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Top 10 Conspiracy Themed Video Games

get out your red string and tinfoil hats
welcome to and today we’re
counting down our picks for the top ten
conspiracy themed video games the
documents you’ve given me contain
evidence of a conspiracy against your
family for more gaming videos check out
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in-depth reviews thoughtful video essays
detailed character origins and
insightful commentary mojo plays games
smarter for this list we’re looking at
the games that best deliver on secret
agendas age-old plots against the state
and all manner of convoluted yet
compelling schemes as will be discussing
narrative while identifying why these
titles are so adept at reading in
conspiratorial yarns please note that
there will be some major spoilers ahead
the director’s senora from the sign
center what’s a collection of all the
animals on the planet
number 10 Mirror’s Edge catalyst as I
suspected what do you hope to accomplish
here I’m giving people the right to
decide things for themselves Oh faith
hasn’t it ever occurred to you that
people might want reflection while we
admire developer EA dice for their work
on the original Mirror’s Edge its sequel
catalyst stands out just a bit more for
starters the city of glass the game
setting is clearly defined as a
totalitarian realm where people are
divided by caste and social media is a
means of monitoring all as Park were
reliant courrier faith Conners goes
about her usual routine of dodging the
police and making risky drops she
becomes aware that the government has
plans to introduce nanomachine based
control into the mix of course faith
being the disruptive sort means that
players get their shot at fighting the
system one open-world mission at a time
locking your inner potential through
hard work and dedication as an employee
you are expected to perform at the
abilities number nine le noir we’ve
heard enough our karo put down your
you’re making a big mistake nothing like
a hard-boiled detective going up against
the criminal underworld of the 1940s a
la Noir initially seems as though it’ll
play out like just another crime
procedural albeit one that’s faithful to
the time period and sporting the
advanced motion scan performance capture
technology we the player guide detective
Cole Phelps through many a grim case of
murder and mayhem and then the plot
begins to explore themes of police
corruption and a complicated lives of
veterans after the war by the story’s
end and lay noir has much to highlight
about the ways in which of 40 figures
use and abuse vulnerable people for
personal gain and it’s as provocative as
it is devastating they’re a little
mystified about the motive you have any
based loosely on a long-running comic
book of the same name thirteen is not
shy about wearing its conspiracy
thriller heritage on its sleeve right
from the outset the player is dropped
into the shoes of an amnesiac man who
immediately has to contend with
persistent assassins and hints of a less
than admirable past from there it’s a
matter of running and gunning through a
succession of themed levels all while
being drawn into a plot to kill the
United States president and topple the
government from within this is the stuff
that high quality Pulp Fiction is made
of and thanks to its stylized cel shaded
art style it holds up beautifully
you always appreciated her described
she’s invited to may be number seven
beyond good and evil in Beyond Good and
you play as photographer and orphanage
caretaker Jade as she sets out to
investigate rather strange
disappearances the game’s framing of her
efforts as a blend of stealth
infiltration melee combat encounters and
a photography mechanic are what made
this game such a cult classic
but the story which involves human
trafficking and a plot to stop life
draining aliens and injuring an
atmosphere to an already stellar
experience it also doesn’t hurt that
beyond good and evil cleverly uses the
initial hook of a private investigation
to mask a much more personal story the
prisoners number 6 max payne i released
my finger from the trigger and then it
was over
we might be hooked in by the slow-motion
gunplay and the neo noir affectation but
the darker mysteries at player what keep
us drawn to max payne developed by
remedy entertainment it tells the story
of the titular new york detective who
opted to dive into a deep-cover
operation after the loss of his wife and
child for long though players are pulled
in to layer upon layer of competing
schemes drug distribution secret
military experiments even a mysterious
cabal as max tries to attain some
semblance of justice unraveling the plot
one shootout at a time doesn’t cease to
be entertaining especially with Max’s
voice actor James McCaffrey infusing
plenty of pathos and dry wit into the
they were all dead the final gunshot was
an exclamation mark to everything that
had led to this point number five
dishonored plagued riddles the streets
the reigning Empress is dead and her
bodyguard Corvo attano is accused of
treason thus begins the harrowing yet
endearing dive into the steam function
and against that is dishonored a
spiritual successor to the likes of
System Shock and thief a dark project
much like those earlier titles the
player spends much of their time
sneaking around and parsing out the
details of the larger world but here
it’s a matter of pinpointing who
betrayed Corvo and why the amount of
detail in the world’s history and mythos
coupled with a marvelous watercolor
painting aesthetic and truly dark and
interesting characters and this makes
for a story that you have to experience
for yourself this is a momentous
occasion corner I’m going to come out
with we’ve been building a coalition of
loyalists aimed at ending the Lord
region’s tyranny number four Assassin’s
Creed 2 movies what happened not the way
it did and not this soon doesn’t matter
now do you mean building on the
framework of the original Assassin’s
Creed this sequel picks up nearly 300
years later in the midst of the Italian
Renaissance players guide Ezio Auditore
in his years long quest to avenge the
murder of his brothers and father only
for fate and certain political
machinations to offer another path
Assassin’s Creed tube makes use of both
its central revenge plot and the
exploration of its open-world to newer
the audience into a deeper tale of
age-old feuds and violence beginning
pilots for those also keen on
historically inspired drama and science
fiction twists the game delivers on that
what tough fuck
number three perfect dark once upon a
time very few grasp the sleek beauty of
a well paced action game quite like Rare
their spiritual follow-up to 1997’s
Goldeneye double-oh-seven
opted for a change in many aspects a
woman as the globe-trotting spy
protagonist an original mythology and
backstory and a truly unexpected
conspiracy plot initially Perfect Dark
aims to deliver what appears to be a
quite familiar spy thriller tale albeit
with rares love of unorthodox weapon
design and the slick confidence of its
heroine Johanna dark however the game
proves itself to be more than meets the
eye once dueling alien armies and a
scheme to replace world leaders with
clones comes into play no problem
at my farm don’t get you out in no time
no quick give me your guns number 2
when Hideo Kojima wants to make a point
he’ll make damn sure that if it’s a
woman hammering the point home she’ll
have her breasts exposed that’s not
that’s not what I wanted to talk about
anyway um what I wanted to say is he
makes damn sure to hammer that point
home in a blunt methodical fashion that
is key to understanding why Sons of
Liberty initially presents itself as
another tense action thriller focused on
the exploits of Solid Snake but that’s
before it pulls the rug out from beneath
your feet
in reality Kojima and his team used this
pretense to set up some of gaming’s most
eccentric yet intricately plotted
political machinations ranging from
information control to the subtle
rigging of presidential elections that
plus greater emphasis on precision
shooting and a bold decision to switch
the player-character
made for a game that still feels
relevant today you want a turtle breast
I’ve got it right here number one Deus
Ex series this play the rioting is
intensifying to the point where we may
not be able to contain it
why contain it let it spill over to the
schools and churches let the bodies pile
up in the streets nothing else feels
quite as right here then the series best
known for weeding conspiracy thriller
fare into its intricately designed
worlds Deus Ex
emerged right at the dawn of the new
millennium – both embody the spirit of
the immersive same genre and deliver
tense action-packed tales about shadowy
corporations lording over humanity its
legacy would be carried forth in the
2003 sequel Invisible War somewhat
poorly before the series went on a long
hiatus and developer ion storm closed
shop in 2005 however thanks to the
efforts of inheriting studio high-dose
Montreal the original games themes of
societal breakdown and corporate powers
dominating all lived through in 2011 s
human Revolution and its direct sequel
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