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Top 10 Biggest Scandals that Cursed Movies

when it comes to promoting a film there

is actually such a thing as bad

publicity welcome to and

today we’ll be counting down the top 10

movies plagued by real scandals the

Miley Cyrus chemical episode

oh the camel toe episode that was good

I’ve never heard this expression before

before we begin we publish new videos

every day so be sure to subscribe for

more great content for this list we’re

looking at films that made headlines as

a result of a scandal or controversy

surrounding the production cast or crew

both in the lead-up to the film’s

release and afterwards

Cantara must bleed is none other than

the one and only Joaquin bitch DC number

10 Twilight Zone the movie can’t believe

it you know again yeah Thank You bear

relax odd and sometimes sinister

occurrences are part of the course when

it comes to the twilight zone franchise

the thing is such unnerving events are

supposed to transpire within the story

not behind the scenes during filming the

big-screen adaptation of the classic

anthology series played host to one of

the most tragic accidents in Hollywood

history when a combination of

pyrotechnics and a helicopter stunt went

awry star Vic Morrow and two young child

actors were killed the tragedy alone

would have damaged the film but it was

further discovered that these children

aged 7 and 6 had been hired illegally

and were not allowed to be on set at

that hour or under those conditions did

any of you wipe your brow like this when

this happened and think this could have

happened to anyone

well you know films are really

complicated so it’s certainly possible

honestly this Mel Gibson directed

biblical drama was Mart with controversy

from start to finish for starters the

violence and graphic imagery of

suffering and torture was seen by some

as verging on religious horror porn then

there were issues of historical

inaccuracies undeniably the biggest

problems however were accusations of

anti-semitism in the way in which Jews

were depicted in both the script before

production and to perhaps a lesser

extent in the film itself he think he

will deny latina Tocqueville DNA the

comb and tone he welcomed at Gibson’s

anti-semitic rant taking place a few

years earlier it’s doubtful this movie

would have ever gotten made I’m ashamed

of that

that came out of my mouth but I’m not

that that’s not who I am you know number

eight ghost in the show sure dressing in

blackface isn’t remotely acceptable

anymore but on screen Devers he still

has a long way to go a scene with films

like Aloha and Exodus gods and kings in

this modern age a large portion of the

population does not want to see

Caucasians playing non-white roles so

when Scarlett Johansson was cast to play

the lead in the 2017 big-screen

adaptation of the hit manga ghost in the

shell’ the news wasn’t exactly well


considering the character is named major

Motoko Kusanagi in the source material

many felt that casting a white actress

over a Japanese one was clearly

inappropriate ultimately ghost in the

shell’ was deemed to be a box-office

flop who sent you


cinema-goers seem particularly

susceptible to the appeal of sentimental

films about the relationship between man

and man’s best friend you know what dog

lovers really don’t like though seeing

animals get mistreated and this film

production saw itself embroiled in a

rather serious scandal when a

particularly damning onset video

surfaced in it a canine performer is

seen being forced into extremely rough

water against its will eventually going

under before someone yells cut seemingly

overnight a dog’s purpose went from

being an appealing tearjerker to a

widely boycotted film it still did well

at the box office but the footage edited

for maximum effect or not nonetheless

hurt its reputation they say no dogs

were harmed give me your take on this

absolutely no dogs were harmed in this

number 6 Last Tango in Paris what did

you answer a controversial film when it

was first released this Bernardo

Bertolucci directed picture starring

Marlon Brando and Maria Schneider is

still the subject of scandal even

decades later at the time of its release

the nc-17 film was banned in various

countries and only released in others

after certain edits were made decades

later however the film has been the

subject of another scandal the infamous

sex scene which soft butter used as a

lubricant was apparently filmed with

minimum notice given to Maria Schneider

and without her consent it did not even

appear in the script understandably this

reveal prompted outrage it’s over it’s

over so and then it begins again what

from the very beginning this film

attracted a lot of attention because of

its confusing premise and walking

Phoenix’s commitment to this

long-running piece of performance art

and meta acting in the same year as the

film’s release however director Casey

Affleck was sued by two female employees

who worked on the movie during its

tumultuous and unconventional production

producer Amanda white and

cinematographer Magdalena Gorka alleged

that they had suffered sexual harassment

at the hands of Affleck throughout the

filming process the lawsuits were

settled out of court but the scandal

continues to follow Affleck years later

number four a medieval the awakening God

so I gave up my god here’s an example of

just how far-reaching the effects of a

scandal can be though Harvey Weinstein

didn’t even serve as producer on this

particular film the fact that it was

distributed by Dimension Films which is

owned by The Weinstein Company was

enough to land a medieval The Awakening

within the blast radius of Weinstein

scandal to end all scandals Harvey

Weinstein as everyone now knows has been

accused of various sexual abuses by over

80 women Weinstein has left the company

that bears his name but the shockwave of

his actions will surely continue to be

felt by many associated films it’s a

house number 3 the interview you know

it’s more destructive than a nuclear

bomb words scandal feels like a bit of

an understatement when talking about a

film which prompted a dictator to

threaten the United States with war SH

in the film be released the interview

sees James Franco and Seth Rogen playing

journalists charged with assassinating

North Korean dictator Kim jong-un given

this leaders reputation it was

admittedly a pretty dicey or brave

concept for a film same-same but

different but dancing haha when North

Korea threatened military action and

other parties cautioned of terrorist

attacks Columbia Pictures ultimately

opted to go the digital rental and

limited release route North Korea was

later blamed for a massive revenge hack

of Columbia’s parent company Sony saying

that he’s number 2 The Birth of a Nation

I pray you sing to the Lord a new song

American actor and filmmaker Nate Parker

was accused of rape back in 1999 when he

was in college but was ultimately

acquitted of all charges given this

history when Parker presented the world

with The Birth of a Nation in 2016

about the famed slave preacher turned

rebellion leader nat turner that chapter

of his life quickly took center stage

with a torrent of bad publicity why

perhaps because the film not only

involves a rape which Parker’s character

sets out to avenge but the story was

also co-written by Jean Matt Gianni

Celestin the co-defendant with whom

Parker was originally accused eat a mood

on mystery yeah number one all the money

in the world

would you pay to release your grandson

if not 17 million dollars nothing this

scandal proved so damaging that the

filmmaker actually recast a central role

after filming had completed in 2017 star

Kevin Spacey like Harvey Weinstein was

accused of numerous counts of serious

sexual misconduct but when you’re a

famous director like Ridley Scott you’ve

got the clout to make such big changes

at the last minute to save a film from

being swamped by disgust and disapproval

Spacey’s role was recast and went to

Christopher Plummer who then received

both a Golden Globe nomination and

Academy Award nomination for his work in

this story about the famous kidnapping

of industrialist JP Geddes grandson

however sadly the film attracted even

more controversy when it was revealed

that Mark Wahlberg had reportedly

received 1.5 million dollars for taking

part in the reshoots while co-star

Michelle Williams received less than

$1,000 how much would you pay to release

your grandson if not 17 million dollars


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