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Top 10 Best DC Comics Games!

time to put on your mask and start your
console welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top ten DC comics video games so
we’re gonna leave now right are you a
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epic road trip from San Fran to LA
gaming all the way watch the whole
series now on WatchMojo for this list
we’re looking at games based on any and
all DC comic properties that have been
hugely successful you know so the
opposite of Superman 64
number ten Batman the tell-tale cerium
you broke the law
Here I am cut the shit one of the most
recent entries in the DC video game
roster Batman the telltale series just
might be the most unique game on this
list with moments where you can change
the psyche of Batman at your leisure
this is one of the most in-depth looks
at the mind of Bruce Wayne
olice from the University billed parents
not a coincidence of course there’s
still the fun of planning out a raid on
bad guys quick time events to keep you
on your toes and some stellar animation
and voice acting to add to the overall
enjoyment factor while you can’t totally
destroy the Dark Knight’s established
continuity you can mess with it a bit so
that’s fun to know it’s nothing it’s
just cut myself shaving what your Butler
didn’t help you this time
number 9 Justice League heroes we’re
going to try and get into STAR Labs and
help those people Superman out when the
dark forces of the universe threaten
earth the Justice League is here to stay
come on Justice League heroes is an
isometric Diablo style dungeon crawler
similar to Marvel’s x-men legends and
Ultimate Alliance games here you can
team up with a friend to unleash the
full might of the JLA on bows like
Brainiac and Darkseid do not concern
yourself with what I have done the title
also boasts a pretty darn good plot
written by the late
Dwayne McDuffie who wrote several tales
for the DC Animated universe series
there’s nothing like having the power of
one of the most powerful heroes on earth
at your fingertips so grab a friend and
let the beatdown begin
number eight The Adventures of Batman
and Robin Smith’s version long before
the DC games made the jump to 3d they
had a pretty healthy run in the 8m
16-bit era and The Adventures of Batman
and Robin for the SNES is a prime
example taking place in the Bruce Timm
universe this two-player side-scrolling
beat-em-up has players traversing Gotham
as the dynamic duo taking down rogues
left right and center the art style is
still the same as the animated series
which is always a plus and Batman’s
rogues gallery is fully stocked here
number 7 Lego Batman 2 DC superheroes
what I think I’m going to cry sometimes
even Batman needs help to save Gotham
like many Lego sequels before it Lego
Batman 2 takes everything that made the
first game great and kicks it up a notch
the cast of characters is nearly as
infinite as the items you can construct
within game lego factor in the
quick-witted and self-referential humor
that Lego is known for and you’ll see
why this continues to be one of the most
beloved DC video game franchises out
there no hard feelings
plus the game contains John Williams’s
iconic Superman theme so you can’t
really have a much more epic flight
theme than that
number six Scribblenauts unmasked a DC
Comics adventure it doesn’t always have
to be dark and brooding when it comes to
DC sometimes it can be kind of cute to
just look at this crossover with DC
Comics and the popular puzzle series
in this game you play a series mascot
Maxwell who has the ability to summon
virtually anything you can think of to
solve puzzles and defeat enemies
only this time he can now also summon
anything and anyone from the DC Universe
which he’ll be needing since the game
also takes place with bins at universe
from the streets of Gotham City to
Lantern Corps HQ to the Daily Planet
there’s plenty of fanservice for any DC
fan to get excited over number 5 DC
Universe Online when Brainiac invades
the earth in the future
Lex Luthor travels back in time to warn
the Justice League and begin a new era
of heroism this MMORPG gives players the
ability to create a custom hero from a
wide variety of skills powers and
costume designs and lets them kick butt
across the GCU there are hundreds of
missions regularly updated and as a good
chance you’ll end up running into your
favorite heroes DC Universe Online
continues to see community support and
has even made the leap from PC to
console in recent years expanding its
player base and giving would-be heroes
the chance to follow their dreams you
must each then use their new abilities
they must be on the front line of the
coming battle there before the wolf
among us give you this let me sleep yeah
yeah all right probably and now we take
a step away from the superheroes and pay
a visit to the other side of DC the wolf
among us is based on the fable series
from DC vertigo and follows Sheriff Big
D wolf on the trail of a vicious killer
similar in style to tall tales Batman
video game the wolf among us is an
interactive story with several outcomes
depending on player choice cut the crap
Georgie I want the book on just talking
about the game also has received praise
for its visual style and faithfulness to
the fable source material it’s a fun
blend of fantasy into our mystery see it
doesn’t just have to be superheroes who
get all the fun you scared the shit out
of me little boy they show everything
number three
Batman Arkham Asylum Batman faces his
greatest threat yet when the Joker
seizes control of Arkham Asylum and
traps him inside it’s the Batman thrill
ride the gamers had always wanted with
Rocksteady Studios at the hell you got
the tools detective skills and of course
the brutal fistfights can navigate your
way around the most dangerous building
on the planet
many of fat man’s signature foes make an
appearance and you’ve got legendary
Batman and Joker voice actors Kevin
Conroy and Mark Hamill respectively back
in the mix this was a dream come true
for bat fans and to step towards one of
the best video game franchises ever yes
I always found us but I won’t let him
hurt you I’ll kill her
number two injustice – I cannot demand
Bruce Wayne overs why not
the sequel to 2013 hits superhero
Smackdown fighting game injustice gods
among us injustice to double down on all
the things that may be original so good
such folly and beauty and the grand
design a bigger and more diverse roster
of heroes and villains a more engaging
story and deeper combat mechanics make
this game a strong contender for not
only the best superhero game of 2017 but
also the best fighting game of the year
we can’t stress how well this game
manages to capture the feeling of
super-powered beings smashing the
absolute crap out of each other and how
fun it is to recreate your favorite
comic book rivalries with your buds you
walk draw number 1 Batman Arkham City
Batman is trapped in a sealed off
section of Gotham City run by the insane
must be Christmas for The Dark Knight
Arkham City takes everything that worked
with Arkham Asylum and pushes it to near
the controls are smoother and the combat
is more fluid there are dozens of ways
to take down your opponents from simple
snatch and grabs to step-by-step
walkthroughs and plan outs
add in a ton of bonus content including
a Catwoman Side Story and you’ve got the
best Batman game 9 the best superhero
game ever sorry to disappoint you boy do
you agree with our picks don’t forget to
check out the bolt to e3 a brand new
series from WatchMojo where for gamers
take an epic road trip from San Fran to
LA gaming all the way
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