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Top 10 Best Free DLC of All Time

free DLC this good might make you regret
spending three dollars on that weapon
skin welcome to and today
we’re counting down our picks for the
top 10 best free dlc of all time for
more gaming videos check out our new
spinoff channel mojo plays for in-depth
reviews thoughtful video essays detailed
character origins and insightful
commentary mojo plays games smarter for
this list we’re taking a look at the
downloadable content that is offered to
some of our games for brief whether they
offer a boatload of new stuff to do
dynamically change the game or are just
kind of fun we’ll be focusing on the DLC
on its own merit and not just the game
it’s being added to if by the way your
after games that offer the most free
downloadable content be sure to check
out our list of the top ten games with
the most free DLC which is already
online but watch this first number 10
Skellig –is most wanted The Witcher 3
Wild Hunt I’ve seen your plan besides I
can hear you
one of you is wheezing like a broken
bellows please we’ll take as much of
this game as we can get we gladly throw
our money at the screens for a bit more
content so the fact that this one is
free just makes the whole feeling a bit
better while it’s technically just a
short contract quest the quality we’d
expect from The Witcher 3 is still here
your choices affect the outcome the
characters are well thought out and the
storyline keeps you on your toes are you
merciful or do you slay every monster
you find no matter what either way be
sure to play this before moving on to
the paid stuff all in all a pretty
elaborate plan number 9 extended cut
ending Mass Effect 3 joke or listen we
have to go
damnit Mass Effect 2 is one of the
greatest games of all time Mass Effect 3
could have also been if it didn’t render
all your of options from the previous
games pretty much pointless with a
lackluster ending fans were left with a
sour taste in their mouths when the
credits rolled thankfully Bioware
listened and gave fans an ending that
helped minimize the heartbreak everyone
felt the extended cut gave us closure on
Shepards story as well as the fate of
other characters and was full of
exciting action scenes emotional moments
and set pieces that made us feel both
excitement and sadness together all in
all the extended cut set the series off
on a much better note as the line
to reach a level of existence I cannot
even imagine the breat lizard world
adventure the constant stream free maps
yeah of course of the most recent was
the gift of Blizzard world a map in
which you can roam around and see
references to a lot of past Blizzard
games just don’t let that distract you
from your objective and you should be
alright anyway with the hearthstone
tavern heroes up the storm arcade and
sight from many other previous games
it’ll be like experiencing all the best
that Blizzard has to offer in one go
though you’ll probably be back for more
come and visit Blizzard world new
adventures are waiting for you number 7
extreme pack steep steep slopes and the
big jumps won’t ever be a problem again
cuz you’ll just hit this guy and fly
while steep hair originally released
these sports as paid DLC players now
have the option to pay for them or
obtain them with in-game credits we have
BASE jumping in which you while you base
jump rocket wingsuit which lets you zip
around the map as if you’re flying
then there’s speed riding which is just
basically skiing with a parachute that
makes every trick you do feel bigger and
faster anyway participating in any of
these gets your heart racing calling it
the extreme pack then was probably the
number six foundation update no man’s
oh man sky was set to be an amazing
experience from the get-go the hype
generated excitement around the globe
and the trailers took people’s breath
away the actual experience well it just
didn’t feel complete the foundation
update is one of the major pieces of
content promised by hello games to be
released for free and each one hopes to
make the game a more wholesome
experience but this one which included
base-building feels like the most
significant addition so far
now the planets you discover can truly
be made your own when you plop a giant
base on it for the rest of the galaxy to
splatoon is a fresh take on the
team-based third-person shooter genre
with great and highly stylized visuals
and a wacky premise splatoon was sure to
bring in many curious gamers and win
them over almost immediately with a ton
of DLC being released for the game for
free but one that stands out is the game
mode Rainmaker in which one team must
move the Rainmaker from the center of
the map and bring it to the enemy base
although you got no super jumping while
you have it and your speed is reduced by
20% great teamwork is a must as you can
probably tell so don’t be surprised if
he gets planted a lot number four
Doomsday heist grand theft auto online
the president’s been informed
president’s been misinformed you don’t
understand what I’m saying this is a big
one Rockstar is always giving updates to
the multiplayer component of GTA 5 and
the quality never really seems to let up
in fact it continues to increase and the
Doomsday heist is a shining example of
that it is a massive three-act heist
which brings about a plethora of new
content such as vehicles weapons
property and even a new radio station if
you thought the oppressor was crazy wait
till you see the deluxe Oh robbing all
those banks is ok as long as we save the
world right the world the world owes you
a massive favor
but we like cash number three arcade
this feels like a completely new game
rather than just an update or at least a
completed game or once we had an
incomplete one free for anyone who owned
the original Street Fighter 5 arcade
edition features new modes and gameplay
changes of the biggest of course is
Arcade Mode which was surprisingly
missing from the core game unfortunately
if you’re joining Street Fighter 5 for
the first time you will have to fork out
some dough but it’s technically worth it
the original Street Fighter 5 felt like
such a toned down experience and this
update has helped to restore the
this is the sixth free DLC for the game
yeah don’t you feel lucky the war games
adds two new maps and execution and a
new game-mode the map war games takes
place in a simulation while traffic is a
simple live-fire map with two tunnels
leading to each team’s side the new
game-mode puts a spin on standard
free-for-all in which all players have
to collect three batteries in order to
call in their Titan aside from the new
content though there were a ton of fun
fixes and gameplay tweaks that became a
number one spectre of torment shovel
when an entire campaign is released for
free and it’s just as long and just as
good as the main game how can it not be
number one on the list following up from
the excellent plague of shadows DLC
campaign Spectre Nights abilities are
vastly different from shovel knight and
the prequel story is layered
entertaining and keeps us wanting to
know what happens next the setting in
gameplay changes add a lot of variety to
what you’re used to making this free
chunk of DLC
feel like a whole new experience work
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