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Top 10 Animated Movies That Should Be Taught in Film School

lights camera draw welcome to and today we’re counting

down our picks for the top 10 animated

films that should be taught in film

school if you like animated movies you

might also like the show Noah’s

impressions over at jr. mojo in the link

below noah impersonates different Pixar

characters check it out to see how many

Fernando gets right No let’s get back to

the list for this list we’re taking a

look at the most influential iconic and

important animated features that every

aspiring filmmaker should check out

however we’ve excluded short subjects

like the goddess of spring as

significant as they might be that’s a

list for another day number 10 ghost in

the shell’ I entered this body because I

was unable to overcome section 6 as

reactive barriers in the 90s anime

experienced a surge of popularity with

Western audiences ghost in the shell’ in

particular was a launching point for

many soon to be prouder Taku centered on

major Motoko Kusanagi a cyborg that

blurs the lines between a tie and

intelligence itself and her pursuit of

the mysterious puppet master the

stunning Japanese feature delivered rich

sci-fi with complex themes mind-blowing

visuals and a sophisticated tone

improving animation could be so much

more than quote-unquote kid stuff it’s

the only thing I could find on the black

market it’s not my taste to be honest

it’s a little young the movies ideas and

style not only inspired countless

animators but also had a huge impact on

various live-action pictures most

number nine a Scanner Darkly it may just

be my imagination starring Keanu Reeves

as a man torn between what’s real and

what’s an illusion this film’s trippy

premise is perfectly complemented by

it’s surreal animation stuff while A

Scanner Darkly was initially shot

digitally animators proceeded to trace

over the live-action footage in a

technique known as interpolated


this supplied the final product with a

dreamlike ambience reminiscent of a

living painting this is a world getting

progressively worse can we not agree on

that in addition to being visually

interesting the film is full of

fascinating themes that practically

invite analysis and much like a

Rorschach test there are so many ways to

interpret this picture because if the

scanner sees only talk by the way I do

and I’m cursed

and cursed again number eight inside out

I just saved our lives oh yeah you’re

welcome no matter how old you are inside

out encompasses a life lesson that can

speak to anyone as it explores the

importance of sadness the film shows us

the inner workings of an 11 year old

girl’s mind as she deals with the

inevitability of change in a way

live-action movie has yet to do although

joy strives to find the silver lining in

a difficult situation its sadness that

shows young Riley the light teaching

children and parents everywhere that

it’s alright to cry Corrine helps me

slow down and obsess over the weight of

life’s problems complete with ingenious

writing multi-layered characters and

unparalleled imagination

it’s an emotional coming-of-age journey

you’ll never forget

number seven my neighbor totoro hmm

ready Hayao Miyazaki is often described

as the eastern equivalent to Walt Disney


Totoro could be seen as Japan’s answer

to Mickey Mouse eventually becoming the

mascot for Studio Ghibli the iconic

character made his debut in the

phenomenon that is my neighbor totoro I

bet your name’s told you oh isn’t it the

film follows two young girls that

discover a roly poly spirit in the

forest as well as several other

delightful creatures rather than relying

heavily on the written word Miyazaki

allows the expressive artwork to tell an

immensely charming story while the plot

may be simple on the surface what lies

underneath is deep atmospheric and even

magical embodying the grandeur and

number six persepolis mind telling us

why you’re running sister because I’m

late I have class in five minutes

whether you’re aspiring to become an

animator or a comic book artist

Persepolis is a film that will connect

with anybody who loves to draw based on

her autobiographical novel

Marjon Sartre P adapted it to the big

screen in this full-length animated

feature set against a bleak backdrop the

movie stays true to the look and feel of

the source material chronicling an

Iranian girl’s voyage to womanhood it’s

all just a game a pointless you’re the

one who’s full of less than a game

it’s not pointless there are people

giving their lives for freedom okay

although it tackles challenging themes

regarding war and religion Persepolis

offers a surprising amount of heart and

humor it’s gloomy while being hopeful

and subtle while being lively showing it

that life isn’t as black and white as it

appears never forget who you are and

where you come from

number five waltz with bashir waltz with

bashir is one of the most unique

animated features you’ll ever see and

one of the most distinctive

documentaries the film’s director ari

folman served as a soldier in the

Lebanon War when he was a teen decades

later pullman met with several of his

fellow veterans to discuss their

experiences making this film proved

therapeutic for folman who had repressed

many of his own military memories these

war stories are brought back to life

through haunting animation mixing brutal

reality with an otherworldly sentiment

taking an original approach to the

documentary genre waltz with bashir

encourages artists to view the world

from another perspective and think

Fantasia joins animation and music

together in perfect harmony making for a

cinematic triumph unlike any other the

film is virtually devoid of dialogue

relying on the orchestra and

breathtaking imagery to convey every

emotion made up of a series of short

subjects some straightforward and others

far more abstract each segment

beautifully visualizes an immortal piece

of music

from the whimsical Sorcerer’s Apprentice

the jaw-dropping Rite of Spring to the

poetic Night on Bald Mountain Fantasia

is a feast for the eyes and ears while

not a success upon release today it can

number three Snow White and the Seven



it’s the first full-length animated

feature but aside from being a

filmmaking milestone does Snow White

truly stand the test of time against all

odds the film still miraculously holds

up not only for its unforgettable

characters and story but for it’s

remarkable craft as well in the 1930s

producing an animated feature was

considered the riskiest of Gamble’s with

that in mind Walt Disney and company

through everything they had into Snow

White delivering the most detailed and

passionate movie possible the result was

a thrilling humorous romantic tragic and

uplifting tour de force that would

forever change the way audiences viewed

animation number two Toy Story Toy Story

is another dicey endeavor that

ultimately broke new ground Pixar’s

debut feature film is still remembered

for its pioneering computer animation

earning director John Lasseter a special

achievement Academy Award

however the movie’s technical

achievements would have been easy to

overlook without a compelling narrative

didn’t mean to sorry howdy my name is

woody and this is Andy’s room the story

of Woody and Buzz went down as one for

the ages highlighted by its

well-developed characters clever

interplay and genuine heart putting just

as much emphasis on the writing as the

visuals Toy Story became the first

animated film to score a Best Original

Screenplay Oscar nomination further

solidifying its place in the history

this is a crime this is falling with

before we get to our topic here are a


Oh Gromit I don’t wanna be a giant

rabbit how do we get the mouse break the


we can’t it’s people poor thing is Peter

proof have you got your drumsticks with

you a drum Blake might shattered it no I

have a look in your pocket hey number

one spirited away if you want to eat me

eat this first widely seen as Hayao

Miyazaki’s best outing as well as the

first anime film to win an oscar

spirited away is simply a spectacle to

behold every character every environment

every set piece is a visual marvel

flooding the screen with a plethora of

creativity of course the film is much

more than I can D telling a meaningful

story about a young girl that must find

the courage within to rescue her parents


while the film has echoes of Alice in


The Wizard of Oz and other classics it

still stands out as a completely

original feat arguably the biggest film

in Japanese history spirited away will

be studied and enjoyed for generations

to come

I’ll be back soon geez hold on do you

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