horror Based Anime

while science fiction fantasy and
romance dominate the anime world there
are many standouts in the realm of
horror Swanson here welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 horror
based anime for this list the anime in
question has to have a strong sense of
horror mental distress and fear we also
have to issue a mature content warning
so prepare to see some read mister
number 10 serial experiments lain
mmm kicking off our list is this unusual
anime set in a world where a virtual
reality network called wired has begun
to evolve into a wireless system of
virtual communication between everyone
on earth
well I got a little um concerns and I
enjoy this wireless cloud of information
sharing has begun to pick away at the
wall that separates the digital from
reality as the two concepts begin to
merge into a new existence present-day
present time a very dark and disturbing
series the fear in this one comes from
the ever-present feeling of loneliness
and the possibility of losing your mind
without ever knowing it happened
Jimmy Norio Chinua whom Tenorio sinka
Jimmy no an evil honto no Annika Nani
denna no I got it ma number 9 hell girl
you want someone out of your life and
well you know dead hell girl has you
covered just simply log on to her
website at midnight and she will deliver
that person straight to hell
the cost yeah just your soul you don’t
need that anymore anyway right with a
different story each episode he’ll girl
shows us how far people will go for
revenge while some story moments tend to
repeat themselves this is definitely a
series every horror fan should watch it
said life’s encounters are governed by
fate within the tangled threads of
Destiny curse seed flowers bloom pitiful
and frail lost in their anger their
sorrow their tears number eight perfect
for our next entry we dive into the mind
of Japanese animator Satoshi Kon in his
directorial debut perfect blue tells the
story of me Makita goeth one of the
founding members of the j-pop group Jam
who decides to leave the group and
become a risque actress sonam advisor
back naturally a deranged fan begins to
stalk her and eventually ruins her life
as with the majority of Khan’s work the
film blurs the lines between reality and
fantasy descending deeper into madness
you need help staying up all night just
watch this one
number seven Pet Shop of Horrors I bid
you welcome we have everything you may
desire from dogs and cats to birds and
we even have quite a large selection of
exotic reptiles if you’re looking for
short sweet and horrifying look no
further our next entry focuses on the
daily events of the mysterious Count d
caretaker extraordinaire of his pet shop
in Los Angeles Chinatown with only four
episodes Pet Shop of Horrors cements
itself as a staple in the horror genre
due to the charismatic yet equally
terrifying count deep understand before
I am able to give you the animal you
must read and be prepared to follow the
three terms before you sign it
adopting one of his unique pets comes
with a contract just read the terms and
conditions very carefully or else so
you’ve just confessed you broke the
contract we had hey listen fact there is
no contract because there is no tiger
what is this some kind of joke number 6
this wouldn’t be much of a list if we
didn’t include vampires
Chiqui brings us the stereotypical
vampire premise a clan of vampires move
into a quiet town in the countryside and
surprise surprise the locals start to
mysteriously died off you want to see
something cool the three corpses it made
the paper sound simple and it is but
with horrific imagery and a great lead
character in Natsu know Yuki this is an
anime for anyone who’s a fan of classic
or feel so tired my mother mom told me
that I had to go to the clinic Sam Harry
number five boogie pop phantom this is a
series that you can watch over and over
and catch something new every time a
series with a silly name boogie pop
phantom tells the story of a large
variety of people who are connected to a
series of murders five years prior so
coach otaku the series doesn’t mess
around as it will confuse you scare you
get tug on your heart strings at the
same time antenna scenes only Michigan
oddity tendineae EMA coup de da de da
Cunha Anna Scott an Aikido bogie pop
phantom is a difficult series to
describe you have to just see it for
yourself yeah you’d be lucky me tena koe
number four corpse party oh just do what
does not still yours to July what kind
of horror party is it without corpses
set in modern day Japan corpse party
targets a group of students who are
attending a haunted high school and are
transported to an alternate dimension a
place full of accidental death and
murder originally beginning as a series
of video games it was eventually adapted
into a short five episode series with
the series lacks in character
development and mystery it makes up for
in Gore unbelievable screams and
maniacal laughter that will haunt you
for a while so Daniel but I say Dayo
number three Hellsing Ultimate
are you a fan of badass glitter free
vampires that rip you apart sure you are
in this original video animation series
viewers follow Alec are a vampire
proudly serving the Helsing organization
and protecting Great Britain from
everything that goes bump in the night
including Nazis while we thought the
original Helsing series was great
consider it just the tip for ultimate
this time around we ramp up the gore the
action and our favorite police girl is
even more outrageous than ever number
two when they cry that was a horrible
crime they’re still missing one of the
arms aren’t they who thought something
so cute and comedic could disturb the
living daylights out of you
wow he really was buried alive I’m
afraid if we’re gonna get this guy out
of here we’re gonna need an axe or
also known as Kiku dashi when they cry
the story centers on a small group of
friends who live in a Japanese village
with a strange tradition annual murders
initially coming off as comedic the
series takes a serious turn for the dark
and WestEd and it will continue to screw
with your mind long after it’s over
this entry is more relaxed on the core
taking a psychological horror approach
to disturb its viewers instead before we
unveil our top pick here are a few
honorable mentions ye away any meat on
you attend to you
sushi sorry oh my no me go you to Larry
Kinkaid oh no no no honey otic Randy no
number one another take your time
looking around I have no other customers
I could put on some tea thanks but I’ll
pass on the tea if you don’t mind it
welcome to anime meets final destination
they associate your name with death but
not just any death a cruel with rational
death that took place at this school
another focus is on schoolboy who eg
sakakibara who gets swept up in a series
of grisly deaths stemming from the
mysterious death of another child years
it happened 26 years ago she’d been
popular ever since the seventh grade
she was smart pretty and had a great
personality definitely as much of a
slow-burning mystery as it is horror
investing into this series definitely
pays off
my poor other half is waiting for me at
the second baseman
another gives horror fans tons of
gruesome deaths creepy girls and plenty
of red
do you agree with our list what horror
anime turned your dreams into nightmares
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