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Top 10 DC Extended Universe Moments

when iconic comic book characters appear
on the big screen the spectacle is
basically guaranteed welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10 DC
extended universe moments before we
begin please publish new videos every
day so be sure to subscribe for more
great content for this list we’re
looking at the biggest and best scenes
and moments from the first three movies
of the DCU including the extended
editions what are your superpowers again
I’m rich number 10 first flight man of
sleeping tall buildings in a single
bound is all well and good but as the
1978 Superman film hammered home with
its tagline you’ll believe a man can fly
flight has been central to the last Son
of Krypton since Action Comics number 65
when he first went from leaping to
soaring in Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel
Clark Kent remains grounded for roughly
the first 45 minutes of the film why
when we finally see him take off we’re
treated to a wonderful humanizing scene
which shows kal-el struggling to learn
the skill he will eventually make look
easy when he finally earns his wings
it’s a triumphant and inspiring moment
and I’m it will help them accomplish
wonders number 9 Bruce Wayne to the
rescue in Metropolis Batman V Superman
dawn of Justice
like Man of Steel before it
zack snyder’s second DC you offering
proved seriously divisive critically
panned it has since gone on to become
one of the top 50 best-selling blu-rays
of all time
although allegedly most of those have
been purchased by ben affleck regardless
of where you land on it there’s no
denying that this scene was a true
standout in terms of universe building
setting up character motivations in pure
cinematic spectacle in this flashback to
the Battle of Metropolis from Man of
Steel which by the way perfectly syncs
with shots from the film we see that
Bruce Wayne wasn’t backed on the ground
doing his best to save his employees and
strangers like that’s okay
number eight Superman vs Thor ax Man of
Steel in week on of all insurance
yourself so Michael Shannon and Henry
town respectively turned in strong
performances as General Zod and Superman
many fans left the theater talking about
neither the central villain or the hero
but rather on Jay Chou’s Kryptonian
subcommander flower it is an evolution
always wins
Alvers odds dedicated lieutenant fara
goes toe-to-toe with kal-el in his
adoptive hometown of Smallville
challenging Earth’s newly-revealed
protector the military minded
unflinchingly focused our undermines
Clark’s self-confidence belittling him
in every turn it would have been a
thrilling sequence even without the
Badger but thanks to trials truly
magnetic performance the scene was made
even more captivating you will not win
forever human you say we will kill a
million more number 7 Superman destroys
the world engine Matt steel
Supes is really lucky he learned to fly
before having to taste his fellow
Kryptonians in combat had he not it it’d
be more than metropolis that got
destroyed we’d be looking at a fully
terrifying New Krypton after being
brutally thrown around by the world
engines liquid goo tentacle defenses the
Man of Steel finally takes down the
colossal machine by taking the path of
greatest resistance directly into the
high powered gravity beam despite the
incredible force pushing against him
Superman manages to fly upstream with
enough power to smash right through the
world engine saving humanity through the
will and determination that the
character is known for exhibit number
six the birth of Harley Quinn Suicide
Squad but he died for me yes nothing
says true love like you closing yourself
to the same talk to chemical bath that
transformed your man into the deranged
psychopathic killer he is today am i
right despite the fact that this
particular dive could have killed her
dr. Harleen Quinzel willingly takes the
effectively erasing the woman she once
was to become the Joker’s other half is
equally damaged female counterpart but
hey as they say love makes people do
crazy things right a highly stylized
shot the scene is a definite highlight
from the film with what appears to be
their melted clothing swirling around
them as they emerge it’s the perfect to
start to one seriously twisted new
chapter in their lives
number five Superman versus Zod Man of
Steel I exist only to protect Krypton
that is the sole purpose but which I was
born while on James house for might have
been a scene stealer for Smallville
fight scene is edged out by the sheer
scale of Zod and Cal’s metropolis
Throwdown so some detractors took issue
with the level of destruction and
Superman’s failure to move the fight to
a less populated area looking beyond
such criticisms one has to appreciate
the attention to detail that went into
this carefully planned dynamic fight
it basically answered the question what
would it look like for two godlike
characters to give it their all on the
big screen the end result was a deeply
personal highly choreographed
hand-to-hand combat sequence on a truly
massive scale in other words it was
number four Batman fights Superman
Batman V Superman dawn of Justice
let’s be honest as comic book fans most
of us didn’t dare dream of seeing these
two cultural monoliths share the big
screen in a live-action adaptation let
alone go head-to-head
before the superhero movie revolution an
adaptation of the gritty mature Dark
Knight Returns didn’t really seem
despite the odds and much to the delight
of fans everywhere in 2016 we got to see
arguably the two most iconic superheroes
in history Throwdown quite similarly to
how they did in Frank Miller’s 1986 opus
Batman battle armor and all the fight
proved to be a brutal one even though
its conclusion left some fans kind of
scratching their heads
pick another piece this other piece
number three the final days of Krypton
Man of Steel
from the very opening scene of this DC
EU film Jackson enter made one thing
clear this is a serious universe though
Superman’s story has always been about
hope as the last son of a doomed planet
his history has always been a tragic one
and so before showing us Clark’s
personal journey to become the Man of
Steel Snyder kicked off the narrative
with an exciting and stylish depiction
of Kryptonian society
fully fleshed out on screen in all its
otherworldly wonder the planet of
Krypton was not only breathtaking it
also helped us to understand this
distinct culture of self-importance and
denial and how their hubris ultimately
resulted in their demise
number two fat man’s warehouse takedown
Batman V Superman dawn of Justice when
Ben Affleck’s Batman assaulted the
warehouse to save Martha Kent many fans
were quick to point out the similarities
between his fighting style and that of
rock stars critically acclaimed Arkham
games it’s a brutal physical fight
sequence that sees Batman combining
stealth gadgets and bone crunching
hand-to-hand combat to stunning effect
the way he moved from enemy to enemy
with a combination of grace and ferocity
demonstrated why the criminals of Gotham
are so afraid of him fans have never
really seen live-action combat like this
from Batman before and it left them
hungry for more doing number one the
Trinity unites Batman V Superman dawn of
Justice now we know that not everyone
appreciated the CGI heavy battle against
Tuesday or the interpretation of the
villain that the filmmakers went with
but even taking such criticisms into
account this moment was a massive
landmark this thing is fill another
my room seeing Superman and Batman Duke
it out on screen already felt like a
tree but witnessing DC’s 20 become
together first time on the big screen
was a bonafide historic moment not just
in comic book movie history
but in movie history period the fact
that Wonder Woman managed to steal the
show only made this momentous occasion
all the more satisfying we’re in the
Golden Age of comic book movies and
seeing these three share the screen is
basically proof she would you know
church is real
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