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Top 10 Best Movies of 2017

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globe today it’s the list you’ve been
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today we’ll be counting down our picks
for the top 10 best movies of 2017
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’ll
be breaking down the best films of the
past year from comedy to horror and
everything in between this list is
guaranteed to have you reminiscing over
all the great movies that were released
in 2017 number 10
Blade Runner 20:49 the long awaited
sequel to Blade Runner Ridley Scott
seminal 1982 neo noir sci-fi masterpiece
didn’t disappoint the film is a visual
delight made that much easier on the
eyes thanks to its brilliant directing
and numerous great performances
including those from stars Harrison Ford
and Brian Gosling Blade Runner 2049
never makes you feel like it’s standing
on the shoulders of its predecessor
instead directors an evil nerve crafted
more of a companion piece than a sequel
which enhances the mythos of the
original while retaining its own
identity you do not know a pain
you will learn number 9 thor ragnarok we
dare say that thor ragnarok is the most
fun movie from 2017 it features a slew
of new character additions including big
names like Cate Blanchett and Jeff
Goldblum two actors who let’s be honest
never disappoint Tycho Itt whose
previous works include what we do in the
shadows and hunt for the wilder people a
couple of indie classics directs this
with serious verb and it’s jam-packed
with hilarious banter and critical
action sequences and enough Marvel
Cinematic Universe references in cameos
to keep hardcore fans enthralled from
scene to scene so if you found
oh did you’d I’ll return to Asgard
promptly oh yes promptly help you
between this film and spider and
homecoming we think it’s safe to say
that Marvel had a pretty good year
number eight Wonder Woman finally a DC
extended universe film that not only
made a bazillion dollars at the box
office but was actually well worth the
price of admission Wonder Woman is the
female superhero flick the world has
been waiting far far too long for it was
a massive critical success with much
praise for gal gadot who manages to
humanize one of the most iconic
characters in comic book history while
kicking ass and there’s not a whole lot
you and I can do about that I mean we
can we can get back to London and try to
get to the mending camp I’m the man who
can the film also stars Chris Pine and
Danny Huston it features amazing
production design inspired by Greek
mythology as well as some of the best
directing of the year courtesy of patty
Jenkins Wonder Woman has set the
benchmark pretty damn high above average
number 7 baby driver from the cast of
the director to the writing to the
soundtrack cool heist flick baby driver
has quality in spades
and so Elgort shines his baby an
atlanta-based getaway driver whose
earbuds are practically glued inside his
listening offices sharing screen space
with Tinseltown heavyweights like Jon
Hamm and Jamie Foxx mum to kids feelings
as the moment you catch a bullet Elgort
more than holds his own making it clear
he deserves a spot at the table with the
rest of the hottest Hollywood
up-and-comers directed by Edgar Wright
the British author with a penchant for
quick cuts faster dialogue and tightly
woven adrenaline-packed action sequences
baby driver is the film that had the
best word-of-mouth in 2017 number six it
this was certainly the it film of 2017
based on the iconic 1986 Stephen King
novel this lively horror flick is
without a doubt one of the scariest
films of the year but also one of the
best the acting is stellar featuring a
cast of incredible child actors
seriously where do they keep finding
these kids not to mention Bill
skarsgård whose take on the creepy
murder clown penny wise is truly
terrifying it is one of those rare films
that broke free of the genre
restrictions and became both a massive
critical and commercial success if you
finished watching and craved more
adventures with the losers Club don’t
worry it chapter 2 is scheduled for
release in the fall of 2019 number 5
Logan if this is the future of superhero
movies we’re 100% down for it unlike
those they make you look younger
Logan picks up with an aging Wolverine
who along with a disease-riddled
Professor X works to overcome his
rapidly declining powers in order to
protect a young mutant named Laura
No the film is unlike any superhero
movie you’ve ever seen
featuring incredible performances from
Hugh Jackman and Patrick Stewart as well
as newcomer Daphne Keith who will make
you laugh cry and cheer before the
credits roll you can talk second only to
it as the highest-grossing r-rated film
of the year Logan is full of down and
dirty action sequences other x-men films
simply can’t compete with this is
Wolverine like you’ve never seen him
number four the big sick perhaps the
most surprising film to make our list
the big sick is a heartwarming comedy
with some serious dramatic bite the
gravel will be ready soon as he puts on
his apparel thanks to the performances
of lead actors Kumail Nanjiani of
Silicon Valley Fame and Zoe Kazan the
plot focuses on the relationship between
two people of different cultural origins
forced to injure each other’s crazy
families after one of them falls ill
she’s fine she is at City View Hospital
in Chicago in a medically induced coma
but the doctors say that all yes I did
say coma it’s loosely based on non
Jionni’s real life relationship with the
big sick co-writer Emma levy Gordon a
critical and someone unexpected
commercial success the big sick is a
delightfully engaging movie with an
awesome supporting cast that mixes in a
few tears with the last number three
Star Wars Episode eight the last Jedi
Star Wars The Force awakens and rogue
one a Star Wars story cracked our list
of the year’s best films in 2015 and
2016 respectively Ponemah terminal so
which should come as no surprise that
the last Jedi has managed to keep the
streak alive the film stands out from
recent Star Wars flicks and that it
features both return of Luke Skywalker
and the final appearance of Carrie
Fisher in the role of general Leia
Organa though she’ll always be Princess
Leia to us written and directed by Rian
Johnson the film is a rollercoaster ride
of intergalactic space battles and
unforeseen twists guaranteed to keep you
on the edge of your seat from start to
number two Dunkirk
a surefire Oscar nominee Dunkirk is a
world war two epic which tells the story
of the famous evacuation of 1940 which
saw more than 300,000 Allied troops
rescued from the beaches of the northern
French town after they were trapped by
the German army
we should never surrender proving once
again that almost everything he touches
turns to cinematic gold director
Christopher Nolan is in fine form
weaving together a pulse-pounding
narrative light on dialogue which never
attempts to glamorize the historical
event it’s depicting critics were quick
to call it one of the greatest war
movies of all time
but for now we’ll simply call it the
greatest war movie of the year before we
unveil our topic here are a few
honorable mentions
five four three two he’s a wild creature
we can’t ask him to be anything else
ladybird is that your given name why is
it in quotes I gave it to myself it’s
given to me by me I could see you as
Dracula Frankenstein ah Frankenstein I
am hero number one get out
sorry man the most talked about and
widely celebrated horror film of the
year get out easily naps the top spot on
our list thanks to its visual style
unique narrative
and biting social commentary on race
relations in America comedian Jordan
peels feature debut tells the story of
interracial couple Chris and Rose he
travelled to Rose his parents house for
a get-together in ain’t no one black but
as with all horror movies something is
amiss and Chris suspects roses family
has something quite sinister planned for
him attends an often very funny thriller
with 2017 s best shock and awe value per
scene get out is the horror flick people
will be talking about for years to come
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