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Top 10 Guilty Pleasure Movies

yeah Oh what nothing something really
cool and artsy definitely not too fast
too furious hey guys it’s Phoebe from
WatchMojo and today we’re counting down
the top 10 guilty pleasure movies before
we begin we publish new content every
day so be sure to subscribe to our
Channel and ring the bell to get
notified about our latest videos we’re
looking at movies that some people may
be embarrassed to like but they’re still
pretty enjoyable and well made let’s
take a look
number 10 Resident Evil franchise movies
based on video games typically range
from completely terrible to pretty okay
action adventures and the Resident Evil
films are no exception oh well a couple
of flicks in the series are fairly
forgettable most are exciting zombie
adventure films featuring a strong
female protagonist Paul WS Anderson is
no Paul Thomas Anderson but the director
has a knack for impressive action and
interesting characters and of course
makes an impressive looking motion
picture while the movies weren’t high
art they are technical and well-made
marbles and nuts idiot I think I’ll have
number nine scary movie Heather has
across your little mind that your
boyfriend was probably murdered and
you’re about to be slaughtered next this
parody of horror movies led to a slew of
imitators and sequels and while scary
movie 2 is a worthwhile follow up this
very stupid but funny send up of 90s
you’re behind the couch how do you know
that I can um see your feet the very
definition of smart dumb comedy the film
primarily parodied the scream and I know
what you did last summer flex full of
crass and crude humor the film drew
mixed responses from critics but those
critics and fans that didn’t mind a bit
of rude humour found it to be a great
time oh I guess this is the big climax
hope you don’t mind if I faked it
number eight the notebook sappy romantic
movies or chick flicks are rarely
considered high art and are usually
avoided by male audiences now say your
Hubert on the moon however there are
plenty of people both male and female
that love this romantic drama about
star-crossed lovers a solid script is
elevated to an amazing film with the
performances of leads Ryan Gosling and
Rachel McAdams whose careers both took
the notebook is only grown in popularity
over the years becoming a cult classic
and one of the most beloved romantic
movies of recent times so it’s not gonna
be easy it’s gonna be really hard and
we’re gonna have to work at this every
day but I want to do that because I want
you I want all of you forever
number seven Space Jam while some Looney
Tunes purists have turned their noses up
at this live-action/animated mashup the
film is beloved by many of those that
saw it as children and have since grown
up let’s see if I remember how to do
this casting an athlete who had only
appeared in commercials may have been a
big risk but Michael Jordan is great
alongside the likes of bugs and Daffy
whatever you do don’t forget my North
Carolina shorts your shorts from college
wool the minimize Chicago Bulls uniform
every game hey I washed him after every
game his charisma along with others
surprisingly talented athletes turned
actors including Larry Bird and Charles
Barkley rounded out with Wayne Knight
and Bill Murray and of course all the
Looney Tunes themselves made this one of
the most popular family movies in the
90s I’m gonna take this opportunity to
retire from the game of basketball no
come on no no I’m gonna retire right now
and that’s all there is to it I’m gonna
go out on top on the feeted and Untied
that’s the way it’s gonna be number six
transformers it may be hard to remember
after the four movies that followed it
but the first live-action Transformers
the robotic characters were
painstakingly created with some of the
most impressive looking CGI ever put to
film but many of the other effects in
the film were practical
it’s impressive cinematography and sleek
action helped make it the phenomenon it
was while the plot was largely MacGuffin
fuelled and forgettable what really
shined was the relationship between a
boy and his first car
number 5 saw franchise many critics and
moviegoers dubbed the Saw franchise as
torture porn and one that only drew in
fans who wanted to see the clever ways
that people could be killed those who
don’t appreciate life do not deserve
life but deal appreciate yours do you
appreciate your son well this aspect
certainly has drawn an emperor fence
into the theaters some dispute that term
with the series creators James Wan and
Leigh Whannell describing them as
something closer to mystery thrillers
that became increasingly violent as the
series progressed sure you did this to
you did this too so the film stand out
from other overly violent horror
franchises with the use of intriguing
sometimes stretched over multiple films
complete with clever foreshadowing most
people are so ungrateful to be alive but
number four The Expendables franchise it
wants to be president The Expendables
films are a bit like the super smash
brothers of action movies with an
all-star cast of the greatest action
stars ever cramming more and more heroes
into each successive film these movie
star the likes of Sylvester Stallone Jet
Li Arnold Schwarzenegger Bruce Willis
Dolph Lundgren Wesley Snipes Chuck
Norris jean-claude Van Damme Antonio
and Harrison Ford and that’s just barely
scratching the surface of this Assembly
of action stars great they’ve got a
small army what do we got but what a
Half Men that’s so funny
they’re appropriate throwbacks to 80s
action flicks with the inconsequential
plot cheesy dialogue and constant
explosions and over-the-top bad guys
number three Batman Forever there are
good Batman movies and there are
terrible Batman movies and then there’s
holy after the success of Tim Burton’s
too dark and gritty Batman films Joel
Schumacher took the film’s in a
different route giving it a more campy
who is Batman
it took inspiration from Golden Age
Batman comics and the 60s TV show I’ll
be it with a more modern feel how about
mr. e mr. e and another name for mr. e
enigma mr. e nygma Edward nygma
we also have to mention that awesomely
90s soundtrack which popularized seals
masterpiece kiss from arose however you
look at it the film still has more going
nice form a little rough on the landing
number two national treasure if a film
where Nicholas Cage steals the
Declaration of Independence isn’t a
guilty pleasure what is we can’t tell if
this is the dumbest smart movie ever or
the smartest dumb movie ever but either
way it’s a fun action adventure that
makes it’s ridiculous premise
enthralling if we look at this clock
tower we may find the specific time what
do you see
2:22 that premise of course being that a
treasure was built up over centuries by
various empires lost for centuries and
rediscovered by the Knights Templar
you know the Templars and the Freemasons
believed that the treasure was too great
for any one man to have not even a king
that’s why they went to such lengths to
keep it hidden afterwards it was
smuggled into America by the founding
fathers that hid clues in many of the
nation’s historic monuments add-in Sean
Bean as the villain and you’ve got gold
let them go in let me find the treasure
no now you can figure out the clues for
yourself good luck but I don’t think you
fully appreciate the gravity of the
situation before we get to our top pick
here are some honorable mentions
what is it boy what for clowns well the
cars broken down they’re in trouble
that dog is not talking to you I will
kill you the old-fashioned way number
one The Fast and the Furious franchise
this ever-expanding franchise started
out with four middling action films with
street racing heists beautiful women
the film series did something unexpected
when beginning primarily with its fifth
installment it embraced the crazy action
tropes it was built upon and pushed them
to an over-the-top level letting go of
any notion of restraint the results are
some of the best and most self-aware
action movies containing some of the
best action put to film more importantly
however the motion pictures have an
emotional heart with the emotional arcs
of the characters and their makeshift
family just as pivotal as the
so what do you guys think did we get it
right what are your favorite guilty
pleasure movies let us know in the
comments below and don’t be ashamed of the things that you like
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