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Top 10 Anticlimactic Boss Battles in Video Games

such a loser at least my mom doesn’t
make her living on her back your dick
these guys left us wanting more welcome
to and today we’ll be
counting down our picks for the top 10
anticlimactic boss fights for this list
we ranked the bosses that are the least
fulfilling to defeat especially if the
game has been building up the battle as
usual one game per franchise and just so
you know since most of these bosses are
final bosses spoiler alert I know it’s
selfish but this is my story number 10
Gary bully there are you little bitch
James I’ve been waiting let the games
this guy taunts you endlessly but his
bark is a lot worse than his bite after
you make your way up the scaffolding
it’s finally time to take him on and he
doesn’t resist much his punches and
kicks are all pretty easy to avoid or
block and you won’t have any trouble
knocking him out with some concrete for
a final boss you could have at least put
up a better fight sorry didn’t see you
there number 9
Colonel autumn fallout 3 how can I be
sure you won’t just shoot me once I’ve
done my back on you I suppose it doesn’t
matter much now autumn is a ruthless
military leader who’s responsible for
your dad’s death so when you confront
him for the final time you’ll have the
option of reasoning with him if your
speech skill is high enough but don’t be
afraid to challenge him to a fight
because he goes down like any other
normal human in the game and quickly too
since he’s not wearing any armor
you think he could have borrowed some
from one of his guards just like
anything else well that takes care of
that number eight three four three
Guilty Spark halo three Oh wonderful
news the installation is almost complete
terrific yes isn’t it no boss can be too
difficult if you have unlimited ammo to
fight him with if you pick up the m6
Spartan laser conveniently provided by
sergeant Johnson you can fire at Guilty
Spark as much as you want because the
gun never runs out of ammo even if you
don’t have it don’t worry because his
attacks are all pretty weak all you need
to do to avoid his shots is keep
strafing left and right while firing
laser or no laser
number seven Metal Gear Metal Gear
after you’ve spent the entire game
sneaking around you won’t be too
intimidated by the prospect of getting
rid of this robot it’s pretty big but
all you have to do is stick plastic
explosives on it while it sits still and
blinks its lights at you still he has
legs so you think it would be a bit more
mobile like its rex counterpart instead
of just standing there getting blown up
but it really doesn’t seem to mind
number six you Yvonne Final Fantasy 10
everyone this is the last time we fight
together in the latter half of the game
you was built up as an immortal being
that has devastated the world for
centuries in the shell of sin and who is
this great being in our final battle
it’s a freaking tip and for some reason
everyone in your party has Auto life
meaning they automatically get brought
back to life whenever they go down that
means it’s impossible to lose this final
battle because well it’s never really
explained number 5 Bowser Super Mario
Galaxy 2 there are a ton of easy mario
bosses even though some get an excuse
for the limitations of the time but we
can’t excuse galaxy twos finale against
the iconic antagonist even though he
looks big and scary there’s nothing to
be afraid of when you fight him ground
pound 3 planetoids onto him that you
automatically land on and you’ll be
victorious it’s pretty underwhelming
especially when you consider that it’s
Bowser number 4 Bob the goldfish oh yeah
you might be surprised that a goldfish
could be a level boss but you’ll be even
more surprised when you fight him all
you really have to do is knock Bob off
the table that he rests on leaving him
to flop around on the floor you won’t do
much to stop you from inside his bowl
and by much we mean anything he won’t do
anything groovy
number 3 Lord Dagon Elder Scrolls for
oblivion I do what I must do
I cannot stay to rebuild Tamriel that
task Falls to others this game is all
about making decisions and controlling
your fate but when it comes to fighting
the final boss everything’s out of your
hands Emperor Martin Septim sacrifices
himself to fight mehrunes dagon
and you essentially become an NPC in the
battle it’s fun to watch him turn into a
huge gold dragon and take on the forearm
giant but it would be a bit more fun if
you you know participated men Sean Bean
dies in everything number two Lucian
Fairfax fable – stop think about what
you’re doing I will put an end to chaos
after all of the Hobbs and bandits you
battle to reach the end of this game
you’d think that the battle with the man
who killed your sister would be pretty
epic instead all you have to do to
eliminate the antagonist is shoot him
once anywhere on his body while he’s
rambling on and even if you don’t kill
him your ally will so don’t lose any
sleep leading up to your showdown with
Lucian and now it is time for you to
leave the world is yours to enjoy but
the spire is mine before we get to our
number one let’s take a look at some
honorable mentions
number one the leader The Incredible
Hulk we’ve talked about some pretty lame
boss fights but this takes the cake when
the Hulk finally gets to his arch
nemesis the leader you’d expect the
ensuing battle to be intense or he could
just stand there doing nothing not
moving for some reason with such a big
braid he must have had a cunning plan to
survive a Hulk smash
or not and there is the lamest boss in
videogame history do you agree with our
list oh yeah which boss fight didn’t
satisfy you for more easy top 10s
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