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Top 10 Epic Final Battles in Sci-Fi Movies

you can’t beat final battles of this
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
epic final battles in science fiction
movies before we begin we publish new
videos every day so be sure to subscribe
for more great content for this list
we’re looking at the most monumental
climactic battles that kept us on the
edge of our seats since all of these
battles occur in the third act of their
respective films a spoiler alert is now
in effect
number 10 Vitas vs. Venter district 9
what’s your friend when you find
yourself mutating into a slimey alien
prawn your friends in trouble and you’ve
got the military hunting you down what
else are you gonna do besides strap
yourself into an alien battle suit and
kick some ass this scene is the final
push for an alien prawn named
Christopher Johnson to reach his
spaceship and escape the earth after
learning what it’s like to be in a prawn
shoes for a day veikkaus Vonda Marva
comes to the rescue
since the exosuit wasn’t designed for
humans he winds up discovering it’s
weapons and abilities on the run meaning
surprises are in store for both him and
the audience the result is some
awesomely gritty Verhoeven esque action
that also has heart
number nine ties you versus Yeager’s
Pacific Rim let’s finish this
after nearly two hours of gargantuan
kaiju killing awesomeness the heroes of
our story venture into the ocean depths
straight towards the lion’s den piloting
the last two surviving Jaeger machines
gipsy danger and striker Eureka they
fight their way to the interdimensional
fissure where the kaiju monsters first
emerged with striker packing a nuclear
bomb hoping to destroy the portal for
good the two are met with heavy
resistance from three ravenous Titanic
sized kaiju the underwater setting of
this battle makes for a much more
challenging combat environment putting
the jaegers to the test it also provides
unique visuals that couldn’t have been
imagined with old-fashioned rubber suits
this final battle is just the next step
in the evolution of kaiju films number
eight aerial battle Independence Day not
willing to go quietly into the night
humanity ended the infamous war of 96 by
launching the largest aerial battle in
the history of humankind knowing he
belongs in the air President Thomas
Whitmore steps into the cockpit of an
f-18 Hornet and fights alongside
humanity’s last ragtag squadron of
fighter pilots when the tide of battle
takes a turn for the worse
Whitmore helps plow the road for dopey
crop duster Russell case to make the
ultimate sacrifice
case points the nose of his supersonic
fighter jet right up the aliens Royal
ass and bon voyage
the stirring musical score by David
Arnold complements every moment of
suspense and act of bravery in this
unforgettable battle number seven neo
versus Smith The Matrix Revolutions
by the third film in the Matrix trilogy
neo and Agent Smith are no strangers
they’re each well-versed in hand-to-hand
combat and well aware of each other’s
gravity defying capabilities in the
first film
Neos martial arts skills gave him the
edge he needed to fight Smith but in
revolutions Smith has become so powerful
that even the machines controlling the
matrix don’t know what to do with this
guy so neo is sent back into the matrix
to end Smith for good I know it does sit
amidst a thundering rainstorm this fight
is steeped in poetic visuals Smith
doesn’t make use of his clones in this
fight rendering it more personal
especially as the battle concludes with
some philosophical pondering and a
little assimilation why mr. Anderson why
why do you persist number 6
battle for pandora avatar brother I’m
gonna punch a hole you follow me through
when an evil mining corporation
threatens the survival of their land the
tall and mighty Navi tribes mount their
mountain Banshees and take to the skies
assisted by jakesully and a handful of
other human allies this epic battle in
the floating mountains of pandora is an
astonishing spectacle the Navi spiritual
connection to their planet means the
local wildlife joins them in protecting
their home helping to even the odds
against the attacking RDA warships break
formation engage all hostiles
apparently directing epic sci-fi battles
is just like riding a bike for James
Cameron 12 years after Titanic
Cameron’s masterful pioneering of motion
capture filmmaking allowed him to craft
this wildly imaginative battle while
never forgetting to let the emotions of
the characters shine through their
animated visages I read you number 5
snowy mountain battle inception if this
design is elaborate there must be access
routes that cut through the maze right
Christopher Nolan’s inception follows
Dom Cobb and a team of extractors who
are attempting to plant an idea in the
subconscious of a wealthy businessman
air inside a dreams three levels deep
the extractors fight off projections
that manifest in the form of
trigger-happy alpine skiers time is of
the essence here as each successive
dream level relies on the next for the
inception to work it’s mom I don’t have
time for this Diddy added
he added an air duct system that can cut
through the mace and while taking a
bullet in a dream doesn’t normally spell
real world death the intense sedatives
necessary for their multi-level dream
mean that dream dying could trap the
victim in an endless state of limbo the
stakes in this battle are only amplified
by Hans Zimmer’s pulse-pounding score
which drives viewers through
interconnected conflicts occurring in
multiple levels of the dream world kick
number four fury road chase Mad Max fury
road Gary Goggins George Miller’s
action-packed masterpiece of filmmaking
ends with a battle that’s perfect in
every way as furiosa barrels back down
the fury road and her monstrous war rig
Maxon the vu vallini must fend off the
army of war vehicles led by the menacing
wasteland tyrant in Morton Joe Miller
skillfully ratchets up the insanity
level throughout this chase as war boys
try every nitro boosted trick they can
Miller wisely chose to keep the effects
practical using real vehicles and stunt
performers clearly inspired by silent
films like buster Keaton’s the general
the action scenes in fury road feature
undistracted silky smooth action that
actually makes geographical sense
oh what a scene what a lovely scene
number three steel mill battle
Terminator 2 Judgment Day John you got
to go now
by the time the t800 John and Sarah
Connor have reached this point in the
story they practically become a family
the t800 has become a father figure in
John’s life protecting John and learning
empathy from him in the process this
makes this final battle all the more
heart-wrenching when we see the t800
struggling to fend off the t1000 be
vastly superior killing machine
in 1991 CGI was the greatest thing since
sliced bread
astonishing moviegoers with the t1000
surreal liquid metal abilities but aside
from that this scene is also notable for
its heartfelt ending as the t800
farewell thumbs up slowly sinks into a
vat of molten lava
number two Ripley versus the alien queen
aliens this battle between two
formidable females stands out as
exhilarating and genuinely terrifying
the third James Cameron battled to make
our list features favorite sci-fi
heroine and ultimate badass Ellen Ripley
after rescuing her adopted daughter from
the hellish nightmare of the alien hive
Ripley returns to the Sulaco only to
find that a slimy stowaway has snuck on
board the menacing alien queen threatens
Newt and Ripley’s protective motherly
instincts kick into high gear get away
from her you bitch
the added size and strength of her cargo
loader allows her to intimidate the
animalistic alien and throw her out the
goddamn airlock though hardly noticeable
even 30 years later much of this scene
was filmed with animatronics and puppets
that hold up astonishingly well
before we unveil our number one pick
here are some honorable mentions
number one the Battle of Endor Star Wars
Episode six Return of the Jedi as we’ve
seen with the Battle of Pandora Spears
arrows and tree dwelling natives are not
to be underestimated
while the Battle of Yavin will long be
remembered and the end of rogue one is
badass three diverse battlegrounds set
the stage for the climactic final
chapter of the original Star Wars
trilogy while Luke Skywalker clashes
lightsaber blades with Darth Vader
aboard the dreaded second Death Star
rebel fighters led by Admiral Ackbar
battle a fleet of stardestroyers and the
Death Star itself
accelerate to attack speed draw their
fire away from the cruisers meanwhile
the Imperials overconfidence gets the
best of them as they get their keisters
kicked by a tribe of furry Ewoks made in
the golden age of 80 sci-fi fantasy this
classic Battle Packs
all manner of practical effects heroes
villains and mythical storytelling into
a deeply satisfying ending
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