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Top 10 Dark Souls Fan Theories!

while preparing to die may be central to
the souls experience there is another
facet which remains vital to its
popularity the wishful thinking and
eccentric theories of its fandom welcome
to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top 10
Dark Souls fan theories for more gaming
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this list we’re examining the concepts
and ideas put forth by longtime fans of
the Dark Souls series finding those
theories which are most intriguing and
perhaps best fit with the established
canon given that we’re diving deep into
the plot and lore of these games in
search of these theories technically
some of these are spoilers but you know
it’s Dark Souls things are weird number
10 the one true god velka they came
and found the souls of Lords within the
flame there’s absolutely no question the
presence and influence of gods is a key
recurring element of Dark Souls and it’s
sequels right from the outset the games
emphasize the importance of deities in
their setting by listing all of the
known gods at the realm noticeably
absent from the lineup ever is a being
known as a velka despite being feared by
the Giants and having representations in
the form of shrines
Talca isn’t recognized in the same
context as other figures like Gwyn or
neato given her implied blacksheep
status it’s thought that Belka may be
some entity beyond the scope of other
so-called gods perhaps even being the
ruler of all of them but soon the flames
will fade and only dark will remain
number nine algea and the ancient dragon
experimentation and genetic manipulation
take a grim turn in Dark Souls 2 though
we hardly find that surprising right
it’s indicated over the course of the
game that aldea brother to King Barrett
and the scholar of the first sin has a
penchant for toying with various species
of creatures this might explain why upon
besting it in battle the optional
ancient dragon boss drops a giant soul
rather than the more appropriate dragon
soul the ancient dragon is found not far
from aldia’s keep making it reasonable
to suspect that he may have manufactured
or altered the dragon by some means
number 8 demon to dark slay of demons go
back above
many a curious gamer has tried to find
the links between the 2009 game demon
souls and its spiritual successor Dark
Souls their shared plane mechanics and
visual references certainly lend
credence to the idea especially given
that from software has remained the
developer of the series however some
fans believe that gameplay and developer
are not the only things these games
share the theory goes that the can and
ending of demon souls is one in which
the ancient creature known as well the
old one awakens and rules over the
kingdom of boletaria
this then eventually leads to bullet
arias fall and the formation of Lordran
the setting of Dark Souls in its place a
brave of unprecedented numbers have it
king vendrick’s golems
over the course of Dark Souls 2 a
recurring plot thread deals with the
actions of one King vendrick whose
crimes against the giant race have
lingering game wide consequences
vendrick is said to have stolen
something of value from the Giants only
it’s never made explicit what that
object might have themed certain fans
speculate that the things stolen was
actually living beings specifically
Giants that were kidnapped and used in
the creation of golems cited in this
theory is the fact that the golems bear
great resemblance to Giants and are
strewn about bendrix Castle as guards
that’s quite a cruel and twisted
possibility yet all too appropriate for
these games
number six the nature of pinwheel while
on their way to meet and confront the
gravelord nito players have the
misfortune of crossing paths with the
boss pinwheel beyond its usage of fire
magic and its six oddly shaped
appendages not much is immediately
apparent about this monstrous being
pinwheels shape and the presence of
skeletons in its chamber suggests that
its physical form may be that of
multiple corpses merged together perhaps
most significant of all though are the
three masks worn by pinwheel they are
named the masks of the Father mother and
child taken as a whole the implication
is that pinwheel is the twisted
manifestation of an undead family
number five wins firstborn you’ve been
quiet these days
smooth summoning up there the shadow of
King gwyn lord of cinder looms large
over many aspects of the game
this also tides into Queens heirs one of
whom the mysterious first born from
mains and AG mattock at best scant
little is known for certain about the
firstborn save for details like their
status as a long-vanished
exile and their inheritance of lightning
and sunlight magic from win I have come
to this great land the birthplace of
Lord Gwyn to seek my very own son
however this is enough for a contingent
of players to point to the knight
solaire of astora
a warrior of sunlight as potentially the
child in question sole heir does utilize
both lightning and sunlight in combat
and his quest to bind a son of his own
hints at a lingering absence of purpose
that forced exile might have caused you
find that strange
well should number 4 Ornstein
bosses in these games tend more often
than not to stand out to prove memorable
or engaging in some capacity in the
upper echelon of these bosses sits the
duo of Dragonslayer Ornstein and
executioner smough two of Glenn’s most
notorious minions subsequent souls games
reveal that all of Queen’s Knights
departed Lourdes ran a long time ago
as Smaug was a lowly executioner his
presence makes sense but what about
Knight Ornstein some fans now
hypothesized that the Ornstein of Dark
Souls was an illusion or imposter
employed by Smaug though why this was
done remains a mystery number three the
slaves of Blighttown
as if matters were already dour and
grotesque enough
here’s another layer of awful that might
be at play among the many noteworthy
locales showcased in the original Dark
Souls is Blighttown
a cave based settlement long since
overrun by poisonous creatures and
wandering undead its dark chambers and
abandoned mining equipment may hide a
much darker past however pertaining to
certain items and details strewn about
the town a collectible whip dog guards
patrolling the area the fact that the
long-dead workers are stronger than
guards this all seems to point to blight
town having made use of slave labor if
true then the ultimate fate of blight
town citizens is all the more tragic
also screw blight town I hate that place
number 2
ulis Isle thieves few creatures are
quite as startling or dedicated to the
art of surprise as the mimics shaped
like seemingly ordinary treasure chests
these mysterious beings close their lids
or jaws on a given unfortunate Explorer
upon interaction what’s especially
intriguing is how the mimics bear
strange resemblance to the humanoid bows
encountered in coulis Isle a location in
the artorias of the abyss DLC
eagle-eye players have also taken note
of the lore stating that chameleon magic
originated in Poulos Isle as well as the
wearable symbol of avarice item being
associated with shame and greed thus
some believe that the mimics are
secretly shape-shifting thieves from
oolacile lying in wait for inattentive
travellers number one the ruins of Lord
Rama’s legacy lost in the erosive nature
of time these all appear to be key
themes in Dark Souls 2 perhaps the most
clear indicator of this is the choice of
locale the game is set in drangleic a
fracture ground made up of disparate
loosely connected hubs little details
start to crop up which suggests that
Drang Lick is actually not a new setting
but instead the remains of past
locations in Lordran
for instance the Cathedral of blue
greatly resembles the anor londo
Cathedral from Dark Souls complete with
a boss heavily implied to be Ornstein
quite a curious coincidence if we do say
so ourselves
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