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The Neighborhoods of San Francisco

each neighborhood in San Francisco has
its history personality and life of its
own hey welcome to today
we’ll be profiling some of our favorite
San Francisco areas the haight ashbury
is a district named after the
intersection of haight street and
ashbury street part trendy partner style
jig park funky the haight was the soul
of the psychedelic free-loving 1960s and
the center of the counterculture
movement the area still maintains a lot
of its bohemian ambiance Marina District
bordered to the north by marina
boulevard this affluent residential area
adjacent to the bayside marina most
remarkable views of the Golden Gate
fresh breezes and lovely homes marina
green the stretch of green grass running
along the edge of the bay is a favorite
place for jogging picnicking and kite
flying Nob Hill located atop one of San
Francisco’s highest hills Nob Hill is
home to numerous diverse communities it
is one of San Francisco’s signature
neighborhoods renowned for its City
landmark and the famous hotels that
border Huntington Park Chinatown san
Francisco’s Chinatown is one of north
america’s largest Chinatown’s it is also
the oldest Chinatown it remains a major
tourist attraction drawing more visitors
in the golden gate bridge and being one
of the largest and most prominent
centers of Chinese activity outside of
China a residential area that includes
authentic markets and fantastic
inexpensive restaurants south of market
south of the market was originally a
warehouse district with longer blocks in
any other part of the city today in
addition to warehouses there are many
great bars and nightclubs restaurants
and residential lofts in the area since
the 1950s ow thoth market was a center
for the leather subculture of the gay
community warehouses I used to house
discount clothing and other merchandise
are now being converted into office
spaces for the web related businesses
Mission District the Mission District
reflects its Latino heritage through a
large collection of coal for murals this
neighborhood South of Market Street has
one of the oldest buildings in the city
mission dolores dates back to 17
d 1 there are also plenty of great
Latino restaurants of every variety in
this area of San Francisco the mexican
and latin american population here with
their cuisine tradition and art make the
Mission District a vibrant area to visit
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