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Top 10 Dreamcast Games

they’re the best games on Sega’s
swonsong device welcome to
and today we’re counting down our picks
for the top 10 Sega Dreamcast games ah
good for this list we’re sticking to one
game per franchise we’re also only
focusing on games that were released
while Sega officially supported the
system as much as we love games like
Sturm wind which was released in 2013 on
the Dreamcast we can’t include that
since it’s not an official release
number 10 Skies of Arcadia kicking off
our list is the swashbuckling sky pirate
RPG taking place in a world where chunks
of land float in the sky and you travel
around on flying pirate ships
Arkadia featured dungeon exploration and
airship combat as well as a mini RPG
that could be uploaded to the
Dreamcast’s vm you dispose of them all
this combined to make it a solid RPG for
the system
welcome to the Power Stone world number
nine Power Stone – a unique 3d fighting
game that’s absolute madness Power Stone
– zarina’s were filled with various
hazards useful weapons and even changed
dynamically as the matches played out
it also allowed for up to four players
in one match who sometimes had to team
up to take down bosses that would
sporadically appear making this an epic
choice for a party game dream Sumerian
guru the broadcaster just said rodeo
number eight Jet Set Radio known as jet
grind radio in North America this
colorful cel-shaded street art game had
you playing a rollerblading graffiti
artist as you skate around covering up
rival gangs tags with your own you’re
forced to deal with the most
trigger-happy police force ever who
frequently call in SWAT teams and Apache
attack helicopters to take you out geez
overreaction much hey come on over have
some fun with Crazy Taxi number seven
Crazy Taxi a well-made port of the
arcade game this game has you playing as
a guy who clearly can’t follow the road
rules yet somehow is a license to taxi
driver the game revolved around
delivering impatient passengers to their
destinations while performing the
wildest tricks along the way
top it off with a licensed soundtrack
from the offspring for as the announcer
would say a crazy experience watch it
you idiot
number six Resident Evil Code Veronica
Code Veronica is the first in the
survival horror series to use 3d
backgrounds rather than pre-rendered
compared to the previous entries this
game has you playing as Claire Redfield
from the second game consider the area
you are in a special playground
I have prepared just for you he’s now
trapped on an island infested with you
guessed it zombies later bringing in her
brother Chris as well as antagonist
Albert Wesker CD is a solid but off
forgotten entry in the series oh you
must be one of em Braille is lower level
officers if you’re in command of a fact
what amazed like this one yeah
number five solo however a launch title
that ended up being graphically superior
to its arcade counterpart Soul Calibur
set a new benchmark for 3d fighting
games bringing in to combat some of the
bluntest but effective weapons in
videogame history this game was the
go-to choice for those looking for
arcade fun in a living room setting
what up
number four Sonic Adventure 2 sonic has
struggled with 3d games as of late but
his second outing on the Dreamcast can
show you that it can or at least could
be done Wow set an interesting twist on
adventure games where you can play as
either the hero or the villains each
character brought unique gameplay
elements with them
oh and you could raise those cute little
creatures – that was cool number three
Phantasy Star Online a prime example
where the term way ahead of its time is
an understatement this was an online RPG
released when 56k dial-up was still the
standard in the year 2000 Sega announced
that it would within the year create a
new world in that virtual world the
internet an RPG that blended science
fiction and fantasy its servers are no
longer running meaning that if you want
to play it you have to hack your system
to access private servers despite these
modern limitations it’s groundbreaking
ambition wins it its spot here the
gaming population is the entire
population of the world number 2 Shenmue
here it is the Dreamcast’s killer app in
more ways than one do this so it’s
easier to eat originally planned to be
released on the Saturn and in a trilogy
production was moved when that system
stopped being supported by Sega this is
cool I should try again this
action-adventure game was also one of
the most expensive games ever made with
production costs totaling over 45
million sadly this games trilogy has
never been resolved since the third game
died with the Dreamcast I knew you
couldn’t resist
boy what remember the tattoo parlor
payback time here catch before we get to
number one here are a few honorable
number one Marvel vs. Capcom 2 new age
of heroes taking the top spot is the
fighting game that not only was a great
port of the arcade game but the
definitive version for its time with 56
fighters to choose from put together
into three versus three fighting arenas
there’s a lot to experiment with not to
mention it’s over the top screen feeling
specials and fast moving combo gameplay
it easily takes the iconic number one
spot do you agree with our list you got
to be kidding
which Dreamcast game was your all-time
favorite for more definitive top 10s
published every day be sure to subscribe
to I’m hijacking the
Airways and terrorizing you with goons
because we’re gonna turn these dirty
streets in the one big dance party
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