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Top 10 April Fools Pranks in Gaming

game developers really know how to get

creative with her pranks welcome to and today we’re counting

down our picks for the top 10 April

before we begin we publish new videos

every day so be sure to subscribe for

more great content for this list we’re

looking at some of the best in April

Fools pranks involving video games even

if some of these left us more frustrated

than anything else yeah baby they’re

pretty easy to operate

just hold why to charge that laser

number 10 PlayStation Flo so near here

at the wearables division we’re working

on ways of bringing the PlayStation

experience to all areas of your life

have you ever entered a swimming section

of a game and thought to yourself hey

what if I could control my character by

actually swimming in a real pool no well

Sony decided to riff on this insane idea

and went about making a pretty intricate

fake promo video for the PlayStation

Flow complete with a relatively

believably designed pair of goggles and

body sensors that sync up with your ps4

so that you can control your character

from the comfort of a pool it’s

ridiculous it’s very self-aware and

really well put together considering how


number nine fats – is coming back fill

fish Fez was universally praised for its

unique mechanics at oral arts style and

addictive gameplay so when a prequel was

announced we were quick to board the

hype train but everything changed after

the game’s notorious creator Phil fish

had a nasty feud with a critic which was

the catalyst for his abandonment of the

project we still await the day that fish

comes back to the gaming industry to

finish Fez – and we almost thought that

day had come on April 1st 2014

fish tweeted that bez 2 was back in

development but it didn’t take long for

most people to realize that this was a

joke you know some of us are still

waiting for an actual sequels so not

number eight tactics Alexander



it’s been a very long time since we last

saw a Final Fantasy Tactics game

grimoire of the rift came out way back

in 2008 so a new game is very overdue

well our wishes were about to come true

when Square Enix announced tactics

Alexander the music was kick-ass and the

graphics were an interesting mix between

fantasy and steampunk of course our

hopes were dashed when this all turned

out to be a big old fake

come on Square it’s been over a decade

since the last tactics game you couldn’t

have gone with a different gang one that

didn’t hurt our feelings anyway just

take a look at the forums and you’ll see

that some fans did not take this prank

number seven Sonic in smash brothers

melee electronic gaming monthly


with every Smash Brothers game fans

aren’t desperate to know which

characters are gonna make the roster

imagine our surprise back in 2002 when

we got word that Sonic the Hedgehog

along with tails were secret characters

in melee the mascot of Nintendo’s old

rival in a Smash Brothers game

impossible after spending a few hours

trying to beat 20 enemies in cruel melee

players quickly learned that electronic

gaming monthly was drawing them the

entire time I mean at least this did

become a reality

number six roach was too good CD Projekt

RED a year before we were due to release

our in-house horse testers started

complaining the witcher 3 wild hunt was

basically a perfect game from its

wide-open landscapes dozens of

interesting quests and compelling

narrative many people still haven’t

stopped playing it although if we had to

pick nits Gerald’s horse Roach does tend

to bug out on occasion

CD Projekt RED decided to play along

with this issue and produced a whole

video on the makin approach that’s

hilarious to think that the devs would

intentionally make Roach buggy the

absurdity really cranked up to 11 when

they announced a real horse was going to

be voicing Roach for the blood and wine

expansion complete with an interactive

dialogue tree seriously though this is

kind of a good idea though maybe in

number five Ark survival devolve studio


if you’re an avid fan of dinosaurs Dodos

and being killed by other players who

are way stronger than you chances are

you’ve been playing Ark survival evolved

hey yep survival game where you explore

an unknown world filled with prehistoric

creatures it’s not a game for everyone

definitely but there’s a healthy

following Wow many players are still

trying to get their own dinosaur to ride

on though Studio wildcard decided to

pull the old switcheroo a batch was

released where players could become a

dinosaur and then ride humans the

visuals alone were hilarious sendeth to

be a wild card were to include this

thing as part of the game I don’t think

number four Tara Tron Blizzard

ever heard of the Voltron inspired mecha

unit known as the Terra Tron basically

the Terrans get themselves a Megazord

built entirely out of their own base as

expected this little trailer turned out

to be a fake announcement

with a small asterisk next to it while

you might not be able to use the Terra

tron you can fight it in the epic final

boss battle up lost Viking we must warn

you though the fight will be incredibly

difficult hope your friends got some mad

number three World of Warcraft playable

two headed over race Blizzard

Entertainment Blizzard just can’t help

trolling their own community the

playable 2-headed ogre was going to be a

complex race but it kind of sounded fun

you and a buddy would control one half

of your character which would be named

with a mishmash of your name and your

friend’s name on top of that both

players would share their own personal

chat box to share thoughts again this

kind of sounds fun but after thinking

about it for like three seconds players

quickly realized that this would be a

programming nightmare and a very

complicated play style but Blizzard

wasn’t completely fooling they

eventually added a 2-headed ogre to

heroes of the storm to Gul is a

terrifying force on the battlefield

someone who can start and end a fight

all on his own but only if both heads

work together two players two heads

sharing one body number two The Legend

of Zelda movie trailer I de n because

something special a no today I’m taking

the harvester Castle Combe market and

you’re coming with me there’s anything

we’ve learned about IGN it’s never trust

anything may announce on April 1st

seriously after seeing me Mass Effect

cartoon and the Bollywood Halo movie

trailers you think everyone were to

learn their lesson by now however

probably the most convincing trailer by

far was the alleged trailer for The

Legend of Zelda with pretty good visual

effects costuming and overall production

quality this looked pretty real although

it also looked really crappy so we’re

before we reveal our top gaming prank

here are a few honorable mentions in

control jabrai number one Pokemon

challenge Google we seek to hire the

most exceptional people remember that

big announcement from Google a few years

ago it was something along the lines of

go on Google Maps and you can hunt and

catch pokemon as you travel oh yeah

and to sweeten the deal the best trainer

would be hired at Google Maps as the

Pokemon master sounds like a dream job

right well it is a dream job because it

doesn’t exist as explained by the

disclaimer at the end of the video which

diminishes any chance of this being real

thanks to its silly tone

despite the Pokemon challenge being fake

Pokemon go became a real thing two years

later when Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata

realized that the gag had potential to

be a real game we all know what happened

from there

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