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Top 10 Controversial Moments In Animated Movies

it’s a good thing cartoons aren’t just
for kids otherwise these moments would
be extra disturbing welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top 10
controversial moments in animated movies
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every day
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content for this list we’re looking at
those moments that shocked people with
their mature themes and gratuitous
depictions of sexuality and/or violence
number 10 the death of Optimus Prime the
Transformers the movie ever been talking
to a millennial and suddenly they go
quiet and get a distant look in their
that’s them thinking about the moment
their hero died before starts were
dropping like flies in Game of Thrones
the Transformers movie shocked everyone
with the death of one of its main
characters the leader of the Autobots
Optimus Prime
do not grieve soon I should be one with
the matrix he was a classic cartoon hero
displaying all the admirable traits
you’d expect except apparently the
ability to not get murdered by the
world’s evilest villain we can still
hear Megatron’s laugh number nine
extreme violence watership down can you
I think know if you think cartoons were
just for kids this movie will fix that
permanently it also might leave you
scarred and broken watership down is a
british animated movie based on the book
by Richard Adams the plot Poe’s fiber
after he has an apocalyptic vision and
attempts to warn his clan of rabbits the
the field it’s covered with black hot
the movie depicts um genuinely shocking
moments of violence as the rabbits fight
other animals and each other the
brutality of this film is sure to leave
you speechless
for these number eight
Bambi’s mother is killed Bambi Bambi
come here
no this film is one of the earliest
examples of Disney’s proud tradition of
killing off the protagonists loved ones
quick while enjoying the first bit of
grass after a long winter Bambi and his
mother’s quality time together is
interrupted by an approaching unseen
hunter fairly tame by today’s standards
the details of the DOS death are
mercilessly left off screen at the time
of its release it was almost unheard of
in a kid’s movie to kill off a character
in such a cold and merciless fashion and
the scene received much criticism from
reviewers and audiences alike heck even
Walt Disney’s own daughter Diane said he
went too far with this one your mother
can’t be with you anymore
number 7 clergy boner The Little Mermaid
even more proof that the mouse house
isn’t as wholesome as we thought the
climax of this fairy tale includes a
wedding where sea witch Ursula almost
steals Prince Erik from the titular
Little Mermaid however the clergyman
overseeing the ceremony seems to be a
little too excited for the upcoming
festivities if you look closely at the
movie’s original version there appears
to be a pronounced bump in his pants
it’s being argued that the protrusion in
question is actually his niece but
that’s not how an Arkansas woman saw it
the famous scene along with the
suggestive imagery on the film’s VHS
influenced her to file a lawsuit against
Disney although it was quickly dropped
to be your lawfully wedded wife for as
long as you both shall
I do number six Nazi demon wizards
attention leaders of tomorrow’s mastery
they don’t make them like they used to
kids they really don’t Wizards is a
1970s sci-fi fantasy film set in a
post-apocalyptic future the movie is
about two brothers avatar and black wolf
guess which one turns out to be bad the
evil black wolf rises to become the
leader of the land of scorch with its
mutants ogres and goblins he fails to
defeat the elf army until one day he
discovers an ancient projector with
reels of nazi propaganda footage he uses
this imagery to spur his armies to
victory um the director Ralph Bakshi
seriously intend this to be a family
picture number 5 not all dogs go to
heaven all dogs go to heaven
you know things are about to get bad
when there’s green lightning in this
terrifying scene from the Don Bluth
classic Charlie the dog has visions of
his descent into hell there’s a creepy
bone boat there requisite hell lava and
of course the Horned one himself
scenes of Hell and demons biting your
nose are scary enough but when it’s
happening to a dog it just seems worse
we can imagine people going to hell sure
but a dog those things are so innocent
no wonder this controversial scene
traumatized so many kitties number for
food orgy sausage party let’s just say
what I want involves much more than just
the tips if you walked into this
computer animated flick expecting
something family oriented then you
probably didn’t bother to read the cast
list which includes the likes of Seth
Rogen and Jonah Hill while sausage party
is full of naughty moments the
filmmakers topped themselves in the
final act with anthropomorphised food
having gratuitous sex perhaps the most
shocking thing from the scene is its
creativity it had the obvious hotdog and
bun gag of course but it also had some
positions we wouldn’t have thought of
not that we think about that sort of
number three shot in the face the plague
dogs come after traumatizing the world
the makers of Watership Down decided to
bring a little happiness and Cheer into
our lives yeah right
this animated movie is also based on the
work of Richard Adams and is about two
dogs that escaped a laboratory where
animals are being experimented on while
alive eventually one of the dogs tries
to befriend a human he sees but in
trying to climb on him accidentally
steps on the trigger of the man’s gun
which shoots him in the face fun stuff
the look on the dog’s face after seeing
what he did is probably the same look
any parent had after accidentally
renting this movie for their kids
number two Jessica Rabbit Who Framed
Roger Rabbit yeah Jessica Rabbit was a
bombshell with unreal curbs and hair
kissed by fire and she was animated such
overt sexuality in a cartoon character
was just not common at the time in
mainstream movies most shocking of all
when the film was released on laserdisc
some more observant viewers slowed down
a scene where Jessica is sent flying
from the car it paused at just the right
moment Jessica could apparently be found
going commando while it’s unclear if the
animators were actually trying to sneak
a crotch shot into the movie we can
definitely see why the scene would stir
up so much controversy I’m not bad I’m
just strong that way number one
Batman bones Batgirl Batman The Killing
Joke I thought we were partners we are
this one was a real shocker this
animated DC feature is based on the
infamous Alan Moore graphic novel as
with all adaptations they’re bound to be
a few changes here and there but this
one takes the cake in this scene Batgirl
quite unexpectedly gets hot and steamy
with the Caped Crusader
it’s creepy because of their age
difference it’s creepy because of how
Batgirl looks up to him and it’s creepy
because he’s supposed to be her mentor
it’s just plain creepy and not to
mention controversial firebrick Kathleen
Gordon what the hell have you done do
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