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Top 10 Disturbing Call of Duty Zombies

we’re going to need more than a few
shotguns for these guys welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten
disturbing call of duty zombies before
we begin we publish new videos every day
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videos for this list we’re looking at
the most disturbing zombies from across
the Call of Duty franchise considering
their looks behavior and overall
number 10
oh look everyone it’s a Muller
only it’s more grotesque and looks like
it came crawling straight from hell
these forearm beasts are covered in
spikes bolts and other metal parts you’d
think they’d come out of a lost Doom
game and is that long thing supposed to
be its tongue to make life more
difficult my stem you colors come in
different varieties if only we could use
Hanks Jeep to turn them all into
roadkill unfortunately they’re not the
only creatures of body horror to grace
the Call of Duty franchise number nine
skating divas call of duty infinite
warfare we love skating skating can be
fun you know what isn’t fun seeing a
zombie in rollerskates the skating divas
may have a groovy taste in music but
that does not make up for their terrible
fashion sense I mean look at all of that
decayed skin it’s like seeing your
grandpa in a speedo and a sports bra at
least the disco music makes them
noticeable and we can easily avoid an
explosive afro Phil death sorry guys the
70s called
and they don’t want you back go back to
your graves number eight
don’t get us wrong we love our zombies
with a little bit of gross nough stew
them you know the usual exposed brains
hanging guts and dangling jaws as for
the users please excuse us while we go
vomit out our insides the acid leaking
out of losers makes these zombies the
most disgusting zombies on this list and
the black spots that cover their body
definitely add to the gross factor
if we ever live long enough to witness
the impending zombie apocalypse we pray
to god there won’t be anything like the
users seriously let us die with some
number seven cosmics silverback call of
this big ape has certainly seen better
the cosmic silverback was once sent into
space by the Soviet Union only to come
back as one of the most terrifying
monkey zombies we’ve ever seen players
can go up against him in the dead ops
arcade and hot damn our first go-around
almost made us wet our pants the vicious
roars and one-hit kills make the cosmic
silverback a frightening force to be
reckoned with just wait till you get a
load of his brother he’s a cybernetic
silverback number 6 Panzer Mordor call
of duty world war 2 some of the best
boss battles we’ve had in gaming were
going up against larger-than-life
creatures they were epic they were
intense and most of all they were fun
as for the Panzer Mordor what in the
living hell is this tony burk
monstrosity holy crap if there was ever
a living definition of body horror it is
this this creature is just a pure
amalgamation of human remains and metal
and it’s more disgusting to look at than
the users the freaking users we like
playing zombies and all but the final
reich map is off the table for us
all aboard the nope train next stop that
city number 5 jumping jacks
aka leapers or minions call of duty
black ops 2 many of the zombies on this
list frighten us to the brim
really we can’t help unloading a full
clip when going up against just one of
these dudes you know when it comes to
the jumping jacks though we go into full
panic mode my which sharp teeth you have
they may not be the most lethal of the
bunch but jumping jacks are terrifying
and how they move around a single one
can be taken out easily but in hordes
they are some serious nightmare fuel
number 4 space monkeys call of duty
you know there’s a reason some of us
don’t like playing the Ascension map in
the 1st and 3rd blackops games it’s not
the eerie setting that gets us
it’s those damn space monkeys this is a
zombified animal we’re dealing with and
they’re smart they’re melee attacks are
fierce they can throw back grenades and
they know how to attack the perk
machines it’s like they know how the
game works on top of that they explode
shortly after getting killed so these
tiny buggers put a lot of stress on us
part of us would rather deal with the
hellhounds number 3 George a Romero
if there was ever a more obvious
definition of irony
this certainly takes the cake or in this
case brains the late horror icon George
Romero was famous for pioneering zombie
movies and in the first blackops game he
becomes one during production of his
latest film starring Danny Trejo Michael
Rooker Sarah Michelle Gellar and Robert
Englund Romero is taken by a real zombie
and soon becomes infected and boy does
the man have a temper it’s almost
terrifying to see him go into a fit of
charging at the player we love you
Romero but damn you can be terrifying
number 2 clown zombies Call of Duty
just when we thought things couldn’t get
any worse Infinity Ward goes and makes
our worst nightmares come true if you
have a phobia of zombies we really hope
you’re not afraid of clowns otherwise
you’re gonna have a bad time in infinite
warfare clown zombies are no laughing
matter they’ll charge at you faster than
falling in a dunk tank and they’re as
explosive as a bottle of seltzer water
so when they’re arriving in hordes clown
zombies will quickly become the bane of
number one corpse eater Call of Duty
World War two okay we have no problems
with zombies eating humans aside from
you know the killing part of it but
we’ve never seen a zombie so hell-bent
on eating other zombies ladies and
gentlemen may we present the corpse
eater also known as the void sizzler or
void get cocked these little butt
munchers will actively hunt down other
zombies to grow stronger and once
they’re fully fueled you’re practically
guaranteed a game over what makes it the
most disturbing zombie is the fact that
it’s basically committing cannibalism
three times over for the sake of more
cannibalism that’s freaking screwed up
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