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Top 10 Hilarious Bond Gadgets

it’s only stupid if it doesn’t work
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down the top 10 most
hilarious James Bond gadgets dude he’s
trying to turn some of this equipment in
pristine order don’t touch that
it’s my lunch number 10 the horse
trailer from Octopussy horse kicking off
our list is the gadget that Bond uses to
escape the Cuban army supplied by his
female associate this tiny livestock
trailer hides an ultra light aircraft
behind a horse’s ass not only does this
plane unfold to carry him out of enemy
territory but it also shows off bonds
patriotic side with the colors of the
Union Jack feller up is number 9 the ski
pole gun from The Spy Who Loved me in
this flick James Bond is chased downhill
by a bunch of bad guys on skis as per
the usual since he’s hopelessly
outnumbered he decides to awkwardly turn
around and fire a 30 caliber rifle
hidden inside of his ski pole we would
not want to be on the receiving end of
that thing is if the bad guys could ski
while firing normal guns
why couldn’t Bond do the same well that
wouldn’t get him on any cool lists would
number eight cigarette rocket darts from
You Only Live Twice cigarettes can kill
given to bond by his allies these
cigarettes are actually mini rocket
launchers that fire deadly rocket darts
so they’re a bit more fast-acting than
nicotine and tar I carried up to 30
yards very neat it can save your life
this cigarette this means that back when
bond used to smoke he could get enemies
too unwittingly light him up and then
light them up in return number 7 the
ghetto blaster from Living Daylights
it’s time to rock out with your rocket
launcher out this is definitely a weapon
for the 80s it says a lot that it wasn’t
even designed for mi6 use something
we’re making for the Americans it’s
called a ghetto blaster perfect for
those times when the breakdancing battle
gets a bit too heavy serve this boom
number 6 the revolving sofa from The
Living Daylights if you thought that
rickety IKEA chair in your kitchen was a
deathtrap wait till you see this
mi6 seems to think that bond really
needs a sofa that pretty much eats
people Hugh even shows bond how to turn
it into a torture and interrogation
chamber just by sitting on it I guess
this may come in handy when bond needs
to hide as many lady friends from each
other Oh file that for the other secret
information around here number 5 the
iceberg boat of u2 a kill
this is probably what sunk the Titanic
this camouflaged iceberg boat is pretty
over-the-top and one of the spies
strangest forms of travel it was even
designed to be the ultimate shag pad
complete with a transforming bed wall to
ceiling padding and a sexy female spy
come on
me James five days to Alaska it does
however lose points for not coming
equipped with a penguin launcher number
four the crocodile suit from Octopussy
this one’s a real croc secret agents
must all be children deep down there’s
no other way to explain this thing just
look at bonds face he knows what we’re
talking about does he really have to
expose his head to see where he’s going
home number three bolas and the sleeping
sombrero machine gun trap from Moonraker
britain is ready to wage war down Mexico
just imagine these balls taking out an
entire person’s head as demonstrated on
this dummy good have that ready for Omni
pain yes sir
not over-the-top enough well these
sombrero wearing mannequins are sure to
blow away anyone looking to take
advantage of that sleepy Mexican
stereotype number two explosive shark
pellets from Live and Let Die leave it
to bond to use something that sounds
completely ridiculous to great effect
what is it a shotgun naturally with
compressed gas pellets a wildly
unrealistic gadget bond manages to use
one of these pellets on mr. big thus
making him blow up like a balloon before
going totally Hindenburg sells massive
coarse kick-ass one-liner in three two
one you always did have an inflated
opinion of himself
number one cross that it from the man
with the Golden Gun taking the top spot
on our list is something that blurs the
lines between gadget and disguise bond
uses it to impersonate Francisco
Scaramanga the world’s most deadly
assassin no one has seen the assassin
before but they all somehow know that he
has a third nipple please forgive me mr.
Scaramanga that’s right bonds entire
plan hinges on going topless and having
the bad guys stare at his man boobs why
would that have an awkward if it didn’t
work which Bond gadget cracks you up the
most for more entertaining top ten lists
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