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Top 10 Craziest Game of Thrones Theories That Might Be True

on a road this bloody and full of twists
and turns
pretty much anything can happen hey guys
i’m rebecca from watch mojo and today
we’ll be counting down our picks for the
top 10 craziest game of Thrones theories
that might actually be true think you
know Game of Thrones click below to sign
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and take the new trivia quiz on ok let me see if I get all
this we are looking at popular but
pretty wild game of Thrones theories
here like if they were true it would be
a pretty big shocker but there’s still
definitely possible so that means we’re
excluding things that will almost
definitely actually happen like clicking
ball as well as like really out there
theories like Varys being a merman also
this should go without saying but there
will be many many spoilers between
seasons 1 & 7 all right let’s get to it
number 10 Littlefinger isn’t actually
dead you stand accused of murder you
stand accused of treason how do you
answer these charges Lord Baelish after
all of his devious plots and
backstabbing it was extremely satisfying
to see Littlefinger finally get what was
coming to him some fan theorists however
are cautioning us that we should be
hesitant to celebrate too soon you see
one quickly forgotten scene in season 7
saw a woman whisper something to
Littlefinger and receive a coin could
Littlefinger have been warned of his
impending demise and might the ever
conniving Littlefinger have hired
himself a body double in the form of a
faceless man perhaps the person who gave
him the news was already simply wearing
a face of course even if Littlefinger
did really die he might appear to have
survived should Arya choose to wear his
number nine
Sam is telling the whole story you’re
going to write histories Talia have to
do the research if you won’t be able to
read your histories you need a bit of
style at this point it’s very difficult
to predict how the show will end instead
some fans have opted to venture a guess
as to who will survive to tell it every
story has a narrator so what if at the
end of it all we learned that the story
we’ve just heard is being retold by an
aging maester Samwell Tarly you don’t
like the title what would you call it
that possibly something a bit more
poetic we’re not poets Charlie at the
Citadel he suggests an alternate title
for the history book being written
showing an interest in cataloguing the
period in which he’s living among those
who’ve expressed an interest in this
theory is Sam’s own actor John Bradley
like many fantasy writers before him
george RR martin has taken a lot of
inspiration from The Lord of the Rings
and this theory suggests one final
homage to Tolkien’s masterpiece as the
series wraps up there and back again a
Hobbit’s tale by Bilbo Baggins and the
Lord of the Rings number 8 John is not
the prince that was promised the Lord
led you come back for a reason Stannis
was not the prince who was promised that
someone has to be according to the
followers of the Lord of Light the
prince that was promised is a savior
destined to battle the darkness and the
reincarnation of the legendary hero azor
Ahai Melisandre the red priestess
originally treats Stannis Baratheon as
the promised prince but hey he’ll make
following his death and resurrection
John snow seems like the logical choice
but this is Game of Thrones we’re
talking about
so the obviousness of this has inspired
some to look for a twist
after his near-death experience at the
Battle of Blackwater some believe it’s
actually sir Davos in keeping with the
Bourne quote amidst salt and smoke part
of the prophecy given the difficulty of
translating high Valyrian others have
suggested it’s not necessarily a
gendered prophecy and that Dany could be
the savior number 7 Jamie will kill
Cersei you don’t know I know your wish
and you can see the future tell me mine
everyone wants to know their future do I
know their future when Cersei was a
young girl she visited a witch who
delivered a prophecy in short the witch
told Cersei that she would bear three
children golden-haired all of whom would
die sheykh she would be queen for a time
only to be replaced by a younger one
check while they skipped it in the show
in the books the witch also predicts
that Cersei would be killed by the
valonqar which means little brother
naturally given their animosity people
assumed Tyrion was the little brother
destined to kill her I’ve thought about
killing you more times than I can count
but since her twin brother Jaime was
born second he’s technically a little
brother as well as Cersei grows
increasingly unhinged and Jaime
seemingly more morally conflicted a
tragic sibling / lover’s quarrel could
see her brother lover realized the
prophecy in an unexpected way my
children are gone her father is gone
it’s just me and you now he’s home we
had to go number 6
Gendry is Cersei and Robert’s son then
he started asking me about my mother
your mother she was what she looked like
why did you sell him
she died when I was little sure yell
over her it’s safe to say that the
womanizing King Robert sired more than
his fair share of bastards over the
years when Joffrey learns of these
potential threats to his claim over the
throne he orders a mass execution to our
knowledge only one bastard survives but
what if Gendry isn’t the bastard people
believe fans have speculated that he
could be the child of Cersei and
Robert’s wedding night Cersei hated her
husband as of that very night when he
said lyanna stark’s name instead of her
own might her hatred of Robert driven
Cersei to send his heir away perhaps
that black-haired child didn’t die as
Cersei said I lost my first boy
that’s what black-haired beauty he was a
fighter too tried to beat the fever that
took him number five Jon will kill
Daenerys he loved her
and she loved him John and Danny finally
became reality in the season 7 finale
when the mother of dragons and the king
in the North got it on almost
simultaneously we got confirmation of
John’s Targaryen blood so yeah mixed
however incest at all few people can
imagine a better conclusion than Danny
and John ruling the seven kingdoms
together but this is Game of Thrones so
a happy ending seems unlikely in the
books legend tells that the first long
night ended when Ozora high sacrificed
his wife fan theorists have argued that
history must repeat itself with John and
Danny to complete the prophecy others
have argued that Daenerys is simply
doomed to the madness of her bloodline
which will force John’s hand number four
Tyrion made a deal with Cersei you may
not have killed Joffrey but you killed
my seller you killed Tommen no one would
have touched them father was here no one
would have dad never been more sorry
about anything if there’s one thing Game
of Thrones has taught us it’s that we
should not get emotionally invested in
any character if they’re too kind or too
pure they’re likely to meet a horrible
fate if they don’t die they’ll live to
disappoint you
Tyrion is kind-hearted and good but he’s
also calculating and utilitarian not
above making sacrifices in the name of
the greater good and in the season 7
he had a tense reunion with his
estranged sister Cersei and it was
heavily implied that we were not shown
the entirety of their conversation could
it be the Tyrion cut a deal with his
detestable sister that he perceived as
necessary for the greater good maybe
your own Greyjoy had the right idea get
on a boat take those who Martin you’re
number three Tyrion is actually a
Tyrion Lannister is the black sheep in
his family and not just in stature sure
he’s got his father’s intelligence but
he’s very different in personality fans
would be thrilled for him to discover
alternative parentage where’s the proof
well how about this line from Tywin
mine it seemed figurative at the time
but what if it was the truth in season
six Terry and frees Daenerys dragons
without getting roasted when my father
told me love dragon had died century
but here you are as a rule without their
mother present they don’t take kindly to
strangers unless Dragonborn could Tyrion
be the love child of the Mad King and
Joanna Lannister
there is certainly groundwork for it in
the books as Danny says in a Storm of
Swords quote the dragon has three heads
I’d say you get used to them
you never really do number two bran is
the night king he zoobi the Nike he saw
me it kept you Game of Thrones involves
a lot of moving parts but few are more
befuddling than the role to be played by
bran Stark in the fifth episode of
season six the door we learned that bran
can influence the past
realizing that he effectively gave Hodor
brain damage is a harsh lesson in great
power equals great responsibility but
more importantly the revelation all but
guaranteed that brand has a huge part to
play like sacrificing himself to defeat
the night King many have suspected that
the night king is a stark so what if it
actually is brand having used his warg
and time travel abilities it it
certainly be a cruel twist worthy of
george RR martin when the long night
comes again I need to be ready before we
unveil our number one pick here are some
he lives you asked for life you paid for
life this is not life when will he be as
he was when Sun rises in the West sets
in the East when the Seas go dry when
the mountains blow in the wind like
leaves I will return the spider
one last time my lady I have to die in
this strange country just like you my
dancing masters from Braavos to be a
dancing masters a special thing but to
be a faceless man that is something else
obviously this would be an insane and
incredibly dark way to end the series
but given the show’s past we wouldn’t be
completely surprised when Game of
Thrones penultimate season one episode
ended with the beheading of Ned Stark it
was a declaration of war against viewer
expectations since then it’s been one
shocking and dark twist after another
the red wedding the death of the
seemingly victorious Oberyn Martell just
to name a few in Game of Thrones the
good guys don’t always win in fact they
rarely do
the shrewdest player usually takes the
lead and considering all the human
infighting the night king currently has
the upper hand it would be a bleak
conclusion but it would also be bold and
okay here’s my crazy theory Ned Stark
comes back okay I don’t really mean that
do you guys have any ideas uh-huh uh-huh
anyway if you like this video be sure to
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including these videos to get even more psyched about the final season
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