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Top 10 Baby Names That Have Been Vetoed by the Name Police

what’s in a name nothing to the computer

welcome to and today we’re

counting down our picks for the top ten

baby names that have been vetoed by the

name police before we begin we publish

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videos for this list we’re discussing

band baby names around the world in 2018

in France a judge ruled that a couple

couldn’t name their baby girl Liam on

the grounds that it would cause gender

confusion and that sort of thing happens

more often than you’d think we’ve tried

to present a variety of examples and

while some of them in our opinion should

not have been banned some seem fair so

it’s just McLovin yeah badass

number 10 terminator he may be arnold

schwarzenegger most iconic character

from one of the biggest sci-fi

franchises of all time but if you were

hoping to name your firstborn terminator

you will be sorely disappointed well at

least if you live in the state of Sonora

in Northwest Mexico I’ll be back after

looking through the registries of babies

born there state officials compiled a

list of banned names which they believe

may lead to bullying

all of which already belonged to Mexican

citizens hasta la vista baby and as if

banning the name of one cool futuristic

robot wasn’t bad enough you’re not

allowed to call your child Robocop

either your move crazy number 9 Damon

now we travel to France where one couple

decided to take their love of a

fictional character one step further and

named their son after one it’s a very

common thing people do and the character

they picked was Damon from the Vampire

hello brother the problem arose when

they added an e into the spelling after

the a to make the name quote more French

the authorities said it sounded demonic

the same argument the New Zealand

authorities used when they banned the

name Lucifer but the parents protested

and it went to court where it was

ultimately ruled the name had quote no

satanic connections so they were allowed

to keep it

number eight spat sued unlike other

Canadian provinces Quebec has much

stricter rules about what parents can

and can’t name their children and the

Quebec registrar of civil status reviews

each and every birth certificate to

check that they’re appropriate in 1996

the agency filed a motion to prevent a

couple from naming their child spat sued

or spatula one system however the

parents were so adamant that the name

was actually that of a bird the

marvelous spatula tail that they went to

court unfortunately for the parents but

probably not for the child the court

granted the registrar’s motion and they

had to choose something else number

seven Metallica in honor of one of their

favorite bands one of the most enduring

and successful ones of all time a couple

in Utah body Sweden decided to christen

their baby daughter this unconventional

name it was perfectly fine for a few

months but issues arose when they

applied for a passport for their

daughter and the Swedish tax authority

heard about it and stepped in to try and

spare a little Metallica tomorrow any

bullying later in her life surprisingly

the Swedish Administrative Court of

Appeals eventually reversed the ban on

this name so we have to assume she still

has it today number six

Nutella yet another couple couldn’t

escape the reach of a French court of

law when they were deciding what to name

their child in 2015 the parents wanted

to call their daughter Nutella in the

hope that she would embody the sweetness

and popularity of the world’s favorite

hazelnut spread but one French judge

ruled that the name would cause mocking

and bullying and would ultimately lead

to a lower quality of life for the girl

they were ordered to shorten her name to

the significantly more conventional and

less hazelnutty

Ella number five Tallulah does the hula

from Hawaii this name was so

controversial in New Zealand that the

government actually assumed guardianship

of the girls so that she could be

renamed something more ordinary the

parents lost custody of their daughter

that’s a ridiculous name it doesn’t even

sound real I’m like other names on the


this one was banned after the girl

herself who was nine when the government

intervened complained about being made

fun of and said she actually lied and

told people her name was Kay to try and

avoid ridicule the court said they were

severely concerned about the quote very

poor judgement shown by the parents and

her new name has not been revealed

number four Adolf Hitler it won’t come

as a surprise to anybody to hear that

this name is banned in many countries

around the world though a man in the US

was free to change his own name to

Isadora Heath Hitler and then also named

one of his children Adolf Hitler and

another Ava Braun though in 2008 Adolf

and his other Nazi name siblings were

taken into State care in New Zealand

however a judge was quoted as saying

that names like this are banned to stop

children suffering psychological trauma

while in Germany the name Osama bin

Laden has also been banned along with

Hitler for similar reasons

number three whatever this is it’s

actually pronounced Albin

but this 43 character name was submitted

for approval to the notoriously strict

Swedish naming authorities in 1996 when

a couple initially failed to register a

name for their son by his fifth birthday

and led to them receiving a fine of

around seven hundred and forty dollars

they said the long name was quote a

pregnant expressionistic development

that they saw as an artistic creation

submitting it in protest of the find but

the court rejected it in another bid to

avoid the fine the parents suggested the

letter a as the boy’s name also

pronounced Albin but this too was denied

number two

in China parents aren’t allowed to name

their children anything with non Chinese

symbols in it meaning no numbers no

punctuation and so on that’s why when

one couple tried to name their child the

@ sign they were promptly banned from

doing so the parents reasoning for their

naming was that in China at is

pronounced like ITA which sounds similar

to a phrase in Chinese meaning love him

so they thought the name was a proper

representation of how much they love

their child regardless of their

intentions however it still was not

allowed before we unveil our number one


alone okay number one Linda yeah hi this

is linda litzke in the western world

this is probably one of the most

conventional names out there but it’s

actually a lot more controversial than

you might think in 2014

Saudi Arabia published a very long list

of more than 50 recently banned names a

list that also includes the names Lauren

Alice Sandy and Elaine the reason the

government gave was that the names were

quote blasphemous non-arabic non-islamic

or contrary to the country’s culture

meaning that linda was banned just

because it was deemed too foreign

sounding and too strongly associated

with Western culture do you agree with

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