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Top 10 Cookies (SUPERCUT)

black-and-white cookies are probably
like the most well-known cookie in old
fashioned bakery allowed the cookies to
cool on the baking sheets for a few
minutes before transferring them to wire
cooling racks monster soft and chewy
interior they’re really a winner in my
book now you have buttery sugar cookies
that are sturdy enough to decorate but
they’re not going to break your teeth
plus they’re still fresh tasting after
four days alright let’s get to the best
part let’s break this bad boy open the
texture is like though bum God look at
it’s so moist you guys and it’s fluffy
too it’s like most imperfect they are
nice and cold they’re a little bit chewy
a little bit crispy so easy crisp and
golden with an amazing peanut butter
flavor it’s hard to believe that this is
only three ingredients Krish the way to
eat an Oreo is to twist it pull it apart
and lick it now you hmm
whoop it down hmm
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