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Top 10 Hilarious Political Comedies

Katy Perry’s your favorite Oh Katy who I
know you’re talking about humor can be
found in politics too why is the CIA
running a fake wall in Afghanistan
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
political comedy movies for this list
we’re choosing feature films that have
the intention of being funny as a war
with Canada would be over in a matter of
do you remember Grenada they didn’t even
wake Reagan up and making you laugh
about politics politicians and topics
related to these Jimmy I have met yams
was more going on upstairs in those to
number 10 in the loop yeah well I have
to be what with you you might want to
slip into your negligee when bumbling
British Minister Simon foster makes
off-the-cuff remarks about war in the
Middle East he finds himself back
peddling his position in the media I
think the war is unforeseeable no you do
not think that both the British prime
minister and US president unofficially
want a war on the heels of an important
UN Council vote which makes foster a
pawn between both Pro and anti-war
coalition’s the committee was
accidentally and briefly alluded to
which committee the the war committee
reminiscent of the offices dry dock you
comedy humor in the loop is a look
inside the war machines of Nations and
the trickeries of how political sleight
of hand is done if you don’t get it
you’re either gonna come over there I’m
gonna lock in a floatation tank and pump
it full of sewage until you control
number 9
primary colors you don’t know all about
break that me you make me look like an
amateur like
whoo bass barefoot dipshit third-rate
southern fat bitch that shit all them in
is not so subtle tongue-in-cheek drama
based on aroma at clay of Bill Clinton’s
1992 presidential campaign casts John
Travolta as the president with the
wandering eye he must really be
desperate to do that but if you had to
swallow enough shit
primary colors shows the trails colorful
characters including an overly ambitious
and blind eye Hillary Clinton led
character named Susan and played by Emma
Thompson as well as a foul-mouthed
advisor Billy Bob Thornton as they
maneuver through a landmine political
sex scandal bullshit bullshit it’s
bullshit released in 1998 the political
comedy could not have coincided more
perfectly with Clinton’s most notorious
affair the Monica Lewinsky sex scandal
news of which first emerged earlier that
same year there’s a don’t go susan
should just stay we better go
number 8 the American president nice
shot mr. president nice shot mr.
president you won’t even call me by my
name and we’re playing pool in this
romantic feel-good comedy widowed
bachelor and Democratic President Andrew
Shepherd is fairly new to the dating
scene and awkwardly asks a political
activist of all people out to a state
lately I seem to be going out on a lot
of first dates then you experience it oh
yeah yeah you can ask me anything how
are we doing so far but as his
preparation for re-election and their
relationship complicate things which
will triumph in the end politics or love
there is no Kosmos guide to going out on
a first date at the White House and
there definitely isn’t one for helping
you out if your date is the President of
the United States I don’t wanna lose you
over this mr. president you got bigger
problems than losing me
you just lost my vote so this depiction
of a universal problem in the shoes of
someone in an extraordinary position
results in a comedy that is sure to fly
first class in Air Force One and when
I’m in a room with you
Oval or any other shit
I’m always gonna be a lobbyist you’re
always gonna be the president your
government needs your help
number seven Dave in a country where
everybody can become president anybody
did just that we’re looking like hey we
don’t look like each other but I mean I
know what you think we yeah we people
hire us to impersonate president the
first lady we work out of an agency
that’s where we met they sure looked
like them
Thanks well we work very hard at it
that’s what happens in this film when
average Joe Dave Kovac is asked to
impersonate the president after the real
one falls into a deep coma and the vice
president goes gaga guys in a coma Bob
oh shit Bob this is my hell he’s all
mine I made him I built him apparently
nobody notices when politicians go crazy
but they do notice when they fall asleep
on the job
not only does Dave save the day and the
president’s marriage but America too
it’s a modern-day story of the prince
and the pauper in which the power of the
ordinary accomplishes the extraordinary
I liked helping people that I hadn’t
even met before
just then I felt like I wasn’t
pretending anymore
I don’t think you were pretending number
six dick I’m Betsy and this is Arlene
mr. president yeah call me dick it was
America’s worst political scandal
leading to the downfall of a president
so hey let’s dick around with it after
two dizzy blondes played by then rising
stars Kirsten Dunst and Michelle
Williams find themselves at the wrong
place at the wrong time a subsequent
tour of the White House results in their
becoming President Nixon’s dog walkers
to take you out the war the movie even
reimagines the two as being behind the
deep throat informant just give me a
game call next time I’ll throw it deep
throat a hilarious performance driven
comedy with legends Will Ferrell and
Dave Foley the film is sure to leave you
laughing next time old dick is mentioned
in your American history class so stupid
of me to ever fall in love with dick
number five thank you for smoking
Michael Jordan plays ball
Charles Manson kills people I talk when
Vermont senator Finister starts pushing
for a bill essentially calling for the
branding of tobacco as poison before the
US Senate committee it’s up to big
tobacco spin lobbyist Nick Naylor to
fight for America’s right to smoke my
mom smoked she says cigarettes kill
really now is your mommy a doctor no a
scientific researcher of some kind well
she doesn’t exactly sound like a
credible expert no does she smart and
satirical this comedy will surely light
up your day you know that the National
fellow what are you doing working for
these assholes it also sheds light on
the inner machinations and smokescreens
of both politicians and lobbyists by
showcasing how each group craps their
own fictional narrative for the public
to stick in their pipes and smoke this
just goes to prove what I’ve been saying
for so long these nicotine patches or
just deadly number for Bulworth
simply put the phony bleep yeah why prep
what would happen if politicians always
told the truth the whole truth and
nothing but the uncensored truth you’d
have an hour and forty something minutes
of a hip hop open mic slam on racial
political incorrectness and suicide
hosted by Warren Beatty you think after
all his crap is over Tuesday that maybe
you could actually
hey hey hey when a Democratic senator
realizes he has nothing to lose during
his bid for re-election he puts a hit
out on himself so that his daughter will
still inherit his millions never try to
make life-or-death decisions when you
when you’re feeling suicidal and then he
begins to say what’s truly on his mind I
got a simple question that I’d like to
ask if this network pays you for
performing your task this take no
hostages satire pokes fun at everything
from the economy to Hollywood’s film
industry via a one-man tirade ah shit
cocksucker that’s the real obscenity
black folks living with everyday is
trying to believe a mother where
Democrats and Republicans say number
three wag the dog this is politics at
its finest when the President of the
United States gets caught with his pants
down after hitting on an underage girl
shortly before re-election it’s up to
spin dr. Conrad Brean to concoct a mass
public distraction away from the
political sex scandal with the election
only days away the big question is how
much will this scandal affect the
outcome he does this with the help of
Hollywood producer Stan Lee mots
and PR advisor Winifred Ames their
solution pretend there’s a war going on
with Albania can’t have a war without an
enemy you could have one would be very
dull wrong as the charade develops lines
between what’s driving reality politics
and the media blur and this just in a
group calling itself Albania unite has
claimed responsibility for the bombing
moments ago of the village of Clos
Albania wag the dog shows how when it
comes to facts fiction and funnies
Hollywood and Washington aren’t too far
more than I see
number two the Great Dictator well good
morning how are you Oh so-so
in this slapstick screwball political
comedy Charlie Chaplin went after Hitler
before America did with a hilarious
outcome this the man that’s him
Heil Hankel who’s he in his first
speaking role Chaplin shows off his
talent for German double-talk uh-huh I
know Sutton taken commitment we must
tighten our bill a first from start to
end Chaplin plays both the poor Jewish
barber and Aryan genocide old dictator
adenoid hynkel
the former trying to avoid the latter’s
persecution I don’t want to rule or
conquer anyone I should like to help
everyone if possible Jew Gentile black
man white we all want to help one
another human beings are like that
in this truly fearless comedy chaplain
pokes fun at the ridiculous logic of the
Nazi regime and it’s access partners
even as Hitler was marching into France
proving indeed that satire is the weapon
of the powerless against the powerful
don’t you remember me huh the war you
saved my life me strange and I always
thought of you as an Aryan I’m a
vegetarian before we unveil our top pick
here are some honorable mentions what’s
the Spanish word for straitjacket
Hart was living him man
my great-grandfather fought in the
American Civil jihad I am a very proud
to be an American I am America’s number
one douche oh this is terrible I’ve said
enough I’m a man of few words I’m a man
of one way it’s Graham number one dr.
Strangelove or how I learned to stop
worrying and love the bomb you can’t
fight in here this is the war room when
a mad general ignites a path that
triggers the doomsday device politicians
and Generals scramble to avert nuclear
holocaust the doomsday machine is
designed to trigger itself automatically
but surely you can disarm it somehow no
it is designed to explode if any attempt
is ever made to unmake it it
automatically that’s an obvious commie
trick mr. president we’re wasting
valuable meanwhile a b-52 bomber
determined in its mission is to drop the
bomb first on the Soviets
dr. Strangelove blows up the Cold War
theory that mutually assured destruction
in a bipolar system offsets global
annihilation with a spirit of bold
curiosity for the event ahead Peter
Sellers delivers an explosive
performance in not one but three main
roles I am quiet see what y’all gettin
it yeah
considered the Citizen Kane of political
satire dr. Strangelove is Stanley
Kubrick’s bombshell masterpiece yeah
do you agree with our list hopeless I
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that a riot
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