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Top 10 Controversial Documentary Movies

sometimes the true found in a nonfiction
motion picture is not as straightforward
as it seems it’s been about welcome to and today we’re counting
down our picks for the top ten
controversial documentary films we’ve
come so far but Kony is still out there
for this list we’re taking a look back
at full-length documentaries that have
caused a stir for various reasons for
example their content claims and so
forth religion takes in billions of
dollars they pay no taxes and they
always need a little more number 10
The Cove the secret Cove is a natural
fortress surrounded on three sides by
steep cliffs the first of three films on
this list that focuses on supposedly
inhuman treatment of animals by humans
The Cove showed the world the deaths of
dolphins like no film before it you can
see the blood coming out of the killing
Lagoon you can see a bunch of the babies
were cordoned off by themselves away
from their parents while their parents
were all being slaughtered filmmakers
used guerrilla filmmaking tactics to
capture horrific footage of the methods
used by Japanese fishermen to trick
dolphins into a Cove in order to butcher
the documentaries ending moments in
which viewers are forced to witness the
gentle creatures deaths and cries for
help will haunt even the most hardened
to viewer
and while it won an Oscar for Best
Documentary Feature The Cove has also
been criticized for its lack of
objectivity and it’s negative depiction
of the Japanese the reality is the
International Whaling Commission does
have a mandate to look at issues
affecting dolphins but the Japanese are
trying to legitimize a practice that
just about every country in the world
has said no to number 9 earthlings
film watching experience that could be
best compared with a war of attrition
this documentary was designed to shock
the senses of anyone with even a passing
affection for animals and it pulls that
off completely uninvested eyes
operations kept out of a higher slot on
this list strictly because of the near
universal repulsion the film creates in
anyone that chooses to watch it
earthlings as footage is highly
controversial but its effects are not
such images of slaughter and bloody red
water clearly show the Japanese
government has little respect for the
state of the world’s oceans with their
inhumane methods of fishing taking more
than six years to finish production this
graphic and shocking production used
concealed cameras to capture the darker
side of industries that rely on animals
like us first and foremost they are
number 8 high on crack Street lost lives
in Lowell focusing on a trio of drug
addicts in Lowell Massachusetts this
film pulled no punches in its effort to
show the reality of addiction one of the
people whose struggles are depicted is
dick Eklund a former boxer who fought
Sugar Ray Leonard and was brought to the
big screen by Christian Bale in the
documentary filmmakers are typically not
meant to intercede in the events they
fill but the decision to capture these
addicts is dissent and activities
including prostitution and smoking crack
while pregnant shocked many I’m gonna
need somebody to block me number seven
zeitgeist the movie first of all the
birth sequence is completely
astrological stretching the parameters
of documentary film to the utmost
zeitgeist was created by conspiracy
theorists or conspiracy theorists
September 11 Mobile terrorism terror
terror terrorism September 11 world
terrorism attempting to dispute the
existence of Jesus Christ as well as to
show so-called evidence that the
September 11 attacks on America were the
works of a group attempting to bring
about a new world order this film has
legions of detractors who cited as
unethical propaganda and much much more
that is another bomb going off he faced
that there were actually devices that
were planted in the building planted in
the building love it or hate it
Peter Joseph’s production certainly
created a great deal of impassioned
discussion and its fair share of
eye-rolling the last thing the power
establishment wants is a conscious
informed public capable of critical
thinking this is why a continually
fraudulent zeitgeist is output via
religion the mass media and the
educational system number six interview
with a cannibal la song for Zula nom de
la cannibalism is a practice that could
very well be the greatest crime against
human nature there is a pond a seder zoo
a pretty pretty lingerie they’ve also –
a surgical team that is why it says some
very fascinating things about our
species that anyone who crosses that
line and consumes the flesh of his
fellow man or woman in this case holds
such a macabre fascination to so many
power-law Steve Angello Shibuya
University tada Issei Sagawa a Japanese
man who brutally murdered and ate a
Dutch woman and later became a minor
celebrity because of it is the focus of
this film which has created much higher
in some viewers since its release a
window type dome
my mother cuttings cappuccino Thai
English not my throat it will write a vo
number five black fish they call them
black fish they’re an animal that
possesses great spiritual power science
has shown that killer whales are capable
of creating emotional bonds that far
exceed traditional theories on the topic
the orca brain just screams out
intelligence awareness that’s one fact
that makes viewing this documentary so
disturbing as it shows these creatures
being corralled for the amusement of
humans the safest inference would be
these are animals that have highly
elaborated emotional lives bringing
awareness to such injustice should have
been uncontroversial enough but the
choice to feature footage of the
build-up to the brutal death of an orca
trainer ensured that that was far from
the case and I just was so disturbed by
that with both trainers SeaWorld and
others complaining about its so-called
inaccuracies and agenda
number four phases of death of the
linear phases of death I have studied
suicide is the most perplexing the
torture porn of documentaries faces of
death is a mix of staged and actual
footage of gore and death that instantly
found an audience upon its release
controversial due to the unflinching
depiction of violence for its own sake
as well as the willingness to mix
pretend and all to real death
indiscriminately no list of
controversial movies let alone
documentaries would be complete without
this exploitation documentary film this
face of death is by far the most
devastating helpless people were
murdered like animals in a
despite its explicit nature and
depiction of real-life animal cruelty
faces of death has spawned several
sequence viewing the bodies mutilated
beyond recognition
I had the painful realization that this
disaster could be the most gruesome face
of death
number three triumph of the will
considered by some film historians to be
one of the greatest films ever put to
celluloid this beautifully shot
documentary with its groundbreaking
cinematic techniques is the ultimate
propaganda film for the Nazi Party oh
man come visit these illegal Dyna
crystalline on filthy and threatened
Toby in the GAR and the hint on fleein a
film that has garnered massive acclaim
despite a legacy that could never be
separated from one of the most reviled
groups in the history of the world
triumph of the will or cleon’s des
villains as it’s known in German has
received both impassioned love and
hatred in its time even putting aside
food anything on the same food is still
only under time number two the act of
killing this is an Academy Award
nominated BAFTA winning documentary film
that principally focuses on a man that
led a death squad responsible for
brutally killing many Indonesian people
in the mid-60s so that the warnimont job
Anwar Congo spends most of the film
boasting about his affluent lifestyle
and dispassionately describing the
methods he employed to mercilessly
murder thousands of people has had a de
vache I mean figure like a fool the
choice to employ makeup and have a noir
act out a scene as one of his victims
like his sequence from a film in
addition to the fact that Anwar came to
dislike the film following negative
feedback have earned the act of killing
this spot on our list had a no redness
hiya my attack on Harris yeah Myshkin
before we unveil our top pick here are a
few honorable mentions
and what are you trying to do to your
brother kill
do you think of a child were raped
during your tenure at Fresno that that
would be something that you would forget
number one Fahrenheit 9/11 yeah there
are a few figures in the history of film
that are as divisive as Michael Moore
which means it was an obvious choice to
put one of his films in the top spot on
our list how how much money did the
Saudis have invested in America roughly
I’ve heard figures as high as $860
Bowling for Columbine was in the running
while another work based around the
September 11th attacks by another
director called loose change was also
considered and employees at the Pentagon
were seen carrying away a large box
shrouded in a blue tarp but it was this
2004 dock criticizing George W Bush that
takes number one shame on shame on you
if fool me can’t get fool again the use
of sensationalism and some staged
moments to decry the President earned
more and Fahrenheit 9/11 a great deal of
hate nuclear weapon but taking a highly
criticized leader down a few pegs
earned them just as much adoration as
well with no one telling him what to do
and no Secret Service rushing in to take
him to safety
mr. Bush just sat there and continued to
read my pet goat with the children do
you agree with our list uh I am a witch
documentary do you think is the most
controversial form or highly disputed
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Jesus amen
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