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Top 10 Aquaman (2018) Moments

damn this movie has everything well
except for Vince chase welcome to and before we begin we
publish new content every day so be sure
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videos for this list we’re taking a look
at the set pieces and character moments
that made 2018 s Aquaman one of the best
films in the DC library for the two
people who haven’t seen this billion
dollar movie aware the following
spoilers number 10 arriving in the
Sahara Desert
three things nearby nothing but desert
for hundreds of cash night but does
James Juan’s film is one-half 20,000
Leagues Under the Sea and one half
Raiders of the Lost Ark it’s not just a
superhero origin story but a treasure
hunting adventure as well this
especially shines through during the
Sahara Desert segment in which Arthur
and Mira begin their search for the
trident of outland upon arriving Arthur
and Mira leap right out of the cargo
their travels take them to ancient ruins
where Arthur sweat plays a key role in
solving a puzzle now hold still
the scene captures the same sense of awe
you’d find in an Indiana Jones movie but
the banter between Arthur Amira gives it
a distinct personality peed on number
nine Arthur’s parents meet that’s how my
parents met like two ships destined for
each other the relationship between
Thomas Korean Atlanta is the classic
fish-out-of-water story in more ways
than one washing up by Thomas’s
lighthouse the queen of Atlantis is
naturally caught off guard when she sees
television and a dog for the first time
through warmth understanding and humor
though Thomas shows her that the surface
has a great deal to offer swimming away
from her arranged marriage atlanna
decides to remain at the lighthouse and
has a son with Thomas its unite I’m
going twenty it’s a charming romance
that sums up the movies overarching
theme of two different worlds learning
to coexist alas it’s only a matter of
time until they’re driven apart I’ll be
together again you stay strong with no
friends I’ll always be with you number
Aquaman maybe an action blockbuster but
James Wan rose to prominence directing
horror films like saw insidious and the
conjuring wands horror roots can be
found in the trench attack sequence
which would feel right at home in
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Wan also reportedly drew inspiration
from the works of HP Lovecraft and the
trench definitely has a Lovecraftian
quality to them these amphibious fiends
are only made creepier when you set them
against a dark stormy backdrop on the
treacherous ocean the trench engulf
Arthur and Mira’s boats like a horde of
zombies forcing them to abandon ship and
venture two fathoms below this thrilling
scene is brief but we can count on
seeing more of the trench in a spin off
at Lana and Thomas’s happy life together
hits rough waters when Atlanteans storm
into the lighthouse ready to take the
Queen back to Atlantis Atlanta is much
harder to catch than a fish however she
fends off the intruders in a skillfully
choreographed sequence that shot to look
as if it were executed in one take
although she takes them all out with her
trusty Trident Atlanta realizes that
it’s too dangerous for her to stay with
her family bidding farewell to the man
she loves and her young son Atlanta
forlornly returns to the cruel waters as
tearful as their goodbye is this only
makes it more uplifting when Arthur and
his mother are finally reunited decades
number six submarine showdown sir
another submarine no think it’s a man in
Justice League we were given a taste of
how Arthur curry earned his reputation
as the protector of the oceans towards
the beginning of his first solo film
though we actually get to follow Arthur
on one of his missions volition to come
aboard when pirates seized control of a
nuclear submarine
Aquaman crashes in and swabs the deck
with their faces and this exhilarating
step peace
Arthur exemplifies as super-strength and
masterful fighting skills the sequence
also makes it clear that Arthur is no
Boy Scout coldly leaving the pirate
leader to go down with a vessel in due
course Arthur intensifies his rivalry
with David Kane aka Black Manta who vows
number five the Ring of Fire what the
hell is that the Ring of Fire this scene
has the scope of a classic Hollywood
epic calling Ben Hur and especially
gladiator to mind set in a massive
underwater Stadium
Arthur prepares to face off with his
half-brother armed with a ring of lava
surrounding them this is one of the
film’s most stunning sequences in terms
of effects and production design the
battle choreography only contributes to
the gravitas as these half-brothers
clash in a fight for the throne being an
all-around badass
Arthur is used to coming out on top he
underestimates his opponent though
resulting in the destruction of his
losing the battle and the last piece he
had of his mother
Arthur hits his lowest point but failure
is an essential part of any hero’s
journey number four our 3rd vs. Black
after appearing in numerous comics and
animated shows Black Manta finally made
his live-action debut in this movie
David Kane doesn’t disappoint upon
arriving in Sicily sporting his
signature bug-eyed helmet Black Manta is
ready to avenge his father with a few
other high-tech warriors by his side
I thought shooting death rays out of his
eyes Manta sends Arthur flying across
the island
thus ensues an electrifying chase over
rooftops as the soldiers pursue Mira
leaving a trail of destruction behind
with every step
Arthur and Manta meanwhile square off
mano a mano and this time it’s personal
it’s a close call but Arthur ultimately
sends Manta tumbling down a cliff to his
imagine the lord of the rings’ but
underwater that’s basically this movie’s
climax in a nutshell and it’s every bit
as epic as it sounds
pitting ORMs forces against the kingdom
of brine this sequence delivers pretty
much everything you could possibly want
out of an Aquaman climax massive armies
and Armada of vessels armored sharks the
whole shebang arm prematurely deems
himself ocean master however as Arthur
and mera show up with the aid of the
the king has risen the set-pieces
wall-to-wall i popping action and even a
bit of romance yet it all boils down to
a final confrontation between arthur and
arm atop a ship this time arthur emerges
when it was announced that a live-action
Aquaman movie was officially setting
sail fans were unsure if the filmmakers
could actually make the kingdom of
Atlantis a reality any doubts we might
have had were flushed away however once
Arthur arrived in the Hidden Empire
Atlantis lights up like an electric
coral reef complete with massive
structures underwater vehicles and an
array of sea animals it’s a society
that’s obviously grounded in fantasy but
still somehow comes off as convincing
and even in habitable gazing over this
visual Marvel were reminded of when we
first saw Gotham City in Tim Burton’s
original Batman it’s an iconic comic
book setting we never thought could be
brought to life yet there it is
on the silver screen before we get to
our top pick here are some honorable
mentions this is Atlantean technology
isn’t it can you tell me how you got
this but first you got to tell me how to
find him there we go
everybody smile
any king can wear a crown but it makes a
truly worthy ruler to wield the Trident
of Atlin presenting himself before the
Leviathan known as careth on arthur must
prove there’s more to him than meets the
although the Colossus is initially
skeptical Kara Thane is willing to give
Arthur a shot approaching the golden
Arthur pulls it free and gains control
of the seven seas
it’s a totally triumphant moment
reminiscent of when King Arthur
retrieved Excalibur what’s just as
applause worthy is seeing Arthur at last
on his iconic outfit people have poked
fun at Aquaman’s costume in the past but
this film modernized it in all the right
ways shimmering in gold and green armor
Arthur is ready to accept his destiny
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