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Top 10 Harry Potter Movie Moments

these are the moments we’ll always
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
Harry Potter movie moments before we
begin still waiting on your Hogwarts
letter then be sure to check out our
network-wide Harry Potter week from the
12th to the 18th in the lead up to
fantastic beasts the crimes of Grendel
vault MS mojo WatchMojo and watch mojo
UK we’ll be releasing a whole slew of
new videos about your favorite boy
wizard and all the fantastic beasts your
non muggle heart desires such as mismo
joe’s top 10 Harry Potter actors who
were replaced in the sequels when in
doubt I find retracing my steps to be a
wise place to begin and watch mojo UK’s
top 10 fantastic beasts in the Harry
Potter universe for this list we’re
going over scenes from the classic
movies that Accio all the fields not my
go to the shoe
Thanks we’ll be excluding character
deaths that really deserve their own
list as we’ll be going over all eight of
the films spoilers abound you have been
warned number 10 Wingardium Leviosa
Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
upon receiving his acceptance letter to
Hogwarts Harry is excited but
justifiably nervous we are pleased to
inform you that you have been accepted
at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
having grown up with the most muggle II
of muggles he expects he’ll be the worst
at magic in his class especially after
meeting a certain adept young witch and
a fellow would-be wizard who at least
seems to know something however in their
first charms lesson it’s clear that
magic involves more than just waving a
wand about you’re saying it’s Leviosa No
Livio saw the comedic scene helps to set
up the world and the reason for magic
schools and provides the spell that
later brings the iconic trio together as
number nine Dobby is free Harry Potter
and the Chamber of Secrets
Harry’s second year is a bit of a rough
ride beginning with the appearance of a
cagey house elf named Dobby and his
brief imprisonment by his aunt and uncle
every time Dobby shows up with a new
shadowy warning
something terrible seems to happen and
Harry is justifiably annoyed with his
secretiveness but also feels very bad
after the day is won and dobby’s owners
are confirmed Harry can’t let the
big-eared little guy go back with them
mazda has presented Dobby with clothes
Dobby is Harry’s trick on Lucius Malfoy
results in Dobby being presented with
clothes now a free elf he goes on to be
one of Harry’s bravest and most faithful
allies Dobby has no master Dobby is a
free elf a Dobby has come to save Harry
Potter and his friends number 8 Harry
high on liquid luck Harry Potter and the
half-blood Prince how do you feel
really excellent determined to obtain
professor Slughorn’s memory about Tom
Riddle Harry decides to down a luck
potion before going to talk to him
the effects are instantaneous imbuing
Harry with a knack for being in the
right place at the right time and an
inebriated sense of confidence a really
good feeling about Hagrid’s I feel it’s
it’s the place to be tonight soon enough
he isn’t the only one feeling tipsy
joining Harriet Hagrid’s
Professor Slughorn in the groundskeeper
get drunk in a very real sense and not
just on good fortune seriously
misunderstood creatures spiders are they
always I reckon they unnerve some folk
not to mention Vince’s deep in his cups
Slughorn at last offers up the precious
memory the whole affair is hilarious but
also oddly touching number seven
Hermione punches Draco Harry Potter and
the Prisoner of Azkaban on their way to
comfort Hagrid Harry Ron and Hermione
run into Draco and his cronies camped
out to watch the execution of Buckbeak
from afar upon seeing them the generally
mild mannered Hermione snaps pulling out
her wand she looks at first like she’s
about to break some serious school rules
and curse Malfoy on the spot as he
cowers however she seems to reconsider
the hex and then decks him right in the
face the crack of his nose and the way
the three scamper off is intensely
satisfying that felt good
no good brilliant number six neville
speech and harry’s resurrection Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part two
and who might you be young man with the
school’s defenses down it seems like all
hope is lost Voldemort and his forces
enter Hogwarts to claim victory when an
unlikely figure steps forward to rally
the troops despite harry’s apparent
death the once shy magically inept
Neville wants to remind his comrades why
they’re there and what they’re fighting
for something much bigger and more
important than any one person doesn’t
boxes hours gone sundown Ella people die
every day
friends family as the other potential
chosen one candidate Neville really
shows his mettle here as he holds the
line it didn’t die in vain
but you will because you’re wrong
her hot dippy furs for all of us the
inspiring moment comes to a head when
it’s revealed that Harry is back from
the dead
and the fight is far from over number
five the flying car Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets when the barrier to
platform nine and three-quarters
suddenly fails sealing Ron and Harry
from the Hogwarts Express they patiently
wait for Ron’s parents to return to help
them find a sensible alternative route
to school
just kidding with a flying car and
enough confidence to choke a Hippogriff
the Wizards concoct a much more daring
plan making off with mr. Weasley x’
magically altered Ford Anglia they sail
above the clouds and follow the track of
the school train their plan goes
swimmingly until of course the train
chugs up behind them and their walloped
by a willow with some major rage issues
it’s all fun and games until someone
breaks a wand just a neck number four
expecto patronum
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
with a madman on the loose the Minister
of Magic makes a characteristically bad
choice when he employs soul-sucking
ghouls to protect the students of
Hogwarts while foremost the rafe like
Dementors merely provoke feelings of
despair poor Harry is more deeply
affected fortunately there is a
defensive spell specifically for warding
them off unfortunately it’s incredibly
difficult after he struggled with the
spell all year he’s able to tap into
hitherto unknown stores of inner
strength to save both himself and his
Harry’s third year is all about facing
down fears and in this moment audiences
got their first glimpse of the hero he’d
become number three Voldemort’s return
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
getting to the end of the Triwizard
Tournament was hard enough but Harry
could have no idea what truly lay in
store for him when he and Edward Cullen
herbed Cedric Diggory take hold of the
Triwizard Cup in what should be a
victory for Hogwarts there instead
cédric is murdered a shocking moment
that’s almost eclipsed by what happens
as Harry becomes instrumental in the
resurrection of Voldemort himself his
grotesque body slowly growing out of
smoky air he-who-must-not-be-named is
suddenly back opening a dark new chapter
in the Wizarding World number two the
truth about Snape is revealed Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 if
you truly love time no one can Snape
doesn’t hide the fact that he dislikes
Harry his petty torments stemming from
his unquenched hatred for Harry’s dad
who yeah was a huge jerk to him not
knowing the full story
Harry was never able to understand why
Dumbledore trusted the potions master
after Snape flat-out kills the
headmaster there are few people Harry
hates more however at the moment of his
death Snape provides him with memories
that revealed the truth
Snape’s childhood friendship with his
mother his regrets his role as a double
agent and his agreement with Dumbledore
you must be the one to kill me Silver’s
it is the only way not a one-dimensional
bully at all there are few characters as
complex as Snape
after all this time
Oh before we unveil our number one pick
here are some honorable mentions
still fools for me it will stop but only
number one you’re all wizard Harry Harry
Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone
vanishing glass owls and mysterious
letters we all knew what was up going
into the theatre but for Harry it was
still a mystery
when Hagrid keeper of keys and grounds
at Hogwarts shows up on the scene he
spells the truth out with four little
words that change Harry’s life forever
you’re a wizard Harry I’m a lot The
Wizarding World is unlocked and we were
right there with him stepping out into
an enchanting new world it’s the moment
when the adventure really begins and a
line that’s become synonymous with magic
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