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Top 10 Addictive Elements of MOBA Games

mobis right curious what all the fuss is
about allow us to try to break it down
welcome to and today in
conjunction with hi-rez studios we’ll be
counting down our picks for the top ten
addictive elements of MOBA gaming during
our visit to the smite North American
Championships in Atlanta
we asked players and staff members what
they found to be the most addictive
elements of MOBAs not just in smite but
in other MOBA games as well so the rise
of MOBAs has been phenomenal and I think
there’s a few things that make them
popular number 10 staying power I could
care less about your perfectly formed
backside and give it time love tired of
sequel itis MOBAs bucked the trend of
yearly releases currently plaguing
triple-a behemoths like Call of Duty and
Assassin’s Creed instead opting for a
series of long-term updates and skin
packs the result is that the games stay
relevant and competitive year after year
without alienating longtime fans the
communities just keep on growing making
for more epic battles hell the Warcraft
3 mod dota which started the trend is
still very much alive and well today
imagine your favorite game with five
years of post release updates
that’s a MOBA
number nine bite-sized MMO experiences
many players can’t commit to an MMO
building clans leveling up a character
and organizing raids can be a month-long
commitment MOBAs offer similar
experiences in small chunks of time
allowing for players to feel progression
teamwork and accomplishment in a much
shorter gameplay loop people love the
experience of an MMO but in 20 30 40
minute games by condensing the rewarding
gameplay of an MMO into bite-sized
matches along with other elements from
RPGs action games and real time
strategies there’s something for
everyone in the MOBA genre and the
payoff is instantaneous number 8 low
barrier of entry don’t ditch your old
computer just yet as with a
run-of-the-mill PC almost anyone can
jump into a MOBA and start making a name
for themselves the low-end system
requirements also means that players in
Southeast Asia where high-end computers
are a luxury can jump into the action
too that’s one of the reasons the jar
exploded so rapidly in those regions as
it eliminated a huge barrier for many
would-be PC gamers with some games even
playable in a browser it’s no wonder
that this genre is such a global
sensation number 7 spectators sport the
rise of YouTube’s let’s play channels
and Twitch’s live game streams has made
video games spectating mainstream but
MOBA enthusiasts were doing it long
before it was cool
matches are not only entertaining to
watch as players employ a myriad of
strategies but viewers even get to see
more information than the players
themselves much like a professional
sport there’s nothing like knowing that
a team is doomed even before they
realize it and the ensuing massacre is
always a sight to behold
and that means idiotic may die here as
well he takes a lot in hiding out behind
the gold fury Geoff handle with a knock
I’m gonna pull it it’s enough to get the
kills Baer who comes over the top number
six a Champions prize they will compete
against teams from around the world for
the one point four plus million dollar
prize pool do you dream of being the
best in the world from online
tournaments to stadium matches the
competitive MOBA scene is massive and
the prizes are even bigger few genres
can post the numbers that are offered
here and the experience of playing in
front of huge audiences is even more
impressive than it seems on screen but
winning the jackpot is the icing on the
cake with League of Legends selling out
the Staples Center and the dota 2
championships selling out in an hour
it’s only a matter of time before
competitive gaming gets to go primetime
and let’s not forget grand prizes for
many MOBA tournaments range in the
millions and climb up every year we
started off with $600,000 at the chip
for the prize pool and now we’re up to
1.4 million number 5 high replay value
with constant updates and a supportive
community Boba’s are blessed with new
content on a regular basis the results
are games that rarely get boring with so
much to learn do and discover new
characters arenas and game modes are
always on the offer and the developers
keep in touch with the community to make
sure that the best and most balanced
content gets to their players it’s just
really addicting to like lay a game and
outplay people get outplayed or I get
better those who get in early can see a
game evolved from its humble beginnings
into worldwide phenomenon and that’s
just epic
number four anyone can pick up and play
horse smite I actually had not played a
MOBA and might sort of introduced me to
the MOBA genre which we find that
happens for a lot of people they
actually call it the the gateway MOBA
yes even you can play a MOBA easy to get
in to MOBAs offer a great learning curve
as players learn new tricks and
strategies to thrash their enemies
while tournament level play certainly
represents the best of the best it’s not
out of the question for a new player to
practice and hope to one day compete
with the big boys
it’s a far cry from other genres where
expert level play can dominate and leave
little opportunity for new players to
practice months after launch the fact
that MOBAs go on for years and still
entice new players every day to take up
the reins is a sure sign of victory
number three free to play not pay to win
you might pay for cosmetic items that
give you more status or prestige but
they don’t really affect your
performance on the battlefield and
that’s just a better experience most
MOBAs offer a free to play structure but
unlike other free-to-play games that are
constantly trying to siphon money away
from you all of the essential tools are
not locked behind paywalls
usually one can pay to unlock new
content like new skins and voice packs
but it’s never anything necessary to win
as the games are often balanced enough
to ensure competitive play at any level
anything you can pay for is usually
cosmetic or optional meaning that those
with the biggest wallets aren’t
guaranteed the highest score some of the
most competitive players have never
spent so much as a dime number too high
skill ceiling part of the skill to
dominate in a MOBA is the development of
a rock-solid strategy with large arenas
complex economy management and hundreds
of characters it can be a lot to take in
at once
this means that the skill ceiling is
extremely high there’s almost no limit
to how good you can get the low instance
of random number generators and the
immense amount of variety has helped the
jar become a dominating force in eSports
just because there’s so much room for
highly-skilled play
no matter how good you get you can
always get better every second is a new
decision you have to make and that
impacts the game in like a multitude of
different ways number one team play so I
like the dependency that you have to
communicate you have to be part of this
team if you want to succeed no man is an
army and the same goes for champions and
gods every team needs to have five
functioning members doing their
individual role when they come together
it’s beautiful it’s like it’s like
Voltron man it doesn’t work without the
whole team ask as many people as you
want the answer that keeps coming back
again and again is that MOBAs are fun
because they are true team sports no
single player can carry an incompetent
team against competent opponents and no
weak link will be left unexploited by
skilled adversaries true team games
there’s no Jarrah that consistently
requires group cohesion in order to
achieve success making every hard-fought
victory feel like all the more of an
accomplishment do you agree with our
list what’s your favorite addictive
element of MOBA gaming for more
unstoppable top 10s published every day
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