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Top 10 Best Call of Duty Zombies Maps!

please just keep getting better and
better welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top ten call of duty zombies maps
before we begin we publish new videos
every day so be sure to subscribe for
more great content for this list we’re
looking at our favorite zombies maps
from the Call of Duty franchise will be
basing our picks on fan popularity the
maps functionality and its originality
number 10 shangri-la call of duty black
ops shangri-la was included in the
annihilation pack and it’s from Maine to
fan favorite ever since not only is it
gorgeous to look at and explore it
includes a ton of new features which
fans instantly adorns two new utilities
like a water slide and minecart make
traversing the map exciting and new
specialty zombies like the napalm and
Shrieker always keep you on your toes on
top of that the new Wonder weapon the
3175 jgb to15 gave you the ability to
shrink zombies and then run over them
like a giant while it may look at
shangri-la this was not number 9 buried
whole duty black ops 2
buried is perhaps the scariest zombies
map and it’s easily one of the most
difficult – it takes place in a buried
western town hence the name and features
tons of interesting enemies and NPCs
there’s a pain-in-the-ass Ghost woman
who haunts the mansion and Arthur the
giant who helps you if you keep giving
him candy or booze there are also new
weapons and buildable ‘aa plenty like
the subsurface resonator and a time bomb
which allows players to travel back in
time when it’s thrown it’s one of the
smaller maps but it’s easily also one of
the most fun
number eight move call duty black ops
serving is one of the largest zombies
Maps moon is notable for bringing a ton
of new features to the series as well as
taking place on the friggin moon how can
you not love that right you’re able to
teleport between area 51 and the moon
and being on it feels completely fresh
and original complete with low gravity
environments areas without oxygen and
new astronaut zombies which teleport
away and steal your perks it also hosts
perhaps the best Easter egg of the
entire series which sees earth being
completely obliterated by moon rockets
number seven knocked dead untold call of
duty world at war
Nach dead-on potent which is German for
night of the undead was the math that
started at all and while it is
relatively bare-bones and simplistic by
today’s standards it was a tense and
rewarding experience which left fans
clamoring for more zombies maps there
are only three accessible rooms which
helps to ratchet up the anxiety and
atmosphere and it features many firsts
for the series like wonder weapons
utilities and power-ups it may be
simplistic today but it was
revolutionary for the time number 6
keynote at Hilton call of duty black ops
keno there Tolton served as the first
zombies map in black ops and what an
introduction it was this map has been
criticized in the past for being a bit
too easy but perhaps that’s what makes
it so fun while maps like knock dead-on
potent keep you on your toes via tension
in atmosphere this one simply lets you
be a zombie killing God by blasting them
through the air with your Thunder cut
number-5 call of the dead call of duty
black ops call of the dead is certainly
in all time zombies classic and that’s
due to one reason celebrities this map
was the first introduced playable
celebrities which include Buffy’s Sarah
Michelle Gellar Freddy Krueger himself
Robert Englund national treasure Danny
Trejo and Michael Rooker of Walking Dead
Fame it also featured George a Romero’s
as a potentially aggressive zombie which
is just awesome right when coupled with
these scary electrified zombies and
unique setting call of the dead is an
absolute banger before ascension all
duty black ops this map name is
certainly telling it ascended the
zombies mode to something else entirely
and helped to solidify its own unique
character ascension included many firsts
including space monkeys which are
adorable little monkeys in spacesuits
Easter Egg quests which quickly became a
zombie staple to new wonder weapons and
to perks the PhD flopper and stamina
he’d also developed the zombies
storyline if you care about that sort of
thing ascension tried a lot of new stuff
and it nailed almost all of them
security level
number three mob of the dead called duty
black ops 2 mob of the Dead is certainly
unique it takes place on the very real
Alcatraz Island during Prohibition era
America and features a group of
gangsters attempting to escape the
prison during a zombie outbreak the
confining nature of the environment
leads to many intense moments and
gunfights but the whole map is also a
ton of fun as well it features a
terrific jump scare Easter Egg a boss
like zombie an extremely badass acid
shooting gun and the new afterlife
feature which allows you to travel
through walls it all connects to create
a terrifically original and exceptional
zombies experience number two origins
Call of Duty Black Ops 2 how does that
work origins is called duty zombies at
its absolute finest in most epic it’s a
large and detailed map complete with
countless interesting Easter eggs and
many awesome story moments the gameplay
is also extremely fun and shook things
up nicely new zombies like the armored
panzer soul that keep you terrified and
the three giant robots which wander the
map to provide a unique challenge there
are also the amazing elemental staffs
and new power-ups like zombie blood
which prevent Sambas from attacking you
for a brief time
Treyarch went all out for this one and
their effort is definitely appreciated
before we unveil our top pick here if
your honorable mentions
wait if someone’s gotta take him out to
save the universe then it should be me
that does it number one data dies call
duty world at war after knock they’re on
potent Treyarch began to evolve the
zombies minigame in unbelievable ways
and dare rise is not only the perfect
combination of everything which came
before but it set the bar for futures on
these releases this map was the debut
for many elements which are now zombie
staples including teleporters and the
pack o punch machine on top of that the
zombie AI was greatly improved here
which made the map both a fantastic
starting point for beginners while still
being a challenge for veterans on beast
fans while more complex maps have come
and gone J rise is the one which finally
perfected the zombies formula and paved
the way for a successful future
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