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Top 10 Greatest Best-Selling Albums of All Time

like to go across my head these records
made a lot of money gained a lot of fans
and impressed a lot of people welcome to and today we’re counting
down the top 10 best-selling albums of
all time
for this list we’ve chosen some of the
greatest and most critically acclaimed
best-selling albums in history with at
least 30 million copies and claimed
sales we’ve excluded Greatest Hits
packages compilations and soundtracks
number 10 brothers in arms’ dire straits
dire straits didn’t get money for
by successfully fusing jazz blues and
rock for a pop music audience their
album brothers and arms topped the UK
and US charts for weeks and won the band
two Grammys
the record was also the first album to
sell 1 million copies on CD and it
spawned a controversial number one
single that was accompanied by an
innovative music video
cuz the kitchen
we gotta move number nine come on over
Shania Twain Shania Twain was only a
country star until this disk earned her
cross over success in the pop world
though come on over didn’t top the
Billboard charts it did make history by
staying in the top 20 for 99 weeks that
don’t impress you much the Grammy
winning record eventually became the
best-selling country album and the
best-selling album by a female artist
ever man a she lag woman
number eight nevermind
nirvana alternative rock and music in
general were never the same after
Nirvana burst onto the scene with this
anthem of adolescent indifference
thanks to nevermind mainstream listeners
were introduced to the Seattle sound and
its blend of heavy music with pop
tendencies when all was said and done no
other musicians spoke to a generation
quite like Nirvana and Kurt Cobain and
the album sales and musical legacy prove
number seven born in the USA Bruce
it may not have been his first foray
into pop but born in the USA was
definitely the bosses biggest and most
successful attempt to connect with a
large audience by adding synthesizer and
a hopeful tone to his sound Springsteen
showed off his inner and outter sexy
rock star and had millions of people
dancing in the darts to his hits
number six rumors Fleetwood Mac taking
inspiration from their personal troubles
Fleetwood Mac crafted a poignant and
emotional pop rock album that topped the
charts of several nations
the grammy-winning rumors was praised
for its acoustic and electric mix and
for the vocal interaction between the
group’s three singers
it’s massive commercial success ensured
that the British American rockers had
long and lasting careers number five
back in black ac/dc even without Bon
Scott ac/dc shook us all night long with
the Brian Johnson led back in black the
effort catapulted the Aussies to
superstardom when it tops British charts
and spawned several hits proving the
rock and roll ain’t noise pollution the
well reviewed record became the group’s
biggest album and sold approximately 50
million units worldwide
number four untitled or Led Zeppelin for
Led Zeppelin no need for a title or any
other text on this albums cover the
music spoke for itself with Robert
Plant’s energetic vocals and Jimmy pages
and imitable guitar skills this tour de
force was a perfect balance of balance
folk music and rock and roll with
stairway to heaven as the epitome of it
the record also made Led Zeppelin a
household name around the globe
number three the dark side of the moon
Pink Floyd critically acclaimed for its
artistic vision this concept album
featured less abstract lyrics than Pink
Floyd’s previous material and therefore
it attracted a wider audience
however the LP was still seen as
progressive due to its sonic
experimentation and use of
unconventional sounds
while the dark side of the moon did make
Pink Floyd loads of money it is
considered one of the best albums in
rock history due to its enduring
popularity and influence to sergeant
pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band The
Beatles they were already the world’s
biggest band but the Fab Four further
cemented their musical legacy and
artistry with their original and
experimental approach to sergeant
pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
things kept getting better when the
chart-topper became the first rock LP to
win a Grammy for album of the year while
it may have sold less than some entries
on this list its impact on psychedelic
rock and on the history of pop music
makes it merit this spot without
question well correct me if I’m wrong
but would you agree that we have been
passing through the sea of time I will
explain a few things yes number one
thriller Michael Jackson from funk to
disco and rock to ballads Thriller was a
musical masterpiece with celebrity
guests and a record-breaking eight
Grammys this opus showed the King of Pop
with starting something its hits helped
MJ cross over into different genres and
solidify his staying power meanwhile the
album’s revolutionary music videos paved
the way for future black artists
with estimates claiming as many as 110
million copies sold thriller is truly
the best-selling album of all time do
you agree with our list which is your
favorite best-selling album of all time
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