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Top 10 Computer Animated Movies Not Made By Pixar

Pixar is the undisputed king of CGI
having crafted such classics as Toy
Story Cars The Incredibles and wall-e
just to name a few but isn’t it time to
show some love to the other great
Animated Classics welcome to and today we’ll be
counting down our top 10 favorite
computer animated films that are not
made by Pixar now hand over your wallets
I’m just kidding number 10 Madagascar
kicking off our list is the classic CGI
flick in which animals escape the
Central Park Zoo and unexpectedly end up
in Africa this film is accentuated by
quirky animation and an excellent voice
cast led by the delightful musings of
Ben Stiller and Chris Rock It’s Showtime
thanks for not getting up on me Marty
man you almost gave me a heart attack
you can’t just come up here and sneak up
on me just cause your lies no coin if
you ask us it’s worth watching
repeatedly just for the Penguins and
King Julien number 9 Rango Johnny Depp
gives a flawless performance as the
voice of a pet chameleon that
accidentally ends up in the Wild West
people I’ve had an epiphany the hero
cannot exist in a vacuum
what our story needs is an ironic
unexpected event that will propel the
hero into conflict
haled is the funniest western since
Blazing Saddles this beautifully
animated romp actually won an Oscar for
Best Animated Feature thanks to its
smart storytelling and ability to make
the most out of its fish or should we
say lizard out of water premise number
eight ants released just before Pixar’s
a bug’s life back in 98 this insect epic
was DreamWorks spectacular animation
debut that tells the tale of an ordinary
aunt who pines for a greater existence I
was not cut out to be a worker I’ll tell
you right now I feel physically
inadequate my whole life I’ve never I’ve
never been able to lift more than 10
times my own body weight and and when
you get down to it handling dirt is you
is not my idea of rewarding Korea Woody
Allen’s neurotic ramblings punctuate the
film while spectacular voice
performances by Sylvester Stallone
Sharon Stone gene Hackman and Dan
Aykroyd helped things along as well the
sharp and witty writing even holds up
today number seven Megamind do you like
to root for the bad guy well here’s your
chance hey oh good morning warden great
news I’m a changed man and and I’m ready
to reenter society as a solid citizen
well Farrell brings his absurd manchild
persona to the big screen in cartoon
form as an alien who’s up to no good
this film rises beyond the usual
predictable superhero story line and
cliches to give you a captivating tale
filled with thrilling characters
exciting music and glorious eye candy
it’s a must-see if you’ve ever longed
for the world of super villainy number 6
Ice Age
this flick follows the misadventures of
an unusual group of animals including a
woolly mammoth giant sloth and a
saber-toothed tiger in a very loose
adaptation of the prehistoric age Danny
hold it
but the runaway star here is scrapped
award list squirrel on a hilariously
unfortunate quest to claim his beloved
acorn we could watch this all around
heartwarming and delightful tale until
the next ice age number 5 How to Train
Your Dragon viewers are transported to a
Viking village where a lanky lad
befriends a mysterious dragon in this
period fantasy ah no thanks I’m good
nominated for an Academy Award for Best
Animated Feature this tale boasts a
rarely present sense of dramatic depth
infectious humor and heartfelt
storytelling it easily wins over the
entire family and not just the kiddies
number 4 tangled there it is there’s the
old Disney Magic and they didn’t even
need Pixar
don’t freak out
I’m not freaking out are you freaking
out no I’m just very interested in your
hair or the magical qualities that it
possesses how long has it been doing
that exactly this reinvention of the
Rapunzel fairy tale is the studio’s best
film in years and it doesn’t even add
countless pop-culture references like
every other cartoon in recent memory
tangled also manages to tell a graceful
and sincere tale without missing out on
comedy or charm gotta love that horse
play number three Cloudy with a Chance
of Meatballs based on the beloved
children’s book of the same name this
colorful 3d rock brings our love of food
to the silver screen while also telling
the story of a misunderstood inventor
who falls in love with a weather girl it
has all the things that classic animated
tale needs like Neil Patrick Harris as a
gummy bear loving pet monkey named Steve
and yes mr. t you know what you are
Flint Lockwood oh it’s shenanigan Iser
hey Tom you see my beautiful angel son
Kyle so I love him so much this is my
only son I want him to have a bright
future a future in which you don’t ruin
our towns date with one of your crazy
science Dooley Papa thingies this is the
most delicious disaster yet number two
Kung Fu Panda we haven’t had this much
fun since the Ninja Turtles set in
ancient China this film brings a
spectacular kung fu action and
anthropomorphic animals this
coming-of-age tale is not only faithful
to the setting it also features lovable
characters humor striking animation and
the hilarious comedy stylings of Jack
Black oh I thought you said acupuncture
would make me feel better trust me it
will it’s just not easy finding the
right nerve points under all this that
that’s right this fat and lazy Panda is
the chosen one
skadoosh number one Shrek you thought
love was only true in fairy tales taking
the top spot on our list is the parody
film adaptation inspired by a picture
book about a grumpy yet lovable ogre
cure an ogre
oh you’re expecting prince charming
starring Mike Myers as Shrek Eddie
Murphy as his pal donkey and Cameron
Diaz’s Princess Fiona this series
Lampoon’s other fairy tales and became
an instant classic for its hilarious
laughs thrills dialogue heart and
amazing soundtrack do you agree with our
list which is your favorite computer
animated film that wasn’t made by Pixar
for more entertaining top 10s be sure to
visit us at oh oh no where
is my satchel I’ve hidden it somewhere
you’ll never find it
it’s in that pop isn’t
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