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Top 10 Funniest MCU Characters

these cinematic characters are
marvelously funny
welcome to and today we’ll
be counting down our picks for the top
10 funniest MCU characters see happiest
is hoping to get bumped up to asset
management he was four head of security
and before that it was just a driver’s
private conversation
I don’t like joking about this it was
hard for me to talk to a trivia fans
WatchMojo is on the queues live trivia
app where your pop-culture knowledge can
earn you real money and it’s supposed to
buy me the WatchMojo lady winners in our
first game took home $200 each
get the app on iOS or Android to be
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description for this list we’ll be going
over the most hilarious characters in
the Marvel Cinematic Universe will only
be including entries from the MCU films
though anyone here for the grandmasters
champion Doug here’s Doug Doug Steve
number 10 Peter Parker / spider-man one
of the youngest MCU heroes at least on
the big screen Peter Parker has great
power and great responsibility thrust on
him but he still manages to have fun his
excitability and penchant for
pop-culture references make them both
endearing and highly amusing look
dance-off it’s not a it’s not it’s not I
can suppose to move exactly like photos
is it still the greatest movie in
it never was Tom Hollands cocky
spider-man persona is the one we’ve all
been waiting to see captured on the big
screen and he delivers that side of the
character brilliantly while also making
Peters awkward side funny as well given
his young age we hope that we’ll have
many more years of laughs to come no no
no no no that’s definitely no that’s
certainly not we want to watch just your
impressions are very funny
number 9 Cherie this corsets is really
uncomfortable so could we all just wrap
it up and go go the princess of Wakanda
and the younger sister of the Black
Panther T’Challa
Cherie is an absolute genius keeping her
brother and the rest of the country
ahead of the rest of the world with her
numerous vibranium based inventions
shuri’s tongue is as sharp as her mind
and she’s always ready with a witty
remark shooting at me wait let me put on
my helmet
shuri sarcastic and welcome comic relief
is a definite highlight of the Black
Panther movie and we look forward to
seeing more from her don’t scare me like
that colonizer number eight the
Grandmaster you’re officially pardoned
from life the ruler of the planet Sekar
the Grandmaster is a highly eccentric
decadent and egocentric character who
acts as a secondary antagonist in thor
ragnarok although his domination over
his people is often objectively harsh
and draconian his goofy denial over this
and his light-hearted execution of
people in horrific ways makes for a very
entertaining contrast I don’t like that
word lame Frank no I would not like
mainframe no the ad
yes word yes words sorry the prisoners
with jobs have armed themselves okay
that’s better that’s better the
grandmasters quirks are brought to life
by an absolutely hilarious performance
by Jeff Goldblum whose mannerisms and
odd little touches make the character a
real treat to watch I just I gotta say
I’m proud of you all this revolution has
been a huge success
yay us pat pat on the back pat on the
back number seven
Rocket Raccoon what is this thing look
how it thinks it’s so cool it’s not cool
to get help walk by yourself you little
gargoyle well he may have a tragic past
as a lab experiment rocket the talking
raccoon makes us laugh for real the
cantankerous pilot and fix-it man or
animal of the guardians of the galaxy
rocket is a lovable jerk whose frequent
blunt and outrageous remarks are a
crack-up that’s right everything about
him from his ill-tempered arguments with
his teammates to his friendship with
Groot to a strange obsession with
prosthetic limbs only adds to his crabby
charisma how much for the gut not for
Oh get that off number six
Thor was drunk I liked it I know that’s
great no though the Asgardian formerly
known as Prince and one of the strongest
Avengers Thor is one of the
longest-serving members of the MCU and
he’s only gotten funnier as times gone
on the full of Asgard the great prophecy
hang on back around shortly I really
feel like we were connecting they’re a
large part of what makes Thor funny is
this lack of familiarity with Earth’s
culture and our expressions
however Thor’s cocky attitude
one-upmanship and his contentious
relationship with his brother Loki are
also great sources of comedy no matter
the joke though Chris Hemsworth’s
charming performance always manages to
tickle our funny bones number five Scott
laying slash ant-man was hoping I could
grab a piece of technology just for a
few days I’m gonna return it they needed
to save the world you know how that is a
former thief turned shrinking superhero
Scott Lang may be a criminal but he’s
far from hardened Captain America mr.
I’m shaking your hand too long wow this
is awesome
Captain America I know you too your
Great Scott is a terrifically funny guy
who’s dry humor and unabashed enjoyment
of his suits abilities are things to
Paul Rudd’s exceptional comedic timing
rather infectious it’s this comedic
versatility that makes him among the MC
use finest does anyone have any orange
number four tracks these people are
completely literal metaphors are gonna
go over his head nothing goes over my
head my reflexes are too fast catch a
convicted murderess maniac isn’t what
most people think of when it comes to
comedy but Drax is an absolute laugh
his complete inability to understand
metaphors and other idioms leads to some
hilarious comedy in addition the
occasions where he displays a more
sensitive side that clashes with his
tough-guy image are also rather amusing
Jack’s also makes a great double act
with mantis whose naivete plays against
his outlandish and often rude statements
brilliantly people usually want cute
pets why would you go in such a hideous
one even with all that we’re not sure we
can quantify what makes tracks so
uproariously funny
where is Gamora yeah who’s Gamora I’ll
do you one better
why is Gamora number 3 Korg allow me to
introduce myself my name is Coke I’m
kind of like the leader in here made of
rocks as you can see but don’t get that
intimidate you a man made of rocks that
four meets on Sekar Korg is a failed
revolutionary turned gladiator
despite his fearsome appearance Korg is
soft-spoken and goofy and this contrast
is just the first of many funny things
he’s freaking gone in terms of the
percentage of time he spends on screen
being funny Korg may technically be the
funniest character on our list as nearly
every single line he says or thing he
does in thor ragnarok is hilarious
bottom line we all want more Korg sounds
like he had a pretty special and
intimate relationship with this hammer
and then losing that was almost
comparable to losing a loved one number
two Peter quill slash star-lord what are
you doing
dance-off fro me and you well all of the
guardians of the galaxy are funny to
some degree we’d argue that their leader
Peter quill or star-lord also leads the
rest in how amusing he is given that he
was abducted and raised by aliens during
the 1980s quill clings to the pop
culture of his youth leading him to make
many outdated references there’s a
legend about people like you it’s called
Footloose his irreverent sense of humor
as well as his exasperation with his
teammates even more outrageous behavior
also contribute to his excellent
spectrum of funny moments if not for our
next entry he’d probably be number one
because if all we come at him with us a
clunky attitude dude don’t call us
plucky we don’t know what it means
number one Tony Stark slash Iron Man
let’s face it this is not the worst
thing you’ve got me doing could it
really be anyone else Tony Stark Iron
Man himself has been around longer than
any of the other characters on our list
giving him a greater number of
opportunities for funny moments
Tony’s witty irreverent sense of humor
and Robert Downey jr. is wonderfully
charismatic delivery has given us plenty
of laughs over the years that man is
playing Galaga thought we wouldn’t
how does fury even see these as the
original MCU superhero Tony has not only
made us laugh longer than any other
character he’s also set the comedic tone
for the entire MCU if he wasn’t as funny
as he was right from the start we might
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