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Top 10 Giant Movie Monsters

you may say that size doesn’t matter
these guys disagree welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten giant
movie monsters number ten the grab aways
tremors scary monsters go worms are not
usually the first thing that comes to
however these large carnivorous fellows
have made memorable appearances in Doom
and Beetlejuice before tremors showcased
the vicious subterranean worms in all
their glory popping up in the deserts of
Nevada through sinkholes they attack
everything they sense from above
devouring animals people and even trucks
they’re basically relentless desert
number nine the 50-foot woman attack of
the 50-foot woman before the women’s
liberation movement women were hardly
noticed however one marginalized woman
changed all that by standing tall really
reading tall that’s right
this giant movie monster or giant s is
troubled alcoholic heiress Nancy Archer
a woman who literally grows up after
encountering the space alien with her
newfound stature she finally gets to
teach her cheating inheritance seeking
husband a lesson that’s right
hell hath no fury like an enormous woman
number eight rancor Star Wars Episode
six return of the Jedi
jabba the hutt may be a disgusting space
lug and a heartless gangster but that
doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a soft spot
for pets
of course Jabba doesn’t eat any old
space dog rather he keeps the company of
this massive bipedal reptilian killing
machine hungry at all times it hunts and
devours whatever scraps its master
tosses to him spaceport and unarmed Jedi
number seven clover clover field
this monster of mysterious origins
revealed itself in bits and pieces
at first while destroying New York and
beheading the Statue of Liberty in the
it’s well into the film before we ever
see the nearly invincible beast in its
full 25 story height complete with sharp
claw like appendages even more amazing
the creature that destroys Manhattan
isn’t fully grown if he’s just a newborn
baby we don’t want to meet mama number 6
King Ghidorah Ghidorah the three-headed
monster what kind of creature requires
the combined might of Godzilla Rodin and
Mothra to vanquish it a humungous
two-tailed three-headed flying dragon
with seriously destructive breath that’s
what kind eudora the three-headed
monster crash lands on earth before
wreaking havoc on its inhabitants a
beast with unparalleled strength the
monstrous trio just barely conquers him
think of what he could have accomplished
if he’d been given arms to number 5 Stay
Puft Marshmallow Man ghostbusters
advertising icons are everywhere
nowadays but it’s rare that you see a
hundred and twelve foot one with a
sailor hat walking down the street mr.
Stay Puft is seemingly cute an innocent
having been gleaned and chosen from
Ray’s mind by Gozer the world ending
deity there’s something you don’t see
every day
tried to think of the most harmless
thing something I loved from my
childhood something that could never
ever possibly destroy us mr. Stay Puft
nice thinking right despite looking
friendly his smile and doughy exterior
is just a facade after all he’s been
dubbed the destroyer for a reason talk
about a sticky situation number four the
giant squid 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
now for something completely different a
movie monster that could actually exist
in this timeless classic adopted from
the works of Jules Verne Captain Nemo’s
Shanghai cruise on the Nautilus is
rudely interrupted by an encounter with
a formidable monster a giant squid
the story is fictional but giant squids
measuring up to 46 feet to exist in real
release the clock number three the
Kraken Clash of the Titans taking the
calamari Menace to the next level is the
Kraken this legendary and fearsome beast
is the deadly offspring of to see gods
you do not want to know how that works
scaly tentacled and Sharptooth it
destroys the cities of Greece when it’s
Unleashed from the underworld nigh
undefeatable the only thing that can
stop it in its tracks is a gaze from
Medusa’s severed head
number two King Kong King Kong the
eighth wonder of the world
this beast with no relation to a popular
Nintendo character was perfectly happy
on his native island battling giant
dinosaurs and enjoying the occasional
virgin sacrifice however as a spectacle
he was brought to Manhattan where he
faced down a force scarier than himself
the paparazzi
fleeing with his leading lady like any
misunderstood star would he climbed to
the top of the Empire State Building
before his tragic downfall
number one Godzilla the Godzilla series
taking the top spot on our list is the
king of monsters himself Gojira
as he’s known in his hometown is a
radioactive lizard with a trademark
screech and atomic breath
unstoppable and able to regenerate he
has appeared in some 30 films far
outpacing all of the other big guys he’s
the champ and if you don’t agree he’ll
gladly stomp on your city until you see
things his way
what do you think do you agree with our
list which giant sized monster has left
a giant impression on you for more
entertaining top 10s be sure to
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