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Top 10 Dumbest Things We Believed As Kids

how to be young and gullible and full of
wonder again welcome to
and today we’re counting down our picks
for the top ten dumbest things we
believed as kids
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content for this list we’re looking at
some of the most widely held but
adorably wrong things people thought to
be true as kids number 10 toys come to
life while you sleep
Toy Story plays a big role in
popularizing this belief but even before
that kids were suspicious of their toys
after lights out okay everybody
coast is clear with films like Rudolph
the red-nosed reindeer the Christmas toy
and the mouse and his child the concept
cinematic history is rather long kids
often develop a strong attachment to
their toys often projecting feelings and
thoughts onto them with that in mind is
it so hard to understand why their young
minds would think of their toys as
living things some parents actually
encourage this with dye November a month
of staging toy dinosaurs to look like
they caused a ruckus overnight number
water is blue bluest water most adults
know this is wrong but try explaining it
in case you need a refresher here goes
bodies of water absorb green red orange
and yellow light wavelengths more
readily with blue and violet light waves
being left behind in a process known as
selective absorption and scattering now
try explaining that to a kid you see
children are visual creatures and are
therefore unlikely to understand when
you point out something that clearly
looks blue and then proceed to tell them
that it isn’t and if they only recently
learned to identify different colors
it’s probably best to just leave it
alone number eight you’ll get stuck or
sucked into the toilet if you flush
while sitting who knows where kids get
this stuff but anyone with experience
using a toilet can tell you
neither of these are legitimate risks
this particular fear baseless though it
might be isn’t a terrible one for kids
to have because in the end it helps them
cultivate better hygiene practices in
the bathroom
you should always stand up and close the
lid before flushing in order to avoid a
mushroom cloud of microscopic fecal
matter though kids are unlikely to
follow that rule based on hygiene alone
fear of getting stuck just might work
number seven songs on the radio are
being played live kids are generally
quick to pick up on technology but just
cuz they can use tech doesn’t mean they
understand it controlling the radio in a
car might be a thrill for a young child
but how many understand how radios
actually function concepts like studio
recording and you know time management
are a little beyond them so unless the
concept of recorded music has been
carefully explained to them chances are
they assumed people were actually
performing songs on the other side the
person talking between songs is clearly
working in real time why should the
songs they present be any different
number six if you swallow a seed a plant
grows inside you I’ll roll down the
window this is pretty much the
child-friendly version of a chestburster
from the Alien franchise and honestly
when you really think about it it’s
almost as scary of a concept what would
it actually feel like to have a plant
growing inside you if such a plant is
strong enough to survive in an
environment rife with stomach acid then
surely bone muscle or skin wouldn’t be
enough to contain its ambitious growth
Rugrats took this concept and ran with
it in the episode the inside story
delving deep into this childish source
of anxiety but hey why else would your
parents tell you not to swallow the
seeds number five chocolate milk comes
from brown cows this had to have started
as a grown-up fib
there’s no way kids just came up with
this ludicrous idea on their own right
well the classic cartoon cow is
primarily white and that’s where milk
which is also white comes from and kids
are visual creatures so come to think of
it wouldn’t a brown cow be the most
logical obvious source for the brown
variety of milk kids operating under
this misconception must really value
brown cows given that by extension their
milk would serve as the base for all
chocolate sadly many adults somehow
still get this wrong number four the
human heart actually looks like it does
on paper from a young age children
learned that the heart is the most
important organ not just from an
anatomical or health perspective but
also in terms of its cultural
significance they learn to place their
hand over their heart when making a
promise that the heart is a symbol of
love and that when you really care about
something you put your heart into it
considering that hearts matter so much
it’s a little wonder we try to protect
children from what they actually look
like for so long giving them a smooth
aesthetically appealing drawing as a
it occurred in a man yes
the real thing is pretty gross number
three you can get cooties
as far as children are concerned this is
just about the biggest health concern in
the schoolyard how do cooties work well
given that they’re make-believe there’s
some room for debate but it basically
boils down to this
girls have special germs and they
transfer them to boys any way they can
hey women I play with them or talk to
them in this act it would seem however
as gender roles in the playground have
progressed that cooties go both ways and
that everyone is afraid of catching them
from the opposite sex historically it
seems to have arisen from a genuine
effort to avoid the transmission of
infectious diseases and to emphasize
cleanliness number two there are
monsters in the closet or under the bed
children have a thing about monsters
they just don’t like them it doesn’t
matter how many times parents clear the
area or turn on the lights kids cannot
be convinced their room is safe remember
when you pulled your arms and legs in
tight and pulled the sheets over your
what were those sheets really gonna do
at the very heart of this phobia is an
evolutionary fear of the dark or rather
a fear of the mystery that darkness
represents just cuz you can’t see
something doesn’t mean it isn’t there or
that it isn’t out to get you before we
unveil our number one pick here are some
honorable mentions
hey guys put a Ryan world’s greatest
camera dude or flatscreen yeah we know
what the heck who cares you don’t need a
flat screen anymore number one Santa
Claus is real sight boy should be
finishing up a new kind we’ve got no one
to blame but the parents for this one
this isn’t something kids simply believe
it’s an international conspiracy
involving millions of people be it Santa
Claus are the Tooth Fairy parents and
society in general put in the time and
effort to keep kids believing as long as
possible because it’s more fun to raise
kids in a world where magic can exist we
go to great lengths to come up with
logical explanations to cover the many
illogical aspects of Santa Claus but
it’s all worth it to foster that sense
of wonder and imagination that there is
no Santa Claus then I would ask the
court to judge which is worse a lie that
draws a small
or a truth that draws a tear do you
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