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Top 10 Comic Books That Deserve A Movie Or TV Show Adaptation

these are the stories with the potential
to really light up the screen welcome to and today we’ll be
counting down our picks for the top ten
comic books that deserve their own
live-action television series for movie
just to give the other comics a chance
we have decided not to include
mainstream or classic superheros instead
focusing on franchises that have the
potential to showcase something entirely
new and exciting number 10 100 bullets
kicking off our list is this Pulp Dwyer
series during its run it gave us the
kind of violent drama that would be
right at home on television at its core
is the mysterious agent graves a man who
offers victims of injustice a suitcase
containing irrefutable evidence a gun
and 100 untraceable bullets this comic
has everything an audience could ask for
action flawed characters a slow-burning
narrative and major revelations number 9
dmz set in the near future this
cautionary tale follows Matty Roth a
naive photojournalist working in
war-torn Manhattan which is now a
demilitarized zone during the second
American Civil War caught between the
federal government and the succession
estates armies his explorations unearth
the populations palpable disillusionment
over America’s failed 9/11 policies both
foreign and domestic while giving us
thought-provoking drama suitable for
both film and TV number 8 runaways this
unusual superhero series follows a group
of six teenagers who discovered that
their wealthy parents are members of an
evil criminal organization made up of
Time Traveler’s Wizards mad scientist’s
aliens and mutants learning that they
have inherited their parents powers they
run away together before resolving to
defeat their elders this series is
balance of action and character driven
storytelling would make for a good watch
indeed number 7 American vampire this
series focuses on Skinner’s sweet an
outlaw from the 1800s and his progeny an
actress named pearl Jones from the 1920s
together as a new breed of vampires that
are stronger faster and immune to
sunlight they hunt down the European
vampires that tried to kill them filled
with countless twists a television
adaptation would have to focus more on
atmosphere and character development
it’s visual-effects number six shoe FDA
agent Tony Chu is able to solve crimes
thanks to his special power
he gets psychic impressions from the
things he eats coincidentally this means
he asked to sample victims he comes
across to learn about them though Grimm
this is actually a light-hearted comedy
that demands over-the-top visuals and a
manic tone no matter what format it ends
up in number five girls
this comic tells the story of the people
of Penny’s town a small community with
only 63 members suddenly cut off from
the rest of the world within a giant
dome they are attacked by a group of
naked egg-laying women that spawn
identical copies of themselves and
viciously attack females it would
certainly take a ballsy director to
bring this one to the big screen number
4 fables this series deals with various
characters from fairy tales and folklore
called fables who have been forced out
of their home dimensions travelling to
our world they’ve built a community in
New York City called Fabletown a
folkloric spin its story shift between
various characters and give us
everything from murder mysteries to
conspiracy tales with a solid budget and
a patient audience this series has
almost limitless potential number three
ex machina ex machina is centered on
Mitchell hundred the world’s only
superhero called the great machine with
the ability to command machines and
mechanical devices he’s elected the
mayor of New York only to end up dealing
with various political situations in a
post-911 environment a television
adaptation would have to explore
hundreds extensive backstory and
properly touch on the theme of over
reliance on the government that is so
present in the comics number two
preacher this graphic novel tells the
story of Jesse Custer a Texan preacher
that became temporarily possessed by the
spawn of a demon and an angel whose
creation killed his entire congregation
surviving and attaining new powers he
literally sets out on a journey to find
God joined by his ex-girlfriend and an
Irish vampire Custer attempts to uncover
the truth while battling various
supernatural forces as a series it would
be a controversial spin on religious
themes number one why the last man
taking the top spot on our list is the
series centered on Yorick Brown the sole
male survivor after the simultaneous
death of every mammal on the planet with
a y-chromosome with the exception of him
and his pet monkey ampersand a thrilling
story it explores the repercussions on
society and the extremes required to
prevent planetary extinction there is a
movie that’s been in development hell
for years but we think a TV series would
be the best way to highlight the
gripping stories character and heart of
the comics agree with our list which
comic book would you love to see become
its own live-action series more great
top 10s be sure to subscribe to
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