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Top 10 Best Nintendo Switch Games

after hitting a couple of rough patches
Nintendo has come firing back with the
definition of a game changer welcome to
before we begin we publish new content
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this list we’re taking a look at the
absolute best games that have been
released on the Nintendo switch as of
January 2019 while it’s only been around
for about two years
this hybrid console has already
assembled a phenomenal library of first
party exclusives and third party titles
number 10 Mario and rabbits Kingdom
battle will be the first to admit that
Mario’s entourage and the raving rabbits
make for an unusual mashup to say the
of course the rabbits were already a
pretty strange addition to the Rayman
series but we digress as if this pairing
wasn’t random enough these characters
are brought together in an XCOM style
turn-based strategy game taking both
franchises out of their comfort zones
though it was a crossover that virtually
nobody asked for Mario and rabbits
kingdom battle emerged as one of the
most absorbing titles on the switch with
its inventive turn-based battles surreal
visuals and surprisingly high difficulty
the developers fully embrace the
insanity of the game’s premise resulting
in a campaign that’s chaotic and
you might purchase a switch for its big
name titles but you’ll quickly find that
one of the consoles greatest draws is
the treasure trove of indie gems capable
of rivaling the Triple A giants one such
game is hollow Knight which was funded
in part through a successful Kickstarter
campaign assuming the role of the
titular knight this Metroidvania game
drops the player into an underground
world overrun with insect-like creatures
and secrets grounded in rich lore while
the setting is weird and even creepy at
times it’s also abundant with charm
atmosphere and mystery as a result
players won’t rest until they defeat
every boss acquire every upgrade and
explore every inch of the ever expanded
map even when they’re not entirely sure
number eight Sonic mania there was a
time when we thought that Sonic the
Hedgehog would never again reach the
height of his glory days then again
there was also a time we thought he’d
never appear on a Nintendo console while
Sega’s mascot has changed a lot over the
decades it feels as if no time has
passed in Sonic mania which director
Christian Whitehead at the helm the blue
blur was brought back to his roots in
this wonderful homage
the colorful 2d graphics energetic music
and fast-paced gameplay will transport
nostalgic gamers back to the days of the
if developers continued to draw
inspiration from the past the future
number seven Xenoblade Chronicles to be
not in the lot lately
mmm more so little before four JRPG fans
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a story-driven
that’s as addictive as a binge worthy
anime taking place in a vivid open-world
the game follows a ragtag group of
distinctive characters on a journey to a
Garden of Eden of sorts known as Elysium
Elysium but it’s not via this world is
merely a memory an ancient half
forgotten memory of what once was with
well over 60 hours of gameplay your
party eventually starts to feel like
close friends making the journey all the
more personal the delightful characters
and gripping narrative aside
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 sucks you in with
its unique combat system which starts
off rather straightforward but in time
evolves into something much more
involving a driver is nothing without a
blade by their side requiring the player
to think less like an individual and
more like a unit now place your hand on
my chest
Wow hey you show number six
perhaps the most tragic thing about the
WiiU is that it actually had several
ambitious exclusives that not nearly
enough people got to play even if you
missed out on the original splatoon that
shouldn’t turn you off from it’s equally
enjoyable follow up while Nintendo has
often straight away from shooters both
splatoon games put a colorful spin on
the genre playing out like paintball on
between hero mode and the octo expansion
DLC splatoon 2 offers a wild
single-player experience that’s as fun
as it is messy even after completing
these solo campaigns the game will keep
you and friends coming back with its
array of multiplayer modes it’s
everything the first game wasn’t more a
splatter fest for all ages
number 5 Mario Kart 8 deluxe
another game that had the disadvantage
of being released on the Wii U Mario
Kart 8 was thankfully given a second
life on the switch rather than just
being a simple court however Nintendo
gave us the whole package with the
original games DLC tracks plus several
the raising tracks are is slick as ever
with the introduction of anti-gravity
not to mention vehicles that can drive
underwater and glide through the sky
Deluxe also completely overhauls the
game’s battle mode with a wider variety
of challenges although many continue to
stand by mario kart 64 as the gold
standard we all need to accept that the
torch has been passed to the series
latest installment
number four Celeste Celeste describes
itself as a game about climbing a
mountain on the one hand that short
synopsis hardly does this indie title
justice on the other hand it perfectly
sums up the game’s themes of battling
your inner demons while also learning to
coexist with the insecurities that make
us human writer director Matt forsen has
crafted a deeply personal tale that
should prove particularly therapeutic
for anyone who struggled with depression
and anxiety at the same time
Celeste is a masterpiece of platforming
with gameplay distinguished by its
midair – mechanic
the levels are forgiving enough for
casual players to conquer but still pose
a legitimate challenge for the more
hardcore crowd either way it’s a
mountain that every gamer should climb
number 3 super smash brothers ultimate
although we’ve yet to come across a bad
Super Smash Bros game it was starting to
look like the crossover fighting
franchise had officially peaked with
melee that’s all been called into
question thanks to ultimate whether or
not this is the definitive Smash Bros
it’s definitely the meatiest with every
playable character from all previous
installments and newcomers we’ve waited
years to see join the fight the fact
that you begin the game with only eight
characters gives you the drive to keep
playing until the whole lineup is
assembled we’ll each need to take down
about ten still your fear if now or
never we win this I know we will what
really distinguishes ultimate however is
its world of light adventure mode which
commences with a cutscene that makes
infinity war look like child’s play in
number two super mario Odyssey
in recent years we’ve gotten several
Mario games in the spirit of his early
side-scrolling days on the NES and Super
NES this vibrant title though draws
inspiration from the free roaming
open-world gameplay Nintendo
revolutionized in Super Mario 64
Super Mario Odyssey feels like the next
evolutionary step for the iconic plumber
taking him to a plethora of diverse
lands with nearly 1,000 power moons to
collect the game’s greatest innovation
is Caffey an anthropomorphic hat that
allows Mario to take control of various
creatures and items currently holding
the record for the best-selling switch
game Odyssey is more than worthy of its
success this is a loving celebration of
everything Mario reminding us why he is
and always will be a Nintendo icon
before we unveil our number one pick
number one The Legend of Zelda breath of
the wild
it’s practically a cliche to rank a
Zelda game number one on any Nintendo
related list breath of the wild is not
only the switch’s best offering so far
it’s also likely one of the best games
of all-time taking a nonlinear approach
to the established Zelda formula breath
of the wild allows players to travel
through the gorgeously rendered kingdom
while the franchise has always put an
emphasis on adventure this game truly
makes you feel like an explorer as you
voyage from one lively environment to
another uncertain what awaits next as a
launch title breath of the wild
demonstrated what the switch was capable
of giving players the power to hold an
open world in their hands
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