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Top 10 Alternate Realities in Movies

what is reality is if we start talking
about it then we’re gonna be here all
day talking about it making diagrams
with straws we’ll leave that up to the
philosophers to debate the a P wants to
make the world a race of mulatos half
half horse welcome to and
today we’re counting down our picks for
the top 10 movies with alternate
realities a glimpse by definition is an
impermanent thing check for this list
we’re looking at films in which the
characters live in the same reality as
us but are thrown into an alternate
timeline altogether changing what is
considered real for the characters or
their world hurt myself it changes your
body this is what I do not change your
member confused yet we’re just getting
started and we’re excluding films which
present a fabricated history to the
viewer like Watchmen
as those timelines are considered normal
for that movie
number 10 alternate self the one Gabriel
you law the peoples of the most of us
have found you guilty have you ever
heard of the multiverse theory in this
gently plays Gabriel EULA an officer who
is supposed to police the act of
travelling within dimensions until he
decides he must eliminate all other
existing versions of himself to become
the one how could I murder myself 123
times what makes the movie particularly
fun is that we get to see Jet Li
portrayed two versions of the same
person and it raises questions about the
implications and possibilities of
alternate universes you believe this is
the only universe there’s not just one
universe there’s a multiverse with time
a massive star dies becomes a black hole
a new universe is created we have to
admit that just the concept of meeting
another version of yourself
is already intriguing albeit in
mind-blowing but what do you expect from
a sci-fi martial arts action flick you
only need to know me I will be the one
number nine to different paths sliding
Helen everyone wonders what would have
happened if they’d made the other
decision instead of the one they chose
and this movie shows both sides for the
main character Helen please huh so much
more I want to say I miss you you that
won’t see me depicting parallel
universes in which Helen either misses
or catches a train and the results of
that fateful action sliding doors brings
to life a concept that everyone wonders
about great cast performances make it
entertaining to watch how Helens
separate lives differ all while raising
philosophical questions about fate and
free will not bad for a rom-com all I
could think about was James I felt like
I was being unfaithful to James just by
being there number eight the thirty-year
talk frequency it’s like waking up from
a dream and you’re not sure what’s real
in this sci-fi thriller a father and son
talk through a radio almost three
decades after the father has died well
I’m dreaming here I talked them it was
real in the proper timeline John’s
father Frank has died in a fire but when
John is able to contact Frank a day
before his death he alters the timeline
and saves Frank’s life changed
everything Johnny yay it’s like we
cheated like that we can’t go back cuz
you didn’t die in that fire and no
matter what you do nothing is gonna
change it however this naturally leads
to a whole slew of other complications
and new timelines in which father and
son must try to prevent other murders
their deaths in other ways and more than
the die Solan
frequency was praised for its idea and
screenplay with many critics calling it
unpredictable the interactions between
Frank and John in the past and present
were particularly strong and effective
in bringing the film’s multiple
realities to life okay guys bedtime
looking good we’ll do it again tomorrow
team number seven looping looper so we
celebrate the year is 2074 and time
travel has been invented in this action
thriller it’s used by criminal
organizations to send targets back in
time to be killed by loopers main
character Joe faces a problem when his
older self is sent back to be killed
which means he has to hunt his future
self down looper is an innovative and
refreshing storyline for a movie
industry with increasingly less
originality and the twist at the end
alters the future of the story in an
unpredictable and surprising way now
you’re gonna tell me who you are and
what you’re doing on my farm it’s bound
to be a future science fiction classic
rainmaker number six see how the other
half lives the family man Frank why do I
feel the need to remind you that I’m
Jack Campbell president the company to
see how the other half lives it’s an old
saying and one this film explores in
depth I’m Jack Campbell Jack Campbell
when rich Wall Street exact Jack wakes
up in an alternate reality he realizes
that he’s living the life he could have
had had he made different decisions in
the past please just tell me what’s
happening to me in plain English without
the month-out jumbo featuring great
performances by Nicolas Cage and Tay
Leone this romantic comedy is funny and
heartfelt but it also has a great
message reminding us that there’s more
to life than a little money and luxury
I’m sure that right now there’s nowhere
else I’d rather be than here with you
number five reverse action Donnie Darko
they don’t know where it came from this
film may be confusing but it no doubt
leaves viewers feeling as if they’ve
seen something special why are you a
that stupid place
why are you wearing that stupid Manship
following titular teenager Donnie Darko
as he’s given a prophecy that the world
will end in 28 days this supernatural
Brahma reverses the entirety of the
story at its end voiding any form of
plot development or interactions the
characters had with each other or does
it what was his name
Donnie Donnie Darko while the alternate
timeline leaves you scratching your head
the film’s imagery music and powerful
performances make it memorable and
enticing nonetheless so in order to
travel back in time you have to have a
big spaceship or something that can
travel faster than speed of light number
4 the butterfly effect so Don Juan you
pass that on all your dates this
dramatic thriller stars an unusually
dramatic Ashton Kutcher as a man who can
travel back into his childhood mind
through his diary and alter events from
the past
of course things never go right and many
alternate realities are created due to
the changes he’s made by going back in
time while the science fantasy is bleak
filled with terrifying imagery and
depressing situations the concept of
changing events from your childhood is
titillating and certainly makes for one
captivating story
number three elder Spock Star Trek yo
Calvin now mr. cook while it’s
entertaining to watch Kirk and his team
stop zero a time-traveling Romulan from
destroying planets it’s the encounter
with Leonard Nimoy Spock Prime in this
Star Trek reboot which garnered much
attention uh look uh I I don’t know you
I am Spock bullshit turns out Spock came
from the future when a black hole was
blasted in the space-time continuum it
is remarkably pleasing to see you again
old friend when Nero who came with Spock
from the future
confronted Kirk’s father’s ship he
changed reality and created an alternate
timeline separate from the old Star Trek
universe if you were Spock you know
we’re not friends at all you hate me you
marooned me here for mutiny the sci-fi
action flick is a great nod to the
original series and this plot point an
ingenious way to incorporate the reboot
into the Star Trek canon that is where
I’m from Jim the future number 2
dystopia kill Valley Back to the Future
Part 2 time travel can be dangerous
business as Marty and his gang finds out
and this Back to the Future sequel when
Marty travels to 2015 future antagonist
Biff takes a sports Almanac back through
time to his 1955 self to make himself
rich by betting on sports and it works
he becomes very powerful of course we’ve
all heard the legend but who’s the
inside you will learn how Biff Tannen
became one of the richest and most
powerful men in America this results in
the 1985 timeline becoming a dystopia
filled with drive-by killings and a
vandalized city among other atrocities
the visuals are dark and the storyline
even darker part two maybe a more morbid
side for the franchise but it’s not an
unwelcome one no this can’t be happening
before we take a look at our top pick
here are some honorable mentions
quit messing around we’ve got to stop
that kiss I thought you was gonna let
her go I was but I can’t let them do
this to Fiona
there is another theory that two states
continue to exist separate and
decoherent from each other each creating
a new branch of reality based on the two
outcomes number one life without George
it’s a wonderful life how should I know
what do you think I am a dictionary
Tommy stop that stop this film is nearly
70 years old but it’s still played on TV
stations across the world every year
signifying its true classic status it’s
against the law to commit suicide around
here yeah that’s against the law where I
come from – where do you come from
heaven the fantasy comedy stars James
Stewart as George Bailey a frustrated
businessman who’s given the opportunity
to see what life would have been like
for others had he never existed
who are you I told you George I’m your
guardian angel yeah I know you told me
that it’s a great movie for the holidays
but it’s also a philosophical and
spiritual tale filled with some
delightful moments and a life-affirming
message how old are you anyway plans 293
uh next me you know what they say it’s
an oldie but a goodie do you agree with
our list I don’t want to talk about time
travel shit what’s your favorite movie
featuring an alternate reality there are
other things that need to be taken into
account here like the whole spectrum of
human emotion for more alternative top
10s published every day be sure to
subscribe to incredible
thanks go go get cleaned up and come
back to bed
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