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Top 10 Games With The Most Easter Eggs & Hidden Stuff!

secrets can turn a good game into a

great game looks like we’ve got company

welcome to and today we’re

counting down our picks for the top 10

video games with the most Easter eggs

the order has seen it before we begin we

publish new videos every day so be sure

to subscribe for more great content for

this list we’re looking at the games

that hide more extra content than you

might expect we’re basing our picks on a

mix of sheer quality how they’re hidden

and what each games Easter eggs give

no Bayonetta isn’t a subtle game it pays

homage to the games and cinema that

inspired it if you don’t recognize Joe

Red Hots grave or a sign for movie land

as a callback to beautiful Joe Bayonetta

barkeeper ronan also makes a sly

you can also unlock the original themes

from Sega’s afterburner and Space

Harrier in two levels that feature

remixes of these songs


Lieutenant Colonel Kilgore from

Apocalypse Now was even honored through

weapons and a costume and his golden LP

number nine Assassin’s Creed series the

Assassin’s Creed franchise has featured

everything from biblical plagues to

Turkey assassins 14 players defined in

the first game the developers would hide

several balconies that look like Optimus

Prime in Damascus and acre Assassin’s

Creed Black Flag contains tons of hidden

dialogue including one iconic joke from

the IT Crowd again origins gives nods to

Dark Souls through a bonfire and has

hidden laptop entries from watchdogs the

entry also features a version of Arya

Starks sword me –dl with sticking with

the pointy end in its description even

dr. whose signature TARDIS appears at

the bottom of a lake in origins a break

dying light the action of dying light

moves so fast that it’s hard to imagine

there’s literal treasure and it’s huge

rivers the developers also created a

loot cave from destiny and tell players

your destiny is to build your legend and

get loot a hidden war pipe will take you

to a first-person recreation of world

one one from super mario brothers

complete with goombas and a hidden block

one poster and dying light features a QR

code that takes you to a website and a

full backstory for Han city the clickers

from the last of us and the fighting

vegetation of plants versus zombies also

though early entries in the Call of Duty

series featured dangerous teddy bears

and dancing Nazis the franchise hasn’t

actually slowed down in fact teddy bears

have been hiding throughout most of the

games with some carrying weapons and

others activating songs the menu for

call of duty black ops lets you access a

computer to play a 2d shooter and the

text adventures orc been decapitating

all the mannequins in 15 seconds on


unlocks music in black ops and a

playable version of one of Activision’s

early games pitfall in black ops 2

doing this in black ops 3 even turns the

mannequins into deadly weeping angels

from Doctor Who cool stuff number 6

Just Cause 3 Just Cause 3 has more

references than banana stands have money

Thor’s famous hammer Mjolnir is hidden

on a mountain and not even connecting it

to a vehicle it can get you to move it

the smoke monster from lost attacks

people on an island with Hurley’s behind

nearby a miniature Stargate also appears

on the map that will teleport you to

different areas of the game helping a

dog get home unlocks dodge mode where

your damage readings turns into dodge

thief Just Cause 3 even addresses the

white versus blue dress meme with two

women wearing alternate colors beside

each other

number 5 The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt from

the Monty Python White Rabbit – an

entire fairy tale world through the DLC

The Witcher 3 has a lot of Secrets on

offer oh the three little pigs show up

to fight in a brick house their straw

and stick houses show up in the

expansion as well the game’s fist

fighting side quest makes a clever

reference to Fight Club through a

character called Durden beat tailor one

expansion pits you against a band of

warriors who relentlessly quote the war

voice from Mad Max fury road there’s

even some hilarious non-reference Easter

eggs to be found like insisting to check

a body’s genitals during the colonel

sins quest although that’s that might

not be any strike his genitals we ought

to inspect those I see you clearly find

gonads fascinating I feared I don’t

share your passion

number 4 Borderlands 2 the humor of

Borderlands 2 extends to their Easter

eggs including an entire audio clip

The Guardian ruins also contain

destroyable minecraft cubes that lead to

a cave full of creepers you can also

scan several QR codes throughout the

game that will text you thank yous and

Captain Picard quotes of course one

pizza delivery mission even leads you to

a band of mutants named after some very

famous ninja turtles and their master

amongst the many video game references

is donkey mom a giant enemy who throws

number three Grand Theft Auto series

unlike most games the Grand Theft Auto

creators have always been aware that

players are looking for hidden content

that just isn’t there

san andreas and Grand Theft Auto 3

included signs to mock players trying to

reach useless areas on the map perhaps

the most famous is the statue of

happiness from Grand Theft Auto 4 which

has an actual beating heart inside

flying a helicopter in Grand Theft Auto

5 around rantin Canyon reveals a pair of

women driving off a cliff

just like in Thelma & Louise we actually

have two top-10 lists already dedicated

to the many other Easter eggs so be sure

to check that out too I swear it’s just

this guy look man can you just lose the

cops number to Batman Arkham series hey

shopping considering he’s been around

for almost eighty years now Rocksteady

Studios did not skimp on drop any

strikes into the Dark Knight’s biggest

game series you can find the Justice

League fill in star ou start in a tank

changing your system clock while playing

Arkham City gives calendar man hidden

voice lines including a hint up to you

later games starting with seasons and

moving through the weeks I became

stronger you can even find nods to

Batman’s history scattered throughout

each of the games and once again we have

a top 10 list

dedicated to some of the best ones in

the series for you to check out

but it’s the only way to catch them do

this before we get to our top pick here

a few honorable mentions I’m in a box a

cardboard box why are you I don’t know I

was just looking at it and suddenly I

number one World of Warcraft Blizzard

has been adding to World of Warcraft for

years so it’s no surprise that

celebrities like Robin Williams have

been immortalized as characters good day

to you even the infamous Leroy Jenkins

has his own NPC that will constantly

charge into battle like many games

before it Wow also features a hatch from

lost along with a parody of the show’s

number sequence Bambi and Friends appear

with copyright friendly names and you

can even watch the little fawn avenge

his mom

among the more hidden events is the

demon children of golden Shire who

invoked the voice of C’thun if you

follow them long enough and that is

probably just the tip of the iceberg you

will do you agree with our picks check

out these other great clips from

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