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Top 10 Greatest Magicians

they are our favorite conjurer’s of good
times ladies and gentlemen boys and
girls for your pleasure my assistants
and I will present the famous Hindu rope
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
greatest magicians one year ago I took a
chance with an escape created by Houdini
called buried alive this mystical list
features the best magicians and
illusionists of the world both those who
innovated the craft and others who
carried on the tradition that right
there’s a trick number 10
Jean ujin huh bath O’Day considered a
pioneer in the magical milieu this
French illusionist was so influential he
was once asked by the Emperor of the
second French Empire to calm French
Algerian tribes by publicly mollifying
them with magic
originally interested in watchmaking ha
battled a discovered magic as a teenager
when the wrong set of books arrived in
the mail
thrilling Parisians at the Palais Royale
theater and inspiring a young magician
by the name of Eric Weitz more on him
later Jean Jean Quebec wouldn’t read
minds made his son levitate and caught
bullets in his teeth not to mention he
also inspired the formal attire that
became a standard for modern magicians
number nine Lance Burton born and raised
in Kentucky Lance Burton shocked the
world of magic when in 1982 he became
the youngest person and the first
American to win the International
Federation of magic society’s
competition in Switzerland
roast duck for dinner everybody roast
duck for dinner it’s a joke time I’m not
going to roast that duck that duck
wouldn’t feed half these people now if I
had two ducks why that would be a
different story with movie star looks
and unbelievable sleight-of-hand tricks
Burton appeared numerous times on The
Tonight Show and booked record-setting
shows at several Las Vegas casinos
though he’s now retired this magician
paved the way for endless Vegas acts and
even appeared on the classic TV series
Knight Rider a valiant attempt mr.
Knight but all for naught and you know
what he’s one of the few people talented
enough to make that experience disappear
from his resume say good night now
ladies and gentlemen Elvis has left the
building and I’m about to do the same
good night god bless number eight Dante
the magician em fella boom good evening
ladies and gentlemen born Harry August
Janssen this Danish magician began his
career at the turn of the 20th century
man what do the two has as a member of
numerous comedy troupes Dante the
magician travelled the world in
vaudeville acts and spoke his trademark
phrase Sim salabim
Sim salabim his 1955 death marked the
end of the Gypsy production era or
what’s referred to as the golden age of
magic as magicians had a new medium with
which to showcase their talents where
she wished she could remain there for
hours should I so desire but watch my go
Timmy are you ready
while Dante the magician never became
what you’d call a TV star he was the
vaudeville star back in the day my next
illusion ladies and gentlemen is the
famous Egyptian invisible transfer I
call your attention to the coffin
suspended from the ceiling of the
theatre number seven Criss Angel this
Mindfreak is the definitive TV star of
international magicians inspired by
Harry Houdini
Criss Angel spent years perfecting his
craft on the streets before opening an
off-broadway production that would lead
to his famous TV show his illusions have
caused some audience members to
physically shake from shock and others
to literally split in half while his
extended stunts have become Time Square
extravaganzas step away
now one of the most successful Vegas
acts of all time
Criss Angel continues to challenge our
perceptions of the impossible and what
it means to entertain I’m over here
number six Harry Blackstone senior
causing one to link with in the other go
figure that ho today
magicians rely on personality to promote
their craft but the great black stone
simply let his work do the talking with
such memorable illusions as sawing a
woman in half using a buzz saw
and making flowers appear as if from
nowhere Blackstone senior also
introduced the floating lightbulb a
stunt designed by Thomas Edison and
later performed by Harry Blackstone jr.
wherein he would make a lighted
lightbulb float through a hoop and then
out to the crowd and over the heads of
the audience elegant and always
well-dressed Blackstone senior even kept
the troops in World War two entertain as
a performer for the USO and here a
bottle of water and it’s magic water
because look it will not run out of the
number five Siegfried and Roy Siegfried
and Roy were so popular that real estate
tycoon Steve Wynn decided to build an
entire casino resort around them and
their animals white lions white tigers
and a couple of German gents that made
the Mirage a Vegas reality oh my
now retired Siegfried and Roy appeared
on the Dick Cavett show way back in the
70s and proceeded to scare the living
daylights out of audiences for decades
to come with their theatrics while
YouTube introduced Roy horn to a new
generation after a 2003 tiger attack he
and partner Siegfried Fishbach er have
long been thrilling folks with their
extraordinary tans and furry creatures
there you go yeah and I love YouTube it
doesn’t necessarily matter if you can’t
tell who’s who
all that matters is their relationship
and possible mind control of the animal
number four David Blaine how cool it’s
pretty cold you may not realize it but
this street magician just broke another
world record
born in Brooklyn David Blaine was
killing it with magic tricks before most
kids learned how to tie their shoes I’m
surprised he doesn’t have a safety net
on the bottom just in case he pulls the
wind blows or rain or something there’s
nothing down there his resume of
endurance acts often lands him in the
Guinness Book of World Records but he’s
well schooled in a variety of classical
tricks see how all the cards start to
just disappear see everything disappears
except for hearts because that’s what
she thought of him you might find him on
the corner with cards or even atop a
100-foot Pole but you’ll undoubtedly
walk away shaking your head at his
mythical antics in fact you might even
find yourself a little disturbed that’s
what David Blaine does you know I can
see in the camera oh you can all right I
wrote the trick do you know why you
chose that uh cuz you forced it on me I
don’t know no no when I gave her this
sharpie and I showed it to you yeah um
just start rub the look look at the logo
again that is what it says seven of
Spades number three Penn & Teller banks
got a rod these two magicians aren’t
exactly the best of friends off the
stage but their mutual love of magic has
made them household names all over the
one guy’s big the other small pen does
all the talkin teller doesn’t talk at
all tonight we start with psychics who
claim they can communicate with the dead
the only truly amazing thing about it is
how many people believe together the
skeptical magicians have called
on a variety of topics but it’s their
ability to entertain that earned them a
star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame by
keeping audiences laughing Penn & Teller
offer a casual brand of magic slash
comedy without taking themselves too
seriously so much you go number two
David Copperfield they should see the
quarter all you have to do is take the
quarter hang it right there in the air
man hockey has a strict insider trick
he’s far more than just a mortal man he
is a living legend the Library of
Congress even said so David Copperfield
became the youngest person to join the
Society of American Magicians at age 12
was teaching magic at New York
University by the age of 16 and was
headlining shows in Hawaii just a few
years later
in perhaps his most famous act the New
Jersey native made the Statue of Liberty
disappear in front of an astonished Big
Apple crowd
with a deep desire to move people with
his magic figuratively speaking
David Copperfield shows no signs of
slowing down and remains the
highest-grossing solo entertainer of all
before our top pick appears out of
nowhere here are a few honorable
mentions ladies and gentlemen please
notice this my last two shots have
landed in exactly the same slit in the
watermelon a feat so impressive I am
forced to mention it myself
Valentino The Masked Magician before I
go I’d like to leave you with this
thought it is my belief that the art of
magic is for everyone
number one Harry Houdini he would escape
he escaped from those complicated
handcuffs in the world these were not
ordinary police cuffs and double triple
locks on we began with WABAC ooh dang
and end with the man he inspired the
master of magic Harry Houdini
after little success with card tricks
early in his career Harry Houdini toured
Europe as the handcuff King during his
20s before bringing it all back to his
adopted home of America somehow he gets
out of the jail cell then he takes every
prisoner out of every other jail cell
and puts them all in different jail
cells and recovers his clothes from yet
another jail cell and and makes it out
of the loop the cellblock and out of the
prison with an ability to escape from
Houdini introduced his most famous stunt
the Chinese water torture cell in 1913
the torture cell was up was a murder
device you know I mean it’s like who
would come out of that alive so it’s
more than just torture it’s execution as
stars flocked to Hollywood for a chance
at stardom
Houdini already had them beat and
naturally became an American icon and
undoubtedly the greatest magician of all
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