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Top 10 Awesome Moments from The Lego Movie

with the building blocks of imagination
you can create something truly special
welcome to ten moments
from the lego movie before we begin we
publish new content every day so be sure
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videos for this list we’re taking a look
at the most humorous touching and
inventive moments from this 2014
animated feature I mean it’s not like a
big gigantic ship is just gonna come out
although the lego movie is mostly
brought to life through computer
animation it maintains the spirit of a
brick film with our plastic heroes all
moving like stop-motion figures this
gives the film a distinctive style that
feels both high-tech and handmade paving
the way for stunning action sequences
such as this escaping police custody the
oblivious Emmett is rescued by
resistance fighter Lucy also known as
wild style thinking outside the box
Lucy throws together an early motorcycle
with superb attention to detail
this fast-paced set piece sends Emmet
crashing through a house while Lucy
converts the cycle into a jet while
Emmet isn’t what Lucy expected they at
least elude the authorities much – bad
cop chagrin number 9 princess unikitty
Emmet has always been pressured to
follow the instructions but no idea is
off limits in cloud cuckoo-land it’s
only natural that there would be a
princess who’s half unicorn and half
kitty aptly named unikitty in this
off-the-wall realm voice – cheerful
perfection by Alison brief unikitty has
the bright big eyes of an anime
character and the enthusiasm of a
Ponyville resident there’s no dead time
no crowning faces no bushes mustaches
and no negativity of any time although
she strives to remain positive at all
times unikitty finds throughout the film
that life isn’t all bubblegum and
butterflies when her world is threatened
this happy-go-lucky feline finally
releases all of her pent-up rage and
number eight spaceship of all the
characters that filmmakers could have
shined the spotlight on one can’t help
but wonder why so much attention was
given to Benny a 1980-something space
guy even in a cast that includes a
unicorn kitty this obscure astronaut can
often feel like the odd one out but
perhaps that’s part of the joke in any
Benny’s infectious energy makes you want
to dig through a toy chest and play with
some classic space Legos Benny’s
unyielding desire to build a spaceship
has a particularly great payoff as the
others finally give him free rein to
construct the ultimate intergalactic
vessel will never tire of hearing actor
Charlie Day frantically exclaim
spaceship number seven
good cop bad cop wake up how did you
find the piece of resistance piece of
what we’ve all heard of the good cop bad
cop police interrogation technique but
this officer takes the concept to a
whole new level
like the mayor of Halloweentown from The
Nightmare Before Christmas
Lord business’s lieutenant is literally
two-faced in the midst of growing Emmett
for answers throwing chairs around the
room and playing a rather depressing
video he occasionally lets his good cop
alter-ego shine through although it’s
never long until bad cop rears his
disgruntled head again
am I gonna die you live you’ll be fine
president business I have them right
here sorry what makes this all the more
hilarious is that both sides of this
split personality are voiced by Liam
Neeson whose tough-guy persona is
flipped on its head I’m your friendly
neighborhood police officer did you like
it glass of water
yeah too bad number six you’re the
special your secret weapon yes it’s
called the power of the special feel
like a movie caught audiences off-guard
with how sincerely poignant its story
could be in the third act it’s revealed
that the man upstairs is actually the
father of a little boy playing with
LEGOs like Captain Hook
in most iterations of Peter Pan both the
father and the villainous Lord business
are played by the same actor rather than
feeding Lord business to a crocodile
though Emmet
warms his heart with some touching words
what I see are people inspired by each
other and by you simultaneously the man
upstairs comes to see the creativity his
son puts into his creations these not so
bad guys the slurring that life is
whatever you make of it which is why we
should all embrace what makes everyone
special and you are capable of amazing
things because you are this special
number five meeting the master-builders
Lantern Green Lantern yeah yeah you want
to see it together to me um two years
before Batman vs Superman the Man of
Steel snubbed Green Lantern at a Master
Builders meeting speaking of awesome
crossovers this might be the only time
you’ll ever see Dumbledore and Gandalf
in the same room this scene also
assembles the likes of Wonder Woman no
house from The Simpsons and 2002 NBA
all-stars with Shaquille O’Neal voicing
himself Oh No we’re ready for that
that’s not the only clever voiceover
cameo here as Abraham Lincoln is voiced
by Will Forte who previously voiced the
American president on Clone High which
directors Phil Lord and Christopher
Miller co-created the filmmakers ability
to pack so many jokes and references
into just one scene is a testament to
this entire movie’s brilliance a house
divided against itself would be better
than this
number four the ghost of Vitruvius a man
who said that the death of a wise mentor
is a common trope but the lego movie
puts a few spins on this cliche when
Vitruvius gets decapitated we’re not
sure whether to feel sad or laugh at how
sudden his demise is what I’m about to
tell you will change the course of
history the fact that the trivia cyst
severed head gets a few words out only
contributes to the surrealism although
Vitruvius bites the dust’ before he can
give Emmet an inspiring pep talk he’s
able to speak to him from beyond the
grave instead of a disembodied voice
however ghost Vitruvius is a white bed
sheet that glows green in the dark
hanging from some string it’s impossible
not to crack up seeing such a silly
figure paired with Morgan Freeman’s
voice because the only thing anyone
needs to be special is to believe that
you can be number three the Millennium
Falcon this might be the right galaxy
after all we’ll never know how solo a
Star Wars story would have turned out if
Phil Ward and Christopher Miller
remained on board we were given a taste
of what might have been in the lego
movie however when our heroes are in aid
of a spaceship the Millennium Falcon
conveniently drops in Billy Dee Williams
and Anthony Daniels took up their former
roles as Lando Calrissian and c-3po a
Keith Ferguson does a dead on Harrison
Ford impression surely we’re supposed to
be halfway to Naboo for a sweet party
right now although it appears Batman has
bailed on his friends it’s only a ploy
to raid the Falcon this is great news
for Emmet and company but when an EXO
Court shows up the Falcon finds itself
up an asteroid belt without a hyperdrive
number 2 I’m Batman
I’m Batman the lego movie gives us
several satirical takes on popular
characters but none dominate the screen
quite like Lego Batman voiced by Will
Arnett who naturally sounds like the
Dark Knight Batman swoops in out of
nowhere to rest for our heroes as they
nearly plummet to their demise relax
everybody I’m here initially Emmet is
enthralled to be in the presence of the
Caped Crusader he goes from Wow to
confused how
ever upon learning that Batman is dating
wyldstyle this sets up one of the film’s
best running gags as Batman makes a
point of emphasizing how much cooler he
is than everyone else it’s no wonder you
got his own spin-off movie because I
just wrote a song about how I’m gonna
get all in your place before we unveil
our topic here are a few honorable
mentions would you cancel my two o’clock
this next meeting could run a little bit
deadly if there was such a thing as a
bump in but as a couch introducing the
double-decker couch where are we number
one everything is awesome oh my gosh I
love this song and it may not realize it
but both he and the other citizens of
bricksburg are all president businesses
play things through the evil
government’s influence everyone has been
brainwashed to abide by the same
instructions this means following the
same daily routine drinking the same
overpriced coffee and listening to the
same song continuously
although everything is awesome is
supposed to be a satire of generic pop
music it also works as a genuinely
catchy tune so much so that it scored an
Academy Award nomination for Best
Original Song tying into the stories
themes of conformity versus
individuality it’s become an anthem for
the lego movie as well as a celebration
of all things awesome do you agree with
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