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Things Only Marvel Fans Will Understand

this is fandom at its most passionate
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taking a look at problems situations and
feelings that every die-hard Marvel
Comics fan has experienced number 10
arguing over who is the mightiest hero
strongest avenger strongest avenger if
you make a list of the most powerful
comic-book characters not everyone is
going to agree with your ranking believe
us we know from experience the Marvel
Universe alone is overrun with mighty
heroes but who would come out on top in
a fight who’s stronger the thumb of the
mulk and show your work Oh ed rush
okay well the monk kicked a tidal wave
into the Sun whereas the thumb gave a
piggyback ride to the 1985 Chicago Bears
ooh boy that’s a tough one anyone who
says that the Incredible Hulk would win
based on brute strength alone is sure to
be met with some rebuttals from fans who
have put their money on Doctor Strange
Thor or one of the x-men most notably
Jean Grey as Phoenix the debate only
gets Messier if we’re including villains
like Thanos and apocalypse while fans
will probably never reach a unanimous
answer Stanley would have bet on
Galactus number nine pointing out movie
Marvel movies particularly the one set
in the MCU are littered with Easter eggs
that may elude mainstream viewers these
inside jokes will pop out at dedicated
comic readers though resulting in
laughter and applause the four nfinity
war even came out fans immediately
recognized the Infinity Gauntlet in the
original Thor they were also able to
deduce that the one in Odin’s trophy
room was likely Bank even if you don’t
catch every hit in detail during a first
viewing chances are you’ll watch a
Marvel movie multiple times in order to
spot references that may foreshadow
upcoming events speaking of which true
Marvel fans always stay through to the
end credits for more Easter eggs I think
I shall call him atom number eight being
bummed about cancellations there’s no
shortage of great Marvel stories out
there but not every series is going to
sell well which will inevitably result
in untimely cancellations in late 2017
it was confirmed that Ice Man Luke Cage
guardians of the galaxy and several
other ongoing Marvel titles were getting
the ax much to the disappointment of
their loyal readers such disappointment
extends to the medium of television as
well in 2018 Depp flicks announced the
cancellations of multiple Marvel shows
including the device of iron fist and
the highly rated Luke Cage and daredevil
to Nelson Murtagh and pay cage Murdock
and Mills this wasn’t the first time a
Marvel show was tragically cut short as
will likely never get a third season of
the spectacular spider-man don’t
be it on the printed page or TV Marvel
fans know the pain cancellations praying
number seven retcon rage retcons are
acceptable when they’re correcting the
mistakes of the past when mishandled
however retcons can change the readers
entire perception of a character for the
many fans felt Marvel had insulted their
integrity when it was revealed that
Captain America was a Hydra sleeper
agent and that Norman Osborn killed Gwen
Stacy over their secret love children
perhaps the most notorious retcon was
the one more day storyline which brought
aunt Mae back from the dead ended
peter’s marriage to Mary Jane and erased
the world’s memory of Peter ever being
spider-man as you can imagine taking a
sledgehammer to a story’s continuity is
usually a surefire way to piss Marvel
fans off number 6 dealing with people
who don’t like the MCU I want to have an
opinion about those boring at Marvel
movies when you’re a Marvel fan it’s
difficult to keep your emotions in check
when someone says that the MCU sucks
well most Marvel fans would admit that
not every single MCU movie is a
masterpiece it’s straight-up blasphemous
when a hater claims this cinematic
universe as overstate its welcome or
that every film is exactly the same or
that the tone is too light-hearted to be
taken seriously as successful and
acclaimed as the MCU is there’s always
going to be a curmudgeon who argues that
there are too many Marvel movies before
you Hulk out though remember to take a
deep breath and count backwards from 10
amazing number five the importance of a
Stan Lee cameo you know that mustache
man with glasses who pops up in almost
every Marvel movie well you can’t call
yourself a Marvel fan if you don’t know
his name the co-creator of spider-man
daredevil and numerous other costumed
heroes Stan Lee’s cameos are a Marvel
movie staple whether the cameo was
poignant or funny fans understood the
significance of these presents and
always looked forward to his arrival
with his passing in 2018 these cameos
sadly will no longer be a mainstay going
forward but we’ll always have these
marvelous scenes to revisit you know I
enough said
number four new number ones when you’re
an avid comic book collector you’ll want
to organize all of your issues in order
Marvel has made this somewhat
frustrating for fans however by
constantly relaunching comic book lines
and then plastering and number one on
the cover let’s say somebody is looking
for a copy of the amazing spider-man
number one that means they want the
original comic published in 1963 right
well not necessarily as they could be in
the market for the first issue of the
1999 relaunch the 2014 relaunch the 2015
relaunch or the 2018 relaunch collecting
aside it simply gets tiresome when
another new volume is announced every
few years as it comes off as a cash grab
number three
seeing your favorite heroes die you know
how soap opera characters never really
stay dead and buried the same rules
apply to comic books almost every major
Marvel character has seemingly died at
least once and consequently has also
been resurrected at this point it’s hard
fans to get that invested when a
character is killed as they’re obviously
going to be reborn via the reality gem
time travel or some other convoluted
method maybe they weren’t even dead in
the first place granted there are a
couple notable Marvel characters who’ve
technically remained dead such as Uncle
Ben there’s always a multiverse of
carbon copies ready to take anyone’s
place at a moment’s notice
number two Marvel vs. DC it’s entirely
possible to love both Marvel and DC
equally but a lot of people tend to have
a clear favorite comic book brand so
when a full-blooded Marvel fan
encounters someone who thinks DC is
pure you can expect to showdown of Civil
War proportions when it comes to the
comics there isn’t necessarily a right
or wrong answer as it largely depends on
personal preference Marvel fans relate
to the more grounded humanity of the
Avengers while DC fans are more
intrigued by the mystical god-like
stature of the Justice League if you
want to get a Marvel fans blood-boiling
however try telling them that the DC EU
is better than the MCU number one movies
versus source material Stryker funding
hey it’s me don’t scratch
clean it up the timelines as is the case
with any adaptation few changes have to
be made when a story is transferred from
one medium to another with this in mind
some fans are willing to accept certain
changes in marvel’s movies as long as
they maintain the spirit of the source
material or provide an interesting new
perspective it’s so hard for me to
believe that she’s someone’s am becoming
all shapes and sizes you know other fans
though are such purists that they’ll
nitpick anything that deviates from what
was already quote-unquote perfect of
course there have been quite a few
changes that not even the most forgiving
Marvel fans could support fans still
haven’t forgotten how Fox initially
botched Deadpool and the Dark Phoenix
saga and let’s not forget about the
Galactus cloud he’s here
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